
3.Here's how Brandon spends several hours each day:he walks up to strangers in New York City,asks for permission to take their pictures and then interviews them.
 With a combination of friendliness and good,but not excellent,photography skills,Stanton has achieved one of the most unlikely success stories in a city filled with them.The 29-year-old began posting photos and quotations on his Facebook page,Tumblr blog and personal website,humansofnewyork.com,three years ago,and has owned more than one million fans.
  Now,hundreds of those pictures and interviews have been collected into a book,Human of New York,which landed into No.1 spot on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction (精装非小说类)best-seller list after its first week on sale.
  Stanton,a hybrid(混合) of interviewer,photographer and eager chronicler(历史记录者),is a Georgia native with no training as a journalist.He has owned two cameras in his life and admits he has never learned the technically correct way to use them.When he started the project in 2010,he had just lost his job as a bond trader in Chicago and decided to shift to a completely new career.When he moved to New York,he was friendless and nearly broke.Much of his time was spent on ambitious project of photographing10,000 people and mapping their whereabouts as a sort of virtual map of New York.
Initially,people didn't pay any attention to him,which made him disappointed.But he went on and his project gradually attracted an audience,starting with mostly people in their 20s.He has transformed himself into a recognizable face with a high income.
 Yaniv Soha,Stanton's editor,said the young man has the rare gift of being able to connect with random people."It's about the stories as much as it is about the photos,"Soha said."It's really about his ability to relate to people and convey what makes them individual."
51.What does Brandon Standon spend hours doing every day?C
A.Dreaming about ambitious projects.
B.Trying to get more fans to visit his personal website.
C.Taking photos of strangers and interviewing them.
D.Getting strangers to share their secrets with him.
52.What makes strangers willing to talk to Standon?A
A.His friendliness
B.His high photography skill.
C.His handsome look
D.His best selling books.
53.When Stanton started his picture and interview project,A.
A.he barely had any money
B.he had just quit his old job and started a new one
C.he had made many good friends in New York
D.he had already been famous on the Internet
54.According to Santon's editor,what has made him successful?B
a.He is good at communicating.
b.He is skilled in photographing.
c.He knows how to chronicle important events.
d.He conveys what makes people individual.
A.a,b               B.a,d                 C.b,d                 D.b,c
55.What's the right order of the following events?C
a.Human of New York became a best-seller.
b.Standon lost his job as a bond trader in Chicago.
c.He started his project and few people paid attention.
d.Standon posted photos and quotations on his Facebook page.
A.b-a-c-d            B.a-c-b-d              C.b-c-d-a          D.b-d-a-c.

分析 本文主要讲述了布兰登在失去芝加哥的工作后去了纽约,每天要花几个小时给陌生人拍照并采访他们,这使他被人们熟知,获得成功.这篇文章告诉我们要发挥自己的才能,根据自己的能力选择合适的职业.

解答 51.C 细节理解题,由第一段he walks up to strangers in New York City,asks for permission to take their pictures and then interviews them.可知他每天用几小时给陌生人拍照并采访他们,故选C.
52.A  细节理解题,由第二段With a combination of friendliness and good,but not excellent,photography skills,Stanton has achieved one of the most unlikely success stories in a city filled with them.可知是因为他的友好因此陌生人愿意与他交谈,故选A.
53.A  细节理解题,由第三段When he started the project in 2010,he had just lost his job as a bond trader in Chicago and decided to shift to a completely new career.When he moved to New York,he was friendless and nearly broke.可知当他开始照相和采访项目的时候他几乎没有钱,故选A.
54.B  细节理解题,由最后一段"It's really about his ability to relate to people and convey what makes them individual."可知是他的与人相处的能力及传达什么使他们成为个人的能力使他获得成功,故选B.
55.C  理解推断题,根据文中内容When he started the project in 2010,he had just lost his job as a bond trader in Chicago;Initially,people didn't pay any attention to him;The 29-year-old began posting photos and quotations on his Facebook page;Human of New York,which landed into No.1 spot on the New York Times hardcover nonfiction (精装非小说类)best-seller list after its first week on sale.可知正确排列顺序,故选C.

点评 本文考察日常生活类阅读,要把握好人物的活动内容,时间和地点,根据题目中关键词寻找文中答案,查找文中细节后作出合理推断.

11.Like many men at some point,I dream about opening a bar.I plan to call it Work Out.It will cater to married women in need of a little fun.On Friday nights,they will be able to come here and enjoy themselves.
See,I have a gift for business.I am,as my wife Zsa Zsa likes to say,"A man with a million ideas,none of them very good."Speaking of Zsa Zsa,she is fed up with this plain little life I've made for us-too many kids,too many chores,mind-numbing(令人麻木的)  debt.The other day,she said she thought we needed a new family car."Sure.How about an 87 Lincoln?"I said,and saw my dear Zsa Zsa age about 20years,and become her mother right before my eyes.
Yes,money is our madness.Last year,we thought we had found a little cushion when I published a book about the life here in suburban America.It sold 12copies-six of them to my mother.Four other copies went to various aunts and uncles,who used them for martini coasters(杯垫),then sold them at yard sales.The two remaining copies went to perfect strangers.(I think I owe you dinner,whoever you are.Call me,OK?We'11arrange something.)
When the book didn't take off,I wrote a TV show.Then I penned a short novel based on the earlier TV idea that didn't sell.Currently,I am at work on a set of encyclopedias  (百科全书).In a month,I plan to sell them door to door.6almost every morning,hoping to tap out one idea-just one-that will take us up the hill,to the mountain,to the top.

36.According to the passage,the author is leading a/anC life.
A.enjoyable    B.wealthy        C.hard           D.comfortable
37.By saying"Sure.How about an 87Lincoln?",the authorA
A.was just joking                     B.was showing off their fortune
C,thought his wife would like it           D.promised it to his wife
38.What was the result of the book the author mentioned in the 3rd paragraph?C
A.He made a lot of money from it.
B.He sold it door to door.
C.It didn't sell well at all.
D.It was really a cushion for his family.
39.What does the underlined word"cushion"mean in Paragraph 3?B
A.Comfortable seat.
B.Financial help.
C.Unexpected success.
D.Best-selling book.
40.From the account above,which of the following statements is TRUE?D
A.He has a real gift for business.
B.He isn't serious enough about life.
C.His wife is satisfied with their plain life.
D.He is a hard-working writer.
18.Five years ago,David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day."I was a clothes addict."he jokes."I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled."Today David wears casual clothes-khaki pants and a sports shirt-to the office.He hardly ever wears a necktie."I am working harder than ever."David says,"and I need to feel comfortable."
    More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work.In the United States,the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual.In the early 1990s,many companies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday).This became known as"dress-down Friday"or"casual Friday"."What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing."said business consultant Maisly Jones.
    Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes?One reason is that it's easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code.""A lot of young people don't want to dress up for work,"says the owner of a software company,"so it's hard to hire people if you have a conservative(保守的)dress code."Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes.In a study conducted by Levi Strauss and Company,85 percent of employers said that they believe that casual dress improves employee morale(心境,士气).Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a negative influence on productivity.Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps them save money."Suits are expensive,if you have to wear one every day,"one person said."For the same amount of money,you can buy a lot more casual clothes."

29.David Smith refers to himself as having been"a clothes addict,"becauseC.
A.he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt
B.he couldn't stand a clean appearance
C.he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time
D.he didn't want to spend much money on clothes
30.David Smith wears casual clothes now,becauseA.
A.they make him feel at ease when working
B.he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes
C.he looks handsome in casual clothes
D.he no longer works for any company
31.In this passage,the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPTB.
A.saving employees'money
B.making employees more attractive
C.improving employees'motivation
D.making employees happier.
8.Today,children start to use computers,smart phones and tablets from a very young age. Many parents and child experts believe that this is very wrong. They claim that early exposure to technology can make individuals lazy and distracted. That may be true,but there it is practically impossible to change the world we live in now. What we can do is embrace smart mobile technologies the best way we can. That is Microsoft's Windows 8 App Store. One of its applications is entirely educational,Windows 8. There,students of all ages can find apps that can greatly help them in their studies. We have prepared the 4 best of them.
Wikipedia-Wikipedia is the first place where students search for information. The articles on the popular website are updated regularly and they include many details,figures and resources. With this app,you can access Wikipedia faster than ever.
SAS Flash Cards-One of the most effective ways to learn your school or university material is by using the so-called"flash cards". This app,however,allows users to create an entire set of cards in a matter of minutes. Also,the cards can be divided into different subject categories,which makes studying easier and more fun than ever before.
Kindle Reader-If you don't have a Kindle e-Book reader,you can use your Windows 8 device. Just install this app and the Kindle word will land in your smart phone,tablet or laptop. With the Kin-die Reader W8 app,you can also organize and store all of your favorite books.
My Study Life-This application is the mobile version of the website My Study Life. The app can be very useful for students in terms of school and university organization. There you can store all the information you want like homework,assignments and papers. In addition,you can create your own school calendar that will remind you of your upcoming exams,for instance.
There is one main reason why these Windows 8 apps are appropriate for students. Apart from useful,they are completely free!All you need to do is go to Microsoft's Windows 8 App Store,download the applications you want and install them onto your device.
61. The underlined part means we shouldB.
   A. update the technologies as often as we can     
   B. accept the smart mobile applications willingly
   C. purchase a smart mobile with much money    
   D. develop some new smart mobile functions
62. If you want to know of Rafael Nadal you can useA.
   A. Wikipedia       B. SAS Flash Cards          
   C. Kindle Reader               D. My Study Life
63. The function of"flash cards"isD.
   A. to make your smart phone closely attached  
   B. to update your information every day
   C. to help you get your favorite reading materials
   D. to help students learn their subjects easily
64. We can learn from the passage thatB
   A. students can buy the apps at a certain discount
   B. the applications above are all for nothing
   C. you should pay much to download the apps
   D. It's easy for parents to keep a watch on their children
65. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
   A. Top Windows 8 Apps for Students B. Windows 8 to Be Updated for Students
   C. Games Apps in Windows 8 Store   D. Microsoft Company and Its Apps.
15.To some,it's a dream job---eating delicious meals for free and then writing about them.But for some food critics,their eyes aren't the only thing that gets wide with yet another feast.
 Karen Fernau,a food writer for The Arisona Republic,said when she first started her job-she began to gain weight."I always looked forward to lunch before this job,then all of a sudden lunch was all day every day."she says.Nine years later,keeping her weight steady and her health intact (完好无损的)is a daily battle.If she knows she will be going to a tasting at a bakery or eating a four-course meal,she usually eats fruits or salads throughout the day.Now she is always keeping track of what's in the food she eats and she says most people don't even look at or consider it.At one tasting task alone,she says,upward of l,000 calories is often added to her day.That's about half of the recommended total  calories  per day for the average adult.
But even though she's thought of a special eating method,Fernau says sticking to it is a daily battle.And food editors,writers and critics across the country couldn't agree more."When I'm at home or not eating for work,it's healthy food to the extreme,"says Phil Vettel,who's been a restaurant critic for the Chicago Tribune for 19 years.
Vettle,who eats dinner at four restaurants each week,says unlike most professions,he has no ight to choose."If I'm going out to eat,I can't choose the healthiest thing on the menu,I have to eat when they're bringing me."While Vettel exercises when he can,Joe Yonan,a food editor at The Washington Post,has strengthened his exercise habits since he started the job two years ago.Yonan says he realized early on that he was gaining weight and immediately hired a personal trainer to meet with three times a week,on top of his body training three to five times a week.
Still,it's a struggle that many Americans might envy.After all,it's one thing to get your calories from lobster(龙虾) tails or a delicate(精致的) chocolate cookie and quite another to get them from sodas and fast-food burgers.
50.What does the underlined sentence mean in Para l?D
A.The food critics are always impressed by the delicious food in the restaurant.
B.The food critics are shocked to learn they have to have one more feast.
C.There is a wide variety of choices for the food critics to choose from.                          
D.The food critics eat delicious food,which also tends to result in gaining weight.
51.What can we learn about the job of being a food critic?A
A.They enjoy free and delicious dishes and make comments on them.
B.They only work for local magazines and newspapers.
C.Once they become food critics,they tend to stay in the job.
D.Their excellent sense of taste makes them qualified for the job.
52.What is mentioned to be a method that food writers use to keep fit?C
A.Not eating anything except for the free meals.
B.Writing down everything they put into their mouth.
C.Hiring a personal trainer for special exercise instructions.
D.Choosing only the healthy food on  the menu.
53.What can we infer from the last paragraph?C
A.No matter whether the food is expensive or not,the gaining of calories  is the same.
B.The calories that lobster tails and chocolate cookies contain are less harmful.  
C.Americans envy those food critics since they enjoy delicate and tasty food.
D.Everybody should take the calories in their food carefully.
54.What's the main idea of the passage?D
A.A job offering free meals may not be as desirable as it sounds to be.
B.Dishes in the restaurant usually contain too many calories.
C.Eating fruits and vegetables every day is the best way to lose weight.
D.Food writers work hard to maintain their health and weight.

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