


内容包括: 1.垃圾增多,很多还有用的东西被当成垃圾扔掉;



注意: 1.词数100左右;



Nowadays, when something wears out, people are likely to throw it away that is otherwise of great use, which leads to growing mountains of rubbish.

How did we become a throwaway society? First of all, it is easier to replace an object than to spend time and money repairing it. Thanks to modern manufacturing and technology, companies are able to produce items quickly and inexpensively. Another cause is our fancy for disposable products. As busy people, we are always looking for ways to save time and make our lives easier. Our appetite for new products also contributes to the problem. Advertisements persuade us that newer is better and that we will be also contributes to the problem. Advertisements persuade us that newer is better and that will be happier with the latest editions. As a consequence, we throw away useful possessions to make room for new ones.

Improper throwing is a great threat to our limited resources. We should adopt a “reduce, reuse and recycle” approach to solve the problem and take good care of our environment.


试题分析:学校对于人们扔垃圾的行为进行了一次社会调查,结果发现人们扔掉了很多只是陈旧却还有利用价值的东西,这造成了资源的极大浪费。假设你是调查小组组长,请你写一篇英文短文告知同学们此事。内容包括: 1.垃圾增多,很多还有用的东西被当成垃圾扔掉; 2.说明2-3点人们会这样做的原因;3.说明其危害性并提醒同学们尽量避免为之。写作时不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯同时要把所提示的点写全,语句通顺,同时要注意准确运用时态、语态、上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。根据句意适当使用并列连词,同时也要合理运用高级词汇和高级句子为文章增色添彩。注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

【亮点说明】Nowadays, when something wears out, people are likely to throw it away that is otherwise of great use, which leads to growing mountains of rubbish.时间状语从句和非限制性定语从句完美结合;First of all, it is easier to replace an object than to spend time and money repairing it.句中体现了比较级;Advertisements persuade us that newer is better and that we will be also contributes to the problem.句中运用宾语从句;As a consequence, we throw away useful possessions to make room for new ones.替代在句中使用;Improper throwing is a great threat to our limited resources.句中使用了抽象名词的具体化。


【题目】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。People around the world used their computers to buy goodscommunicate with otherslisten to musicsee pictures and learn about different places and ideasIn 2006more people around the world used new ways to communicate and connect with each other through the Internet1Blog is a short way of saying Web logThrough these personal websitespeople can share their experiencesideas and opinions with anyone on the InternetPeople of all ages have their own blogsFor young peoplethey are a way to show their writings and other forms of self-expression2These sites include “MySpace”used mainly by teenagers and young adultsMySpace is an online community that lets people share messages and pictures with an increasing number of friends3YouTube is another Internet site that became more popular this yearThis website lets anyone createshare and watch short videosPeople can watch almost anything on YouTubenewssports and entertainment events4These include videos of people singing or dancingor animals doing funny thingsThree young men created YouTube almost two years ago as a personal video sharing serviceThey recently sold it to Google for more than one half billon dollarsGames and entertainment also became a larger part of the Internet this yearOne Internet social site is called Second Life5They get marriedbuild homesoperate businessesbuy and sell goodsworkplay and attend school

A. The blog is one form of communication that enjoys growing popularity

B. People of all ages use computers to express themselves

C. It is an online world in which computer users create a new self and live a different life

D. Many Websites offer free services to create personal Web pages and fill them with writing site on the web.

E. There are music videosand videos made by people in their own homes

F. More and more people are buying computers because of the lower price

G. It is the most popular social networking site on the web


A. Be totally engaged.

B. Structure your free time.

C. Learn to enjoy your work.

D. Concentrate on one activity.

E. Avoid working with unhappy colleagues.

F. Look for a job where you have some control.

Five Simplification Steps to Experiencing Happiness

Happiness is never a permanent condition; it is made up of individual conditions that give rise to happiness. The Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls this condition “flow”: becoming so absorbed in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. You cannot manufacture happiness but you can prepare the soil for happiness to grow. Researchers have found the following five qualifications in their studies of happy people.

【1】______ Your working environment has a major influence on your experience of happiness. If you are surrounded by staff who grumble and have a negative attitude, it will be much more difficult for you to experience flow than it would be on a harmonious team. Identify clearly which people in your working environment suffer from chronic unhappiness and might infect you with it on an unconscious level. Keep a greater distance from those people or ask for a transfer.

2____ People who have to devote their attention to several activities at once are unable to get into the flow. You will be able to experience those moments of happiness only when you engage in an activity with your whole being.

3_____ People who experience flow have managed to turn the restrictions of their working environment into opporunities. They see themselves as the criterion (标准) for their quality. Recognition from others or money they earn recede into the background. Among the people who Csikszentmihalyi discovered to be experiencing the greatest degree of happiness, there was a very simple worker in a steel mill who was popular with everyone on account of his specialized knowledge and willingness to help.

4______ People who feel like victims and don’t live but “are lived” lose their ability to enjoy themselves even if their work is exemplary. So change your job, even if the new one doesn’t pay as well or is less prestigious (有声望的) . People who find happiness in their work will work so well that sooner or later they will profit, even on the level of money and prestige.

5______ Astonishingly, work is easier to enjoy than free time. Working life includes goals, rules, and challenges. On the other hand, free time is unstructured and it takes effort to organize it in such a way as to make it enjoyable. So don’t be reluctant to plan your free time and structure it deliberately. People who don’t waste their free time have a more positive awareness of life; they live longer and they are less often sick. However, people who spend their time at work looking forward eagerly to going home and to the weekend seldom experience flow. Only 18% of all those questioned by Csikszentmihalyi experienced flow in the context of free time, and in almost all cases where they did, it was in the context of an organized hobby.

【题目】Experiments aboard the spaceship Columbia have disproved a theory on the human nervous system which won an Austrian professor a Nobel prize 79 years ago.

West German astronaut Ulf Merbold disproved the theory during tests aboard the spaceship yesterday. His discovery is connected with the workings of the inner ear, the body’s balance mechanism(机制).

In l914 Professor Robert Barany won the Nobel prize for Physiology(生理学) and Medicine when he announced that temperature differences affected the inner ear and caused the eyes to blink(眨眼). His theory was accepted by scientists.

But Merbold carried out tests to find if the theory was correct and shocked himself and space officials when he proved it wrong.

According to Barany’s theory the eyes would blink when cold air was blown into one ear and hot air blown into the other.

But if this theory was correct such a movement would be impossible in zero gravity(重力).

Both Merbold’s eyes continually blinked when the test was carried out.

【1】Tests were carried out in outer space in order to _______.

A. find what causes the eyes to blink

B. shock the world

C. win the prize

D. prove the theory

【2】Barany’s theory declared to prove _______.

A. how our hearing mechanism works

B. why we constantly move our eyes

C. that eye movement is affected by temperature

D. how hearing reacts(反应)

【3】Barany’s theory was proved incorrect in space by the effects of _______.

A. having no weight B. having no air

C. the pull of gravity D. hot and cold air streams

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