
If you remember taking class notes in longhand(速记), there’s a good chance you also remember more about a variety of topics than today’s students do. A study investigated whether taking notes by hand helps you learn better than taking notes on a laptop. It was no contest.

Study authors and psychologists Pam A. Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of the University of California– Los Angeles conducted three separate experiments involving a total of 327 students. All students got the same lectures, but some used laptops, and others took notes by hand.

When it came to learning the concepts, the handwriters won. When it came to retrieving facts, the groups were comparable, except when given time to go home and look at their notes, at which point the handwriters did better.

“Even when allowed to review notes after a week’s delay, participants who had taken notes with laptops performed worse on tests of both factual content and conceptual(概念的)understanding,” the study states.

Learning suffered not because of “multitasking” or the distraction available to students using Wi-Fi– enabled laptops. In the lab, scientists allowed no extraneous(不相干的)activity. Students who paid attention and took deep notes on their laptop still didn’t learn as well—in fact, the study suggests the thoroughness of their notes contributes to the problem.

Laptop users tend to record long, verbatim quotes, which they type mindlessly. Handwriters are more selective. They “wrote significantly fewer words than those who typed,” according to the study. By processing and selecting the more important information, they studied more efficiently, said researchers.

Here’s what’s a bit frightening: When the laptop students were instructed to cut down or eliminate the verbatim note taking, they couldn’t. The study adds to a ton of evidence that for learning, writing is better and that the hand has a “unique relationship with the brain when it comes to composing thoughts and ideas.”

Of course, the chance of persuading students to put away their laptops is probably zero. Many of them can’t write longhand, a forgotten subject in many American schools, itself a source of controversy.

So are we stuck with traditional classrooms and learning techniques if we want the brightest pupils? Perhaps not: Another possibility, some have suggested, is apps that permit handwriting on tablets, a compromise that students might accept.

1.The reason why taking notes by hand is considerably better than taking notes on a laptop may be that_______.

A. longhand note takers engage in more processing than laptop note takers

B. students using laptops paid attention and took deep notes

C. handwriters have a tendency to use long verbatim quotes

D. laptop users are more selective when taking notes

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “verbatim”?

A. 板书的 B. 冗长的

C. 完全照字面的 D. 重要的

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The experiments show that there are advantages of longhand over laptop note taking.

B. In many American schools, longhand has always been popular with the students.

C. When allowed to review notes after a week’s delay, participants who had taken notes with laptops performed equivalently to longhand note takers.

D. There is a good chance that many students will put away their laptops and take class notes in longhand.

4.The passage is most likely to be taken from _____.

A. National Geography B. The Economist

C. Psychological Science D. Wall Street Journal








1.By processing and selecting the more important information, they studied more efficiently”可知,用手写记笔记的学生比用笔记本记笔记的表现更好,是因为他们有选择性地记下他们认为重要的内容,他们在头脑中进行了更多的信息加工(process),故选A。

2.which they type mindlessly”可知,使用笔记本记笔记的学生,往往是心不在焉地记下那些冗长的、字面的内容,他们不会进行深层次的思考,这些学生使用笔记本long是“冗长的”意思,排除B,D项与语境不符,故选C。

3.Students who paid attention and took deep notes on their laptop still didn’t learn as well”和第七段“The study adds to a ton of evidence that for learning, writing is better”可知,研究表明,用手进行速记比使用笔记本做笔记更有优势,故选A。

4.A study investigated whether taking notes by hand helps you learn better than taking notes on a laptop.”和文章大意可知,文章猪样讲述的是一项研究,研究表明,用手速记包含了更多的脑加工,比用笔记本做笔记对学习更有帮助。由此可知,这是一篇研究速记的心理机制的文章,故选C。



Older people with hearing loss may suffer faster rates of mental decline. People who have hearing trouble suffered meaningful impairments in memory, attention and learning about three years earlier than people with normal hearing, a study published online January 21 in JAMA Internal Medicine reveals.

The finding supports the idea that hearing loss can have serious consequences for the brain,says Patricia Tun of Brandeis University in Waltham,Mass., who studies aging. “I'm hoping it will be a real wake-up call in terms of realizing the importance of hearing. ”

Compared with other senses, hearing is often overlooked, Tun says. “We are made to interact with language and to listen to each other, and it can have damaging effects if we don't.”

Frank Lin of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and colleagues tested the hearing of 1,984 older adults. Most of the participants, who averaged 77 years old, showed some hearing loss — 1,162 volunteers had trouble hearing noises of less than 25 decibels, comparable to a whisper or rustling leaves. The volunteers; deficits reflect the hearing loss in the general population: Over half of people older than 70 have trouble hearing.

Over the next six years, these participants underwent mental evaluations that measured factors such as short-term memory, attention and the ability to quickly match numbers to symbols. Everybody got worse at the tasks as time wore on, but people with hearing loss had an especially sharp decline, the team found. On average, a substantial drop in performance would come about three years earlier to people with hearing loss.

Lin cautions that the study has found an association between hearing loss and mental abilities; the researchers can't conclude that hearing loss directly causes the decline. Yet more and more studies are turning up ways that diminished hearing could damage the brain.

A person who can't hear well might avoid social situations, and isolation(孤立)is known to be bad for the brain. “You gradually become more socially withdrawn, ” Lin says. “Social isolation is a major, major factor for dementia(痴呆)and cognitive decline. ”

Other studies suggest that when people struggle to interpret and decode(译解)words, their brains divert energy away from other tasks, such as memory. Audiologist and psychologist Kathy Pichora — Fuller says that this brain drain happens to everyone, even people without hearing loss. Studies have shown that people are worse at remembering things when they're in a noisy room, for instance. People with hearing loss may be constantly diverting a large swath(—大片)of their brainpower,leaving less for other mental tasks, says Pichora— Fuller, of the University of Toronto Mississauga.

1. Mass does the research to _____ .

A. present the mental decline

B. attach importance to hearing

C. compare hearing with other senses

D. exaggerate the damaging effects

2.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The outcome of the test.

B. The design of the test

C. The participants of the test.

D. The purpose of the test.

3.Dementia and cognitive decline mainly result from ____ .

A. social isolation B. hearing loss

C. memory loss D. speech impairment

4.The underlined word “divert” probably means _____ .

A. block B. accumulate C. shift D. change


At the airport, I looked closely at the face of my son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France to a different life. It was a transitional(过渡期的)time in Daniel’s life. I wanted to leave him some words of . But nothing came from my and this was not the first time I had let such a moment .

When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. He looked at me -- as he did now. “What is it going to be like, Dad? Will I be okay?” And then he walked up the of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus . And I had said nothing.

A decade or so later, a similar played itself out. I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words me.

Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?

My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always never hearing him put his into words and never having the memory of that moment. Now, I could feel my palms(手掌) and my throat tighten. Why is it so to tell a son something from the heart?

My mouth turned dry, and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words . “Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you." That’s all I could say. I wasn’t sure he understood what I . Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people vanished(消失), and there was just Daniel and me. He was saying something, my eyes misted(视线模糊)over, and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. All I was of was the stubble(胡子茬)on his chin as his face pressed mine. And then, the moment ended. What I had said to Daniel was clumsy. It was nothing. And yet, it was .

1.A. experienceB. spendC. enjoyD. shape

2.A. consultationB. significanceC. necessityD. difference

3.A. headB. lipsC. thoughtsD. mind

4.A. flyB. remainC. passD. last

5.A. windowsB. chairsC. handlesD. steps

6.A. pulled upB. pulled downC. drove awayD. drove up

7.A. signB. sceneC. sceneryD. sight

8.A. interestB. opinionC. courageD. influence

9.A. failedB. discouragedC. struckD. troubled

10.A. valuableB. embarrassingC. obviousD. lost

11.A. wonderedB. regrettedC. triedD. minded

12.A. feelingsB. viewsC. actionsD. attitudes

13.A. freezeB. hurtC. sweatD. burn

14.A. importantB. essentialC. complexD. hard

15.A. approximatelyB. obviouslyC. clearlyD. carefully

16.A. countedB. meantC. valuedD. care

17.A. butB. andC. insteadD. so

18.A. sensitiveB. convincedC. awareD. tired

19.A. byB. againstC. onD. with

20.A. noneB. allC. anythingD. everything


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