
11.Christmas used to be a western festival,but now it _____ by people all around the world.(  )
A.is celebratingB.is to celebrate
C.is celebratedD.has been celebrated

分析 圣诞节过去是西方的节日,但是现在世界各地的人们都在庆祝.

解答 答案是C.本题考查被动语态.根据句意判断,it指的是Christmas,所以"it"和"celebrate(庆祝)"之间是被动关系,排除A和B;由句中now和常识判断,世界各地的人们庆祝圣诞节是现在的客观事实,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,故选C.

点评 本题考查被动语态,要分析主语和动词之间的关系,联系动词本身的特定用法;在掌握被动结构的基本形式"be/get+过去分词"的基础上理解不同时态的被动语态的结构,最后进行综合判断.

2.A pair of motorised shoes--the spnKiX that can propel the wearer at 10mph are expected to become a hit with comnluters,who travel a long distance to work every day,the Daily Mail reported.
The£415 battery powered creations are fastened to the owner's shoes and controlled via a wireless remote control.The spnKiX can travel between two and three miles per charge and steering is controlled by the wearer leaning into turns.Speed can be varied via the remote control and they come with removable training wheels to ease people into using them.
Designer Peter Treadway first came up with the idea five years ago after struggling to find a parking space.Since then he has created over30 models and is now set to release the shoes via his website in February.
Peter,from Los Angeles,California,said,"The idea just came to me one day when I was looking for a parking space in order to get some lunch.After driving around for half an hour I couldn't find one so had to drive back home instead.That got me thinking about a mode of transport that you could rise and then carry afterwards,thus spnKiX was born.
"We have had a lot of interest from commuters,who might only be travelling small distances and would like a cheap,environmental way of getting around.They are also getting a lot of attention from students.The shoes ale very easy to get used to-they almost feel like you are using a pair of roller skates.We have had some people concerned that they are just for lazy people,but actually there is quite a lot of exercise involved in turning corners and avoiding obstacles.They also mean people will be outdoors more often which can only be a good thing.Small rain or water pools on the street shouldn't be a problem but obviously they can't be drowned in water.They are easy to stop too,even if you are travelling downhill,they have a stoper like on roller skates."
The shoes are made from reinforced nylon and aluminium and can be fully charged in two to three hours.Peter added,"A lot of work has gone into creating them and we have spent a lot of time making them compact,easy to use and carry,and fun."
66.What's the best title of the text?A
A.The spnKiX is to be popular     B.How to use the spnKiX properly
C.The benefit of the spnKiX       D.The skills of making the spnKiX
67.Why did Peter create this kind of shoes?C
A.He was eager to get some lunch.    B.He often drove for a long time.
C.He couldn't find a parking place.    D.He liked to create something.
68.According to the text,the spnKiX of different typesD.
A.is designed for lazy people
B.can turn corners automatically
C.can't be used during rainy days
D.will be known on the Internet
69.It can be inferred from the text thatB.
A.more people will be outdoors
B.the spnKiX is environmentally-friendly
C.the spnKiX will be fully charged in two to three hours
D.the students like the spnKiX better than the commuters
70.Peter believes thatA.
A.the spnKiX is a smart creation to use
B.the spnKiX can also be made from soft materials
C.there's a lot of work to do to improve the spnKiX
D.the spnkix takes a lot of time to pack firmly together.
19.Many years ago I lived in a western country.My very first job was in the city and I was excited to go to work by public transport!I had never been employed before and my chances of travelling on a bus by myself had always been very slim.So,I was very happy with my new lifestyle!
I left home each morning in time to catch the 8.05bus from the main road.One autumn morning I could see the bus approaching.I could also see an elderly lady walking with a lovely dog beside her.There were some youngsters behind her.
The bus arrived and we got on.Only eight passengers were permitted to travel standing.I was inside the bus when the conductor called,"Only eight standing passengers!Could the last one to get on please get off?"I saw those youngsters inside,right in front of me,and it occurred that they had jumped the queue!
I turned and saw the elderly lady with her dog about to get off.I moved quickly to get in front of her.I encouraged her to stay,knowing very well I would be late that morning,but it didn't bother me.It was only as I moved past her to get off the bus that I realized--she was blind!Her dog was her guide dog!
Well,I eventually got to the office.After the day's work I went to the bus stand in front of my office to make the return journey.What a pleasant surprise!The lady and her dog were there!I was really pleased because I would get a better chance to speak with her.I started the conversation and she recognized my Asian accent!She asked if I was the same person who helped her that morning.Amazing!From there onwards it was one long happy conversation.
These beautiful memories are still fresh in my mind.By helping others,I feel content!

51.From the first passage,we can learn that the authorB.
A.often traveled by bus on her own         
B.enjoy going to work by public transport
C.found a better job now than before        
D.was born into a wealthy family
52.According to the passage,who ought to get off the bus?C
A.The old lady   
B.The dog    
C.One of those youngsters   
D.The author
53.The author offered to get off and persuaded the old lady to stay because sheC.
A.didn't like those youngsters     
B.didn't want to stand in the bus
C.wanted to help the elderly lady   
D.had much time to go to work
54.Which of the following statements best shows the theme of the passage?B
A.There is no place like home
B.There is kindness to be found everywhere
C.The early bird catches the worm  
D.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
1.One foolish question I can't stand is"How do you feel?".Usually the question is asked of a man on the go-a man hurriedly walking along the street,or busily working at his desk.So what do you expect him to say?He'll probably say,"Fine,I'm all right."but you have put a bug in his ear-maybe now he's not sure.If you are a good friend,you may have seen something in his face,or his walk,that he overlooked(忽略)that morning.It starts him worrying a little.The first thing you know,he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right,while you go merrily on your way asking someone else"How do you feel?"
Every question has its time and place.It's perfectly acceptable,for example,to ask"How do you feel?"if you're visiting a close friend in hospital.But if the fellow is walking on both legs,hurrying to take a train,or sitting at his desk working,it's no time to ask him that silly question.
When George Bernard Shaw,the famous writer of plays,was in his eighties,someone asked him,"How do you feel?""When you reach my age,"he said,"either you feel all right or you're dead."
26.According to the writer,greetings such as"How do you feel?"D.
A.show one's consideration to others
B.are a good way to make friends
C.are proper to ask a man in action
D.generally make one feel uneasy(不舒适)
27."You've put a bug in his ear"means that you'veD.
A.made him laugh
B.shown concern for him
C.made fun of him
D.given him some kind of warning
28.The question"How do you feel?"seems to be correct and suitable when asked ofD.
A.a man working at his desk
B.a person talking with a close friend
C.a stranger who looks puzzled
D.a friend who is ill
29.The writer seems to feel that a busy man shouldC.
A.be praised (表扬)for his efforts(努力)
B.never be asked any question
C.not be bothered(烦扰)
D.be discouraged from working so hard
30.George Bernard Shaw's reply in the passage shows hisB.

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