
【题目】 Leadership is the ability to encourage yourself and others to achieve a specific aim. Mastering leadership skills can help people get more satisfying results, build more confidence and so on. Here are some ways to improve one’s leadership at work.

Learn from leaders that you admire. You can get encouragement from any leader who has left a great impression on you with their leadership. 1 Choose the good qualities that you want to study, such as keeping their word, trusting others, courage and determination.

2 As a leader, it is important to teach others what you know to help them grow in their jobs. If you spend time teaching others, you can enable them to have valuable skills and knowledge.

Build good teams. Many people want to work in or be part of a successful team. 3 When you build it, you have to know the advantages and disadvantages of members, get team members to know each other, build trust and so on.

Be a good listener. Good 1istening skills are important to a leader. With so much information distracting our attention today, it is easy to ignore listening skills. 4 Listening carefully can help people feel understood, appreciated and respected.

Praise others truly. It will let people down if they put a lot of efforts into a task that benefits the company but don’t receive even a simple “thank you”. Sometimes leaders forget the power and importance of praising team members, yet this simple behavior is encouraging. 5

A.Build your self-confidence.

B.Share your knowledge with others.

C.Try to get better and better at what you do.

D.Therefore, make it a habit to appreciate your members.

E.However, building a strong and well-performing team is hard.

F.It could be your father, brother, friend, teacher, or a famous person.

G.This will lead to poor communication and make others understand things wrongly.










根据前句“You can get encouragement from any leader who has left a great impression on you with their leadership.(你可以从任何一个给你留下深刻印象的领导者那里得到鼓励)”中的关键词“any leader”可知,任何领导者可能是你的父亲,兄弟,朋友,老师,或者一位名人。故选F


根据后文“it is important to teach others what you know to help them grow in their jobs.(把你所知道的教给别人以帮助他们在工作中成长是很重要的)”和“If you spend time teaching others, you can enable them to have valuable skills and knowledge.(如果你花时间教别人,你可以使他们获得宝贵的技能和知识)”可知,本段主要讲述“与他人分享你的知识。”故选B


根据后句“When you build it, you have to know the advantages and disadvantages of members, get team members to know each other, build trust and so on.(当你建立团队时,你必须知道成员的优点和缺点,让团队成员相互了解,建立信任等等)”可知,建立一个强大的、表现良好的团队是困难的。故选E


根据前句“With so much information distracting our attention today, it is easy to ignore listening skills.(今天有太多的信息分散我们的注意力,很容易忽视倾听技巧)”和后句“Listening carefully can help people feel understood, appreciated and respected.(认真倾听能让人感到被理解、欣赏和尊重)”可知,太多的信息会导致沟通不畅,让别人误解。故选G


根据本段中心句“Praise others truly.(真诚地赞美他人)”和前句“Sometimes leaders forget the power and importance of praising team members, yet this simple behavior is encouraging.(有时领导者会忘记表扬团队成员的力量和重要性,但这种简单的行为却能起到鼓励作用)”可知,因此,要养成欣赏成员的习惯。故选D


【题目】 Meals on Wheels delivery service is for those facing life-threatening illnesses like Borden did back in 2012. She had just finished a Master's program in _______ when she was diagnosed (诊断)with cancer called Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Soon, her mother was diagnosed with cancer. Borden moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan to take care of herself while _______ her mother.

'It's a _______ time in your life when you have great need for nutrition but you can’t provide healthy _______ for yourself, ' Borden said. 'Having a Master's in Nutrition, I knew how _______ nourishment was during my cancer treatment and recovery. '

She started Revive and Thrive while going through treatment, _______ out to local hospitals and kitchens to get the organization off the ground. Soon she was _______ meals for patients referred to her by social workers, nurses and doctors in the area.

She _______ each patient to get a sense of what their nutrition needs are and how long they'll need help. Then, she gets to _______ .

'Serving meals to patients is equally important as teaching them to cook healthy foods, to ________ job skills, life skills and the joy of being able to ________ others in their community, 'Borden says.

She works with a head chef who ________ the nutrient-rich meals and makes sure each meal contains the essential vitamins and proteins that a person fighting a life-threatening illness ________ .

'When you're ________ and dealing with cancer by yourself, it can cause you more depression. Knowing somebody cares about what you eat is ________ , ' she said.
















【题目】 “Frozen 2” , a sequel (续集) to the 2013 Disney animated blockbuster “Frozen”, took in 700 million yuan totally, according to the China Movie Data Information Network.

“Frozen 2” has cast a spell on product categories like toys, clothes and makeup items due to demand for movie merchandise products from young Chinese consumers, Friday’s China Daily reported.

“Frozen 2” merchandise was extremely popular at the Disney Store China in November, 2019, the newspaper cited sources from Disney China as saying.

The dress worn by the movies leading role Elsa was already among the top five selling items on the store weeks ahead of the movie's opening on Nov. 22 in China.

Fashion accessories (配饰) such as the “Frozen 2” brooch and the woolen scarf created by the China team were well received by young adult female consumers.

During Chinas Singles Day shopping spree on No.11, every second 59 Disney products were sold online including Disney’s self-owned retailing platforms or franchised products (特许经营产品), many of which were Frozen- themed products, figures from the newspaper show.

McDonald’s China has joined hands with Disney to launch themed Happy Meals based on Disney movies, with the first free toys featuring “Frozen 2”.

1What can we learn from the passage?

A.“Frozen 2” is profitably achieved.B.“Frozen 2” is initially made in2013.

C.“Frozen 2” is directed by Elsa.D.“Frozen2” is welcomed by all Chinese.

2Which ranked the best sellers before the movies opening in China?

A.Elsa’s brooch and scarf.B.Elsa’s makeup items.

C.Elsa’s dress.D.Elsa's toys.

3“Frozen 2” belongs to a________________.



【题目】International Students House

International Students House ISH, a unique club and accommodation center founded in 1965, offers a range of services to aid students while they are studying in London. It is located in the heart of London's West End and is close to all public transport facilities.


Comfortable accommodation for up to 450 people in single, twin, 3/4 bedded and multi-bedded rooms

44 self-contained flats for married students and families

Long and short stays welcomed


Club membership is open to all full-time students. Membership costs are kept to an absolute minimum to enable the widest possible access. You can join for as short as one month and for up to one year at a time. Membership entitles you to use the various facilities of the House. It has:


Clubs and societies

Study rooms

Dance, music and films

Fitness training

Student bars and coffee shops

Travel and much more!

The best way to check out all we have on offer is to drop in any Tuesday evening between 7.15 pm and 8:30 pm for Open House in the Club Room. This is an opportunity for you to meet the staff and other club members, enjoy a free cup of coffee and find out all about what's going on. You can take advantage of special membership offers. (Useful tip: Bring along 3 passport-size photographs if you wish to take out membership.)

The Students Adviser

Thanks to the support of STA Travel and in association with the London Conference on Overseas Students (LCOS), ISH now provides the service of the Students Adviser. This new welfare service is open to all students at London's academic institutions. It aims to provide welfare support to help students overcome any personal or practical difficulties they may be experiencing while studying in Britain. One of the key features of the service is that the Students Adviser can be seen during the evenings until about 8:00 pm, Monday to Thursday.

1What can be learned about ISH?

A.It has a history of almost 50 years.B.It is designed for married students.

C.It offers flexible accommodation options.D.It is far away from public transport facilities.

2What are you expected to do to be a member?

A.Make acquaintance with the staffB.Obtain special membership offers.

C.Study or work in London.D.Come with the required photos.

3What do we know about the Students Adviser?

A.Its service is free for students in Britain.B.It is accessible on weekdays.

C.Its purpose is to raise academic standards.D.It gets aid from STA Travel.

【题目】 A few weeks ago, I picked up my 14-year-old daughter and her friend from dance class. The two girls chatted happily until I reached her friend’s house. And then 1 began the drive home and my daughter, who had been talking nonstop a minute before, went completely silent. I assumed she was lost in thought.

When I came to a stoplight, I looked in the mirror. My daughter wasn’t looking out of the window or staring into space - she was on her phone. I felt my anger rise.

“Get off your phone. That is rude. You make me feel like an Uber driver.” I shouted.

“But I’m texting friends about biology homework!’’ she said.

“That can wait.” I was mad and she was angry.

Back home, she disappeared into her room, and I thought about how I was still trying to take control of my daughter’s growing independence, which was fruitless.

The next day I was thinking about my outburst when a parenting program on TV caught my eye, in which the hosts interviewed Dr. Ken Ginsburg, the author of a famous parenting book. It completely changed my attitude.

Ginsburg said. “Why are our teens pushing us away? It’s not because they hate us - it’s because they love us so much and yet they know they have to become independent. So this is a process of figuring out how to push away the things they love the most. It is crazy to fly from a comfortable nest, so teens get ready for it by temporarily pushing their parents away.”

I need to honor her independence and create space for both of us to face this monumental developmental challenge as teammates, not adversaries((对手).

1What made the writer mad?

A.She served as an Uber driver.

B.The two girls were chatting happily.

C.Her daughter was playing with the phone.

D.Her daughter forgot her biology homework.

2What do we know about the daughter?

A.She is being under her mother’s control.

B.She is on the way to being independent.

C.She enjoys making friends using social media.

D.She hates making conversation with her mom.

3Which of the following best describes the mother?



4What is the passage mainly about?

A.I was pushed away by my teenaged daughter.

B.Life of a teenager is moving at its own slow pace.

C.Parents completely rely on parenting experts to educate children.

D.My relationship with my daughter was improved by a suggestion.

【题目】 The low percentage of women in science technologyengineeringand mathematics(STEM) careers is often attributed (归因于) to men being believed to be better at the sort of thinking those fields require. Though studies have debunked the view,they have largely been based on results acquired from various several standardized tests. Now, researchers from Pennsylvania' S Carnegie Mellon University have found evidence that is hard to overlook; MRI (磁共振成像) proves that young girls and boys use the same mechanisms and networks in the brain to solve math problems.

The groundbreaking study to evaluate the biological gender differences in the math talent of young children was led by the university' s professor of neuroscience, Jessica Cantlon. For their study ,the team selected 104 young children, between 3 and 10 years old, divided almost equally by gender. The scientists used a functional MRI to observe their brain activity as they engaged in math tasks. These included watching age appropriate educational videos and doing math exercises such as counting and addition,as well as reading for comparison.

“We looked at which areas of the brain respond more strongly to mathematics content in the videos and tasks, compared to non math content like reading or the alphabet, Cantlon said.“When we do that in lite girls, we see a particular network of the brain respond,and when we do that same analysis in boys, we see the exact same regions.”

So why do girls and young women tend to avoid math and STEM careers in general? Cantlon thinks it may be rooted in social and cultural conventions. Previous studies have indicated that parents tend to spend more time with young boys in play that inspire spatial cognition (空间认知)-such as toys that involve learning number skills and shapes and solving puzzles. Educators were also observed to spend more time with boys during math class.

1What does the underlined word“debunked” in paragraph 1 mean?



2What does paragraph 2 mainly focus on?

A.The purpose of the research.

B.The process of the research.

C.The participants of the research.

D.The findings of the research.

3What contributes to the lack of women in STEM careers?

A.Mental capacity.B.Gender difference.

C.Traditional prejudice.D.Family background.

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.MRI- A Great Helper in Research

B.Toys- Boosters for STEM Potential

C.Boys and Girls: Equally Talented in Math

D.STEM Careers: Calling for More w omen

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