
16._________ made his parents worried.(  )
A.The boy's being addicted to smoking.
B.The boy was addicted to smoking.
C.The boy addicted to smoking.
D.The boy's being addicted to smoke.

分析 那个男孩沉迷于抽烟使他的父母很焦虑.

解答 答案:C 考查独立主格结构.首行,独立主格结构没有所有格形式,排除A、D项,两项中的boy后都用了所有格形式;其次,独立主格结构是短语,不是句子,排除B项,它是一个句子;只有C项正确.它是由"名词+过去分词"构成的独立主格结构.

点评 此类问题的解答,首先要弄清楚独立主格结构的构成,然后根据名词或代词与后面的形容词,副词,介词短语,分词,不定式等存在逻辑上的主谓关系选择正确答案.

7.While the history of technology can be traced along many lines,one of the most amazing development is that of photo technology,the technology of light.From the prehistoric invention of fire to laser beams (激光束) and fiber optics (光纤),light has"continually occupied the minds of inventors".Their inventions fall into two groups:the use of light to help us see better and more interestingly,the use of light for purposes of communication.
The use of light for communicating is one of the major directions that technology has taken ever since the middle of the nineteenth century.From still photography to motion pictures to television (with a development from black-and-white to color imagery in each),photo technology has had a great effect upon mass communication and mass education.Unlike the printed words,visual images have more impact because they are more immediate.They copy reality in a way that the printed words cannot.Unlike letter shapes,they are not abstract; unlike words,they require no symbolic interpretation by the mind.Combined with the widespread and uniform spreading of such images,photo technology affects the thinking of vast audiences and shapes their view of reality.
Millions of Americans are affected by the commercially-inspired electronic manipulation (操作) of artificial images.We call it"entertainment"and can't wait to get more.
As the number of commercially available television channels grows,the viewer's freedom of choice increases,but so does the burden of that choice.Increasingly he is faced with a sea of in formation and is asked to make quick choices.
More significantly,the ease and rapidity of mass communication has created a supply of information greater than it can readily be absorbed.Flooded in the sea of information,the individual struggles to swim through it.

67.Prom the first paragraph1we can learn about the Technology of light thatD.
A.its practical use is only to enable people to see welt arid clearly
B.it achieved an amazing development in the early nineteenth century
C.its development is related to the study of the history of technology
D.it has aroused the interest of inventors ever since ancient times
68.Why do visual images differ from the printed words?Because theyD.
A.have much deeper meanings
B.enable the viewer to use his imagination fully
C.fail to produce a beneficial effect upon youngsters
D.have a greater immediate influence upon the viewer
69.According to the passage we can know thatA with the development of photo technology.
A.more and more television channels are opened
B.it takes less time for a new idea to be absorbed
C.the number of film goers has become greater
D.fewer and fewer people seem to prefer TV programs
70.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.the history of technology
B.the speed of mass communication
C.the influence of light on communication
D.the great number of television channels.
1.Different explanations are offered for America's weight problem--a problem increasingly shared by other countries.Almost one-fifth of American children and teenagers are overweight.
Schools have been urged to increase physical education,an important tool for public health.And many have.Yet now comes a study showing an increase in the number of injuries in"physical"class.Injuries increased 150% between 1997 and 2007.The study involved injuries treated in hospital emergency departments.Only 2% were serious.
The researchers did not try to identify the causes of the increase,but they have some theories.Lara McKenzie from Ohio State University was the lead researcher.She says one possibility is a decrease in the number of school nurses during the period they studied.For example,a 2004 study showed that the number of school nurses nationally failed to meet federal guidelines.Schools without a nurse on duty may be more likely to send an injured child to a hospital.
Another possible reason for more injuries is a change in the traditional idea of physical education.This"New P.E."expands the kinds of sports that are taught.But activities that some schools offer now,like rock climbing walls and skateboarding,can also expand the risks,says Cheryl Richardson.She is with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education.Also,she says not all states require P.E.teachers to be specially trained.Untrained teachers could be less likely to recognize unsafe conditions.Cheryl Richardson also points to one of the study's findings--that injuries are often the result of contact with a person or a structure.This tells her that the teachers were not giving each student enough space to move around safely.
Six activities produced seventy percent of all injuries:running,basketball,football,volleyball,soccer and gymnastics.
The researchers say larger class sizes are another possible reason for the increase in injuries.Larger classes can mean less supervision.

57.The passage is mainly aboutB.
 A.different explanations for America's overweight
 B.the possibilities for the increasing number of injuries in P.E.classes
 C.The"New P.E."offered in American schools
 D.the decrease of the number of American school nurses
58.What Cheryl Richardson says implies she is in favor of the idea thatD.
 A.the school injuries are not common in America
 B.P.E.teachers should be responsible for the school injuries
 C.school nurses are in great need in America
 D.all P.E.teachers should be specially trained
59.The P.E.activities that cause most of the school injuries areB.
 A.rock climbing,running,basketball,football,volleyball and soccer
 B.running,basketball,football,volleyball,soccer and gymnastics
 C.skateboarding,running,basketball,football,soccer and gymnastics
 D.skateboarding,rock climbing,high jump,basketball,football and volleyball
60.P.E.activities for large class sizes are more likely to cause injuries because_A.
 A.P.E.teachers have more difficulty taking care of every student
 B.students are more free to move around on campus
 C.students don't have enough space to have P.E.activities
 D.students have more spare time to spend alone.
5.Maggiano is an award-winning teacher in the Social Studies Department at West Springfield High School in Virginia.He has taught in public and private schools for 25years.In a piece on his blog called"The Classroom Post,"he calls for more males to enter the profession(职业).
Men Teach,a non-profit organization that encourages men to enter teaching,reports that in 2008,18.8% of all elementary and middle school teachers were men.At the high school level during the same year,men comprised(构成) 44% of the work force.
Why are there so few men in teaching?Men Teach says low pay and lack of prestige(声望),as well as a perception in our culture that teaching is for women.As a result,there is no organized effort across the country to attract men into the teaching profession.
A study in 2008by the National Education Association showed that the number of male teachers hit a record 40-year low.Males comprised 24.5percent of public schoolteachers.States with high percentages:Kansas (33.6percent),Oregon (31.6percent),Alaska (30.9percent) and Indiana (30.5percent).States with the lowest percentage:Arkansas (16.2percent),Virginia (17.4percent),Mississippi (17.5percent),Louisiana (18percent),South Carolina (18.5percent) and Georgia (19.7percent).
There is no definitive(确定) research that male students--or female students,for that matter--learn better from a particular sex.
But as Maggiano put it,"Kids today,both boys and girls,must have the same opportunity to learn from outstanding,devoted men that I did.However,I have heard little discussion about this problem coming from our national leaders.

45.What worries Maggiano is thatC.
A.nobody will take his place when he retires
B.male teachers are not so excellent
C.men are not interested in teaching
D.there is not enough teachers in the schools
46.According to the text,we can infer thatB.
A.the number of male teachers hit a record 40-year low in 2008
B.it is not sure students will learn better from male teachers
C.male teachers get a higher pay
D.organized efforts have been made to call on men into the teaching profession
47.In which state are male teachers most badly needed?D
A.Alaska    B.Virginia    
C.Georgia   D.Arkansas
48.What does the last paragraph suggest?A
A.The government doesn't pay much attention to the shortage of male teachers in the school.
B.Students find it easy to learn from male teachers.
C.I'm glad to hear the discussion about the shortage of male teachers in the school.
D.The shortage of male teachers in the school has no effect on students.

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