
【题目】 the terrorist attack that happened in Kunming on March 1, the spokesman said that all suspects responsible for it would be severely punished.

A.In harmony with B.In connection with

C.In addition to D.In regard to



试题分析:D;考查介词短语辨析。A.In harmony with 和谐相处B.In connection with联系 C.In addition 此外D.In regard to关于 句意:关于三月一号发生的恐怖袭击,新闻播报员报道所有的疑犯都将受到严肃处罚。根据句意,选D。


【题目】 Happy birthday

The China National Opera (CNO) will give a concert to celebrate its 50th birthday.

Different generations of CNO vocalists, like Li Guangxi , Yao Hong and Ma Mei, will present the concert which will feature both songs from famous Chinese operas like The White-haired Girl and The Hundredth Bride, as well as, arias (咏叹调) of such Western opera classics as Madame Butterfly, La Traviata and Rigoletto.

Time/ date : 7:30 pm , September 7, 8

Location : Tianqiao Theatre

Tel : 6551-4787, 8315-6170

Tickets : 60—500 yuan (US $7.2— 60.2)

Folk music

A concert will be held to feature some recently composed traditional Chinese music works.

The concert, given by the Folk Orchestra of the China Opera and Ballet Theatre, will include such pieces as Memory of Childhood , Memorial Ceremony for God and Wine Song.

Time/date: 7:30pm, September 13

Location: Concert hall at the National Library of China

Tel: 6848 –5462, 6841-9220

Tickets: 30-200 yuan (US$3.6-24.1)

Moon music

A concert of traditional Chinese music will be given on the eve of the Moon Festival which falls on September 21st this year.

The concert will feature a number of famous pieces centered on the theme of the moon, such as Moonlight, Spring night on a Moonlit River and Lofty Mountain and Flowing River.

A number of established traditional Chinese music performers like Zhou Yaokun and Fan Weiqing, will play solos as well as collaborate (合作) with the folk music orchestra.

Time / date: 7:30 pm, September 21st

Location: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities

Tel: 6606—8888, 6606—9999

If interested, please book the tickets as soon as possible.

1 If you want to buy tickets for listening to the music Memory of Childhood,

you will dial ______.

A6551—4787 B6848—5462

C8315—6170 D6606—9999

2From this passage, we can learn the purpose of the writer is ______.

A. to praise the musicians

B. to celebrate its 50th birthday

C. to advertise for the three concerts

D. to express his interests

3In which column of a newspaper can we find this article?

AEntertainment. BPeople.

CCulture. DSports.

【题目】下面文章中有5处 (第15) 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题, 并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Do voluntary work

B. List your positives

C. Create a job search plan

D. Keep a regular daily routine

E. Break big goals into small ones

F. Concentrate on the things you can control

Keeping Positive During a Long Job Search

A long job search can affect your attitude, especially if you're out of a job. If it's taking you longer than expected to find a job, the following tips can help you concentrate and stay positive, as well as reducing your depression.

_________ 1

When you no longer have a job to report for every day, you can easily lose motivation. Treat your job search like a regular job, with a daily "start" and "end" time. Following a set schedule will help you be more efficient and productive while you're out of a job.

__________ 2

Avoid getting overwhelmed by breaking big goals into small manageable steps. Instead of trying to do everything at once, first put something ahead. If you're out of luck in your job search, take some time to rethink your goals and work out another job search plan.

___________ 3

Make a list of all the things you're you like about yourself, including skills, characters, achievements and successes. Write down projects that proud of, situations where you excel and things you're good at. Review this list often to remind yourself of your strengths.

___________ 4

Being out of a job can decrease your self-esteem and make you feel useless. However, volunteering can help you maintain a sense of value and purpose. Helping others can put you in a good mood. Volunteering can also provide career experience, social support and networking opportunities.

__________ 5

You can't control how quickly a possible boss calls you back or whether or not he decides to hire you. Rather than wasting your energy and time on things that are out of your hands, turn your attention to things you can control during the time when you are out of a job, such as writing a great cover letter and resume to the company you want to work for, setting up meetings with your networking contacts and so on.

【题目】If you come across the news of the death of Mr. Bean (actor Rowan Atkinson) on your Facebook account and you are curious to know more by opening a link, then think twice. Because the news is fake, a message about his suicide.

The fake news created tense moments for the fans of Atkinson who were curious to know why the actor took the step. Apparently, rumours said that the 58-year-old actor took his life after a producer dropped him from Johnny English 3. Later, it was found that both the news were fake. Such rumours have their origins in social platforms, where it is not easy to track who made them.

Trishneet Arora, ethical hacker from the city, said: "Culprits are aware that Facebook does not store data on its servers, so the chances of getting tracked are less with such platforms. Many rumours have been spread using such platforms. Since one cannot stop the culprits, users should always cross-check the news with news websites, and only then believe these. On platforms like Facebook, one should resist clicking on any links, because it can pass on your login and password details to the hackers. Besides, one should forward news links only after checking out from reputed news websites."

So, if you click on his so-called "suicide video", you could unwittingly install malware(恶意软件)in your system through which the hacker can access your personal details like logins and passwords.

Ankit Aggarwal, a resident of Tagore Nagar, said: "I have also been a great fan of actor Rowan Atkinson, so the news of his death was quite shocking for me. The moment I read it, I shared the same on my wall. Later, through a friend, who had done her research well on the news, I got to know the news was false. So, I immediately removed the post from my wall and also asked my friends on Facebook not to forward the same news."

Many stars in the past, including Jackie Chan, Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, and Miley Cyrus, have become victims to such death hoaxes(恶作剧). No police official was available for any comment.

1The news that Mr. Bean committed suicide .

A.was to play a joke on Rowan Atkinson

B.disclosed the dark side of movies

C.made the fans of Atkinson worried

D.intended to destroy computer system

2According to the rumours we can know .

A.Mr. Bean wasn’t satisfied with Johnny English 3

B.the producer decided not to use Mr. Bean in a film

C.Mr. Bean failed to act well on the social platforms

D.the audiences liked making fun of the famous comedian

3When you open a link of fake news .

A.you will feel disappointed at the news

B.you will be deeply hurt by the hackers

C.your computer system will be changed in no time

D.your personal information will be given away

4Ankit Aggarwal immediately removed the post .

A.because he thought the news aimed to trick readers

B.as soon as he read the news on his Facebook account

C.after he had done a lot of research about the news

D.when he was told/span> that the news was false

【题目】 1 From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal. Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.

Different cultures emphasize the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in "small talk", usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job.In many European countries — like the UK or France —【2

Talks and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand.I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; 【3 The people present just stared at me and smiled.After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.

Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values; 4 We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.

People from different parts of the world have different values, 5 However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

A. and sometimes these values are quite against each other.

B. people from both nations keep the rule that work comes first.

C. Meeting people from another culture can be difficult.

D. however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly.

E. instead there was an uncomfortable silence.

F. It is quite a common case to meet people from different cultures.

G. people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafes rather than at the office.

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