
Forget about the “post-1995 generation”. Young people born in 1995 or later have another name in English—Generation Z.

Now entering adulthood and soon to join the workforce, Generation Z grew up in a special period of time—a time in which technology developed fast, social changes happened every day, the internet became universal and, sadly, so did global terrorism.

It is believed that Generation Z is the generation that is going to shape our future, which is why policy makers, sociologists and company leaders are trying their best to understand these young people.

So, what are Gen Z-ers really like?

Most people agree that the single biggest difference between Gen Z and other generations is how connected they are. This is a group of people who have been familiar with social media as soon as they were born. Social media has changed the way Gen Z-ers communicate with each other and how they get and understand information.

“We are the first true digital natives. I can almost create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone, all at the same time,” said Hannah Payne, an 18-year-old student at UCLA, according to The New York Times. “Generation Z takes in information very fast and loses interest just as fast.”

It may be true that Generation Z-ers have a shorter attention span (注意力持续时间) than a goldfish, but since they grew up among social changes, they are more active in politics. According to the British Election Study, 58 percent of 18-to-24-year-old voted in the 2015 general election in the UK, a big jump from 38 percent in 2005.

Generation Z-ers are also culture creators. “Growing up with the internet has freed this generation from traditional cultural expression.” Wrote Grace Masback, a Huffington Post blogger and a Gen Z-er herself. According to Masback, these young people are no longer willing to let their creativity be limited by their parents of traditional rules. They watch videos and read news online instead of on TV, and they share their experiences on social media.

“We decide what kind of content we want to experience and choose how we experience it,” wrote Masback.

1.Which is TRUE about Gen Z-ers, according to the article?

A. Face-to-face communication is challenging for them.

B. Often doing many things at the same time affects their efficiency.

C. They don’t bother to think about the information they take in carefully.

D. They show more interest in politics than in other fields.

2.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. Gen Z-ers enjoy great freedom to express themselves.

B. Gen Z-ers enjoy teaching their parents about new cultural trends.

C. Gen Z-ers are against traditional culture.

D. Gen Z-ers are unwilling to obey their parents.

3.Which word can best describe the author’s attitude towards Generation Z?

A. Worried B. Critical C. Appreciative D. Neutral(中立的)


Crossing your legs is an extremely common habit; most people don't even notice that they're doing it when they sit down. While you may find it comfortable to sit with one knee crossed over the other, it might be causing health problems that you are not aware of.

A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure. The reason for this is that the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart and that crossing one leg over the other increases resistance, making it even harder for the blood to circulate. This causes your body to increase your blood pressure to push the blood back to the heart. You won't feel any immediate effects, but repeated, drawn-out increases in blood pressure can cause long-term health issues. So, planning to sit for a long period of time? Don't keep your legs crossed.

Crossing your legs at the knee can also cause pressure on the major nerve in your leg that passes just below your knee and along the outside of your leg, explains Richard Graves, a medical expert. This pressure can cause numbness and temporary paralysis (麻痹) of some of the muscles in your foot and leg, preventing you from being able to raise your ankle—what we know as that “pins and needles” sensation. While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage.

So next time you sit down, try to get yourself in the habit of sitting with both of your feet on the floor. Not only will it help your posture and stability, but it will also save your health in the long run.

1.What can we learn about crossing one's legs?

A. It is a very bad social habit.

B. It is usually practiced deliberately.

C. It can do harm to people's health.

D. It can make others feel uncomfortable.

2.According to the study, sitting with your legs crossed can______.

A. affect your blood pressure

B. resist gravity effectively

C. lead to heart attacks easily

D. improve the function of legs

3.In the third paragraph "pins and needles" probably means______.

A. slight sharp pains

B. being a little nervous

C. serious muscle injuries

D. being highly flexible

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To compare common habits.

B. To give readers some advice.

C. To evaluate effects of an experiment.

D. To introduce research methods.

A few years ago, an elderly woman entered my video store, along with her daughter. The_______was displaying a serious case of impatience, _______her watch every few seconds. If she had possessed a leash(绳子), her mother would have been_______to it as a means of pulling her along to_______the rush of other shoppers.

I walked over and asked_______I could help her find something. The woman smiled up at me and showed me a_______on a piece of paper._______rushing off to find the DVD for the woman, I asked her to_______with me so I could show her where she could find it and I wanted to enjoy her_______for a moment. As we walked along the back of the store, I________its floor plan: old television shows, action movies, cartoons, science fiction. The woman seemed glad of the unrushed “trip” and________conversation.

I said to her daughter, “________some advice?” “Of course not,” said the daughter. “Cherish(珍爱)________,” I said. “When she’s gone, it’s the little________that come back to you. Times like this. I know.” It was________.I still missed my mom and remembered the times when I'd used my impatience to make her________.

Together they made their way toward the store's resting area. They sat there for a moment, side by side, ________the holiday crowds. Then the daughter glanced over and immediately________her mother lovingly. And slowly she placed her arm with________unaccustomed affection around her mother's shoulders and________guided her back into the crowd.

1.A. mother B. daughter C. merchant D. waitress

2.A. checking B. fixing C. adjusting D. removing

3.A. accustomed B. fastened C. applied D. devoted

4.A. get along with B. break away from C. keep pace with D. make way for

5.A. why B. when C. how D. if

6.A. receipt B. ticket C. title D. tip

7.A. Rather than B. Regardless of C. Apart from D. As to

8.A. jog B. trade C. walk D. communicate

9.A. company B. time C. stay D. holiday

10.A. corrected B. described C. appreciated D. blamed

11.A. attractive B. convincing C. serious D. casual

12.A. Offer B. Lack C. Mind D. Prepare

13.A. me B. her C. yourself D. it

14.A. chances B. feelings C. moments D. presents

15.A. true B. appropriate C. reasonable D. possible

16.A. puzzled B. astonished C. desperate D. upset

17.A. observing B. expecting C. approaching D. evaluating

18.A. watched B. recognized C. attended to D. brought back

19.A. basically B. apparently C. gradually D. suddenly

20.A. smoothly B. accidentally C. randomly D. gently

After a long winter,spring is the ideal time for sightseeing and exploring London’s green spaces.

Explore London’s parks and gardens

Springtime is one of the perfect times of year to explore London’s parks and gardens,when the city’s Royal Parks will be blooming with flowers.Go and admire the rainbow of azaleas(杜鹃花) at Richmond Park or hire a deckchair in St James’s Park with a view of Buckingham Palace.

Enjoy the entertainment at a Spring Festival

There are a good many festivals and events held in London throughout spring.Make the most of the cultural exhibitions at the British Library Spring Festival, the Sundance Film Festival or the London Literature Festival;head to Shakespeare’s Globe,which hosts open-air Shakespeare performances from late April until early October.

Get active

Warmer weather means there’s no excuse for staying indoors,so go for a walking or cycling tour of London.Alternatively,walk the Thames Walkway,which follows the river all the way from central London into the countryside;make the most of London’s “Boris Bikes”,which are available for hire all around the city and are free of charge for the first half hour.If you’re really looking for a challenge,sign up for the famous London Marathon,held annually in April.

Take to the waters

Whether cruising(航行) along the Thames River,hiring a rowing boat in Hyde Park or riding a canal boat around Little Venice,there are lots of fun ways to get on the water in London.Held every year since 1829,the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race allows teams from England’s most famous universities to compete against each other,and draws huge crowds of watching people.

1.If you are interested in British culture,you are advised to ________.

A. visit Richmond Park B. row a boat in Hyde Park

C. attend the London Festivals D. walk the Thames Walkway

2.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. You can see Buckingham Palace from St James’s Park.

B. London’s Boris Bikes are free to use for a whole day.

C. Outdoor Shakespeare performances are held only in spring.

D. The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race has a history of over 200 years.

3.According to the writer,which of the following activities challenges you most?

A. Watching Boat Race. B. Joining in London Marathon.

C. Cruising along the Thames River. D. Cycling around London.

4.The writer wrote the text in order to ________.

A. introduce tourist attractions in London

B. stress the importance of exploring London

C. suggest ways to enjoy spring in London

D. show the beauty of spring in London

Two years ago,Dimas Aliprandi and Elton Plaster didn’t know of each other’s existence.Then they learned they had been switched at birth by mistake more than 20 years ago.The discovery didn’t bring bitterness.Rather,it led to the creation of a bigger family.

The chain of events started with Dimas,who was always wondering why he did not look like the four sisters he grew up with.He was 14 when his doubts grew after watching a TV news report on babies getting switched at birth because of mistakes at hospitals.He wanted to do a DNA test,but it was too expensive for the family.

A decade later,Dimas did it on his own.The DNA test showed that he was not the birth son of the man and woman who had raised him.The news was a shock for his parents.They at first refused to believe the results,but eventually decided to help him look for his biological parents.

The search began at the Madre Regina Protmann Hospital where records were checked.The hospital searched its records and found Elton Plaster was born there on the same day.

The records led Dimas to the 35-acre farm where Piaster lived,with his parents,Nilza and Adelson,in the town of Santa Maria de Jetiba,about 30 miles from the Aliprandi home in Joao Neiva.After tests,the Plasters discovered that Elton was the biological son of the man and woman that Dimas had been calling Mom and Dad for 24 years.Meanwhile,the couple Elton,had always regarded as his biological parents were Dimas’ parents.

About a year ago,Aliprandi and the parents who raised him accepted an offer from the Plasters to move to their farm,where they built a home.“This is the way it should be,”Adelson Plaster recently told Globo TV.“We are all together and I now have two sons living and working here.”

1.Who was the first to discover the baby switch?

A. Elton Plaster. B. Dimas Aliprandi. C. Globo TV. D. The hospital.

2.Where do the Aliprandis now live?

A. In Sao Pauo. B. In Joao Neiva.

C. In Madre Regina Protmann. D. In Santa Maria de Jetiba.

3.What did the Aliprandis do when they knew about the baby switch?

A. They took another DNA test.

B. They switched the hospital’s records.

C. They helped Dimas find his birth parents.

D. They went to Globo TV for more information.

4.Who are Elton Plaster’s biological parents?

A. The Aliprandis. B. The Plasters.

C. Dimas and Elton. D. Nilza and Adelson.

Common-sense Safety Tips for Travelling Abroad

When a holiday is just around the corner, you may be planning a trip abroad. But to enjoy a worry-free adventure abroad, you also should pay attention to the following common-sense safety tips for travelling abroad.


Another reason to take only carry-on carriage—besides avoiding baggage fees—is that the less you have to carry around, the more quickly you can move, if necessary. You should always have a free hand. Besides, you won’t be exhausted from dragging all those bags around. 2.

Lock it up.

Leave your hotel with only what you need and lock up the rest. Take a lock for your luggage just in case your hotel doesn’t offer a safe. 3. If you don’t need all your cash and cards, don’t take them all with you when you go out for a day of sightseeing or shopping. Also, leave your passport in the hotel. Make photocopies of all your important documents and leave the hotel with a copy of your passport plus a one photo I.D. Why? 4. If all of your identification is in it, imagine the trouble you have to go through to replace it all.

Think and Plan.

Always keep in mind that, when you travel abroad, you are in a place you don’t know well and you can always be a target. Trust your senses. 5.After your arrival, ask the hotel staff and locals about the areas you are thinking of visiting, especially at night. And you should walk in well-lit areas at night and know how to contact the local police with your cell phone or a payphone in a foreign country, if necessary.

A. Travel light.

B. Pay by credit card.

C. Imagine having your bag stolen off a restaurant table.

D. You should also make it a habit to take your watch with you.

E. Plus, dragging lots of luggage is a dead giveaway that you aren’t a local resident.

F. You should call ahead to be sure, especially if your luggage is made of cloth material.

G. You are smart and mature, so if something or some situation doesn’t feel safe, it probably isn’t.

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