
Teachers selected from each district school for the Teacher of the Year competition were recognized.The competition's winner will be____in the spring.All those model teachers got me to think about some of my teachers through the years,and how they____me.

My college adviser,J.C.Casey,had a big____on my life.She was a teacher and friend.She____me to consider journalism as a career.My high school math teacher,Kathy Cloud,took the time to____math to me in a way I could ____understand.I'd struggled with math until I got in Cloud's classes.She gave me the____to realize I could do it.

My first-grade teacher,Darlene Dryden,held me back.Now,most people wouldn't____the teacher that kept them back a grade fondly,but Dryden has always been my____teacher.I was the youngest person in my class and very shy. She thought I____another year to mature before moving on to second____.She didn't make me feel____for having to repeat the grade.Instead,he made me feel____.I think I was her favorite,too.

My senior year of high school,right before____,I wrote Dryden a note letting her.know that I'd become a good student and was going to____and that she'd had a____in that.

The Norman teachers____Wednesday are just a few of the many who are in the classrooms every day making ____in their students' lives.They may not even know the____impact(影响)they're having.I know it's not an____job, but teachers,just remember that you're a Mrs.Dryden to somebody.

1.A. impressed B. emphasised C. announced D. understood

2.A. blamed B. influenced C. considered D. awarded

3.A. education B. lecture C. force D. effect

4.A. encouraged B. warned C. forced D. begged

5.A. pass B. explain C. request D. invite

6.A. usually B. suddenly C. actually D. hardly

7.A. chance B. confidence C. courage D. importance

8.A. doubt B. respect C. miss D. remember

9.A. favorite B. terrible C. serious D. curious

10.A. wasted B. delayed C. needed D. planned

11.A. class B. family C. group D. grade

12.A. stupid B. comfortable C. pleasant D. troublesome

13.A. common B. special C. proud D. sad

14.A. graduation B. work C. youth D. sleep

15.A. nursery B. college C. school D. factory

16.A. point B. balance C. sense D. part

17.A. accepted B. employed C. honored D. punished

18.A. differences B. preparations C. charges D. decisions

19.A. passive B. small C. painful D. positive

20.A. interesting B. elegant C. easy D. important


England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles across. But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate(多样性的气候). People who have never visited England or who have visited only one part of it often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet country. Except for the summer months of June to September, this is probably true of the north of England and the Midlands. In the south, however, the climate is much more pleasant. One result is that when people retire(退休)from the job in the north, they often prefer to move down to the south.

Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the southwest, which consists of (is made up of)the counties(郡)of Devon and Cornwall, where palm trees, bamboo and many semitropical(亚热带)plants grow well. Flowers and vegetables ripen(成熟)as much as a month earlier than those elsewhere. Farmers in the areas gain a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they are ready earlier. In winter there may be several feet of snow in other parts of England but there will probably be no snow at all in the southwest. This may be one of the reasons why the southwest is one of England’s most popular holiday areas.

1.England is a country ________.

A. with a cold and wet climate

B. with a pleasant climate

C. with a surprising climate

D. with climates of various kinds

2.According to the passage, ________.

A. flowers and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month earlier

B. farmers in the southwest grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhere

C. people in the southwest have to pay a higher price for vegetables and flowers

D. vegetables in Cornwall ripen as much as a month earlier than flowers

3.In the north of England and the Midlands, ________.

A. it is cold and wet all the year round

B. the climate is pleasant as a whole

C. it is warm most of the time in a year

D. only the summer is not cold or wet

A walk in one of the regional parks and forests is a great way to explore the diverse landscape of greater Wellington.

From coastal sands to historic paths,farmland to green native forest,the parks and forests offer a variety of countryside and scenery to suit all ages and levels of fitness.

Most of the walks offer the chance to take a break and enjoy picnicking or swimming.

What to take

Many of the walks go through areas exposed to winds and changeable weather.Please take with you some water and sun hat especially on walks marked with hiking symbol.Always take some warm clothing and a rain jacket.

All times stated are estimates for the return trip.

Where indicated,mountain bikes and horses riders may use tracks.

Opening hours

The parks and forests are open daily from 8 am till dusk.Parks or walks marked with a farm animal symbol may be closed for lambing Aug—Nov.Please check with the ranger or on our website www.gw.govt.nz.

Caring for your pack

●Pack in and pack out.Take your rubbish home and recycle it when possible.

●Keep dogs under control and remove droppings.

●Do not remove,disturb or damage native plants or animals.

●Light no fires.

●Poison may be laid in the parks and forests to control the field mouse.Do not remove notice or disturb baits, lures,trapping lines or the mousetraps.

1.What can we know about the walk?

A. Visitors can dive when they rest.

B. People under 18 are not permitted to take part in it.

C. People can sightsee the seashore and farmland.

D. People can visit some famous people during the walk.

2.It can be known from the passage that .

A. sun hat and warming clothing should be taken in case of the changeable weather

B. you can see far animals at any time

C. visitors have no access to riding horses

D. pets can walk as they wish

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Rubbish should be thrown into the rubbish can in the parks.

B. Fires are not permitted in the parks.

C. There are lots of poisonous plants.

D. Field mice are the animals that most visitors want to see.

4.The passage is most likely found in .

A. a government notice B. a newspaper advertisement

C. a TV health program D. a travel guidebook

Tom was a clever boy,but his parents were poor,so he had to work in his spare time and during his holidays to pay for his education.In spite of this,he managed to get to the university,but it was so expensive to study there that during the holiday he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time so as to make enough money to pay for his studies.

One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher's shop(肉店)during the day-time,and another in a hospital at night.In the shop,he learned to cut meat quite nicely,so the butcher often left him to do all the serving while he went to the back room to do the accounts.In the hospital,on the other hand,he was,of course,allowed to do the simplest jobs,like helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another.Both at the butcher's shop and at the hospital,Tom had to wear white clothes.

One evening at the hospital,Tom had to carry a woman from her bed to the place where she was to have an operation.The woman was already feeling frightened at the thought of the operation before he came to get her,but when she saw Tom,that finished her.

"No!No!"she cried."Not my butcher!I won't be operated on by my butcher!"and fainted away(昏厥).

1.Tom tried to earn enough money by .

A. cutting meat quickly B. doing two part-time jobs

C. studying in the university D. cooking in a butcher's shop

2.Tom was a student,but at the same time he was .

A. a butcher and a doctor B. a manager and a doctor

C. an assistant D. an accountant

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. The woman patient recognized Tom.

B. Tom always got high grades in his study.

C. Tom's parents never gave him money to study.

D. The doctors in the hospital felt unsatisfied with Tom.

It's a Saturday morning,and I am eager to fly away.My husband and I will meet up with our son on the other side of the country to learn and explore together.Sitting now at the airport gate,my husband wanders away to stretch his legs.Moments later,he returns and whispers in my ear.I rise and follow him around the comer toward a large window facing the landing area.

On the road,Marines stand straight and the plane door is open.A white hearse(灵车)is parked nearby.A man and a soldier stand on either side of a woman,supporting her and waiting for what is to come.Airport personnel stand in reverent stillness.A few people place their hands over their hearts,as I have done.We're joined in witness,sending respect to an honorable soldier whose name we'll never know.

The woman looks heartbroken.She cries,knowing she will never hear "Mom”from her son. She'll never feel his tender embrace or enjoy his sweet peck on her cheeks.Another man's face is twisted because of the grief.His son,the tiny boy he no doubt wrestled playfully,the teen he probably taught to drive,and the son he stood so proudly by,now lives only in his memory.

Those behind the glass stay silent,reflecting on this loss,as the family and soldiers leave.Some of us women, with sorrowful expressions,move slowly away,sharing a mother's profound grief Soon,each of us will fly off in planes and return to an ordinary life made extraordinary by this soldier's courage.by this family's sacrifice and by this love shared by all that look out of the window

1.Why dd the author's husband leave when she was siting at the gate?

A. Because he wanted to meet his son.

B. Because he wanted to feel more comfortable by walking around.

C. Because there was something unusual happening.

D. Because he wanted to enjoy beautiful scenery.

2.How did the author feel about the scene of the landing area?

A. Sorrowful and respectful. B. Surprised and interested

C. Curious and thrilled. D. Frightened and worried.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The author came to the airport in order to attend the ceremony.

B. The honorable soldier liked wrestling as a boy.

C. The author thought highly of the soldier and his family

D. The people at the airport all in deep sorrow due to the incident.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. I saw heartbroken parents at the airport.

B. Soldier's courage moved us at the airport

C. Showing respect to an honorable soldier.

D. A fallen soldier reunited with his family.

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