
Smart phones that react to your moods and televisions that can tell it’s you who’s watching are in your future as Intel Corporation’s top technology expert sets his sights on context-aware computing.

Chief technology officer Justin Rattner showed how personal devices will one day offer advice. “How can we change the relationship so we think of these devices not as devices but as assistants or even companions?” he asked.

Handheld devices could combine already common geographic location technology with data from microphones, cameras, heart and body monitors and even brain scans to offer their owners advice that today only a friend or relative could give.

“Imagine a device that uses a variety of sensors to determine what you are doing at an instant, from being asleep in your bed to being out for a run with a friend, ” Rattner said, “Future devices will constantly learn about who you are, how you live, work and play.’’

Rattner also demonstrated a television remote control that figures out who is holding it based on how it is held, and then learns the viewer’s entertainment preferences.

As the world leader for decades in microchips for servers and desktop computers, Intel is hurrying to catch up in the profitable market for smart phones like Apple’s iPhone and Research in Motion’s Blackberry.

Telephones with e-mail, global positioning and media players are pointing the way to a future where ever more functions are packed into ever smaller mobile devices.

The smart phone industry, including technology giants like LG and Samsung, is likely to sell 270 million phones this year and grow 25 percent in 2011, according to market research company IDC.

“I think you can expect to see features that support context-aware computing starting to appear in Intel products in the near future,” Rattner said.

But analysts say Intel faces an uphill battle getting its microchips into new phones as Nvidia, Marvell and Qualcomm have already made headway with cheap, lower-power processors based on designs by ARM Holdings.

Rattner recognized that questions about privacy and people’s willingness to be intimate with their computers will have to be settled before the future generation of smart phones he described takes off.

“If you think identity threat is a problem today, imagine when your whole context is readily available on the Net.”, he said.

1.The future smart phones can do all of the following except _______.

A.giving responses to the moods of the owners

B.giving proposals like assistants or companions

C.offering advice to their owners’ friends or relatives

D.telling the phone holders or carriers where they are

2.Which of the following are smart phones according to the passage?

A.iPhone and Blackberry

B.LG and Samsung

C.Marvell and Qualcomm

D.Nvidia and ARM Holdings

3.From the passage we can infer that _______.

A.Intel Corporation has become the world leader in the smar tphone market

B.Intel Corporation has fallen behind in the profitable market for smart phones

C.more functions packed into mobile phones will make mobile devices larger

D.the smart phone industry is likely to grow 25 percent in the year of 2011

4.The best title for the passage is likely to be _______.

A.Smart phones and Televisions

B.Context-aware Computing

C.Personalized Televisions

D.Personalized Smart phones








1.细节题。根据文章3,4段可知ABD都是可以实现的,C与文章所说的相反。根据文章第3段offer their owners advice that today only a friend or relative could give.是告诉主人建议,而不是告诉别人建议。

2.细节题。根据第6段2,3行smart phones like Apple’s iPhone and Research in Motion’s Blackberry.

3.推理题。根据第6段第2 行Intel is hurrying to catch up in the profitable market for smart phones like Apple’s iPhone and Research in Motion’s Blackberry.可知因特儿要赶上苹果和黑莓。说明现在因特尔落后了。B正确。




When Gretchen Baxter gets home from work as a New York City book editor, she checks her Blackberry (黑莓手机) at the door. ‘I think we are attached to these devices in a way that is not always positive,’ says Baxter,who’d rather focus at home on her husband and 12-year-old daughter. ‘It’s there and it beckons (召唤). That’s human nature (but)…we kind of get crazy sometimes and we don’t know where it should stop.’
Americans are connected at unprecedented (前所未有的) levels一93% now use cell phones or wireless devices;one third of those are ‘smart phones’ that allow users to browse the Web and check e-mail,among other things. The benefits are obvious: checking messages on the road,staying in touch with friends and family,efficiently using time once spent waiting around. The downside:often,we’re effectively disconnecting from those in the same room.
That's why,despite all the technology that makes communicating easier than ever,2010 was the Year We Stopped Talking to One Another. From texting at dinner to posting on Facebook from work or checking e-mail while on a date,the connectivity revolution is creating a lot of divided attention,not to mention social anxiety. Many analysts say it's time to step back and reassess.
‘What we’re going to see in the future is new opportunities for people to be plugged in and connected like never before,’ says Scott Campbell. ‘It can be a good thing,but I also see new ways the traditional social fabric (社会结构) is getting somewhat torn apart.’
Our days are filled with beeps and pings·----many of which pull us away from tasks at hand or face-to-face conversations. We may feel that the distractions are too much,but we can’t seem to stop posting,texting or surfing.
‘We're going through a period of adjustment and rebalancing,’ says Sherry Turkle and she wants to remind people that technology can be turned off.
‘Our human purposes are to really have connections with people,’ she says. ‘We have to reclaim it. It’s not going to take place by itself.’
【小题1】What can be the best title for the passage?

A.2010: The year technology developed quickly.
B.2010: The year technology sped up our life pace.
C.2010: The year technology replaced talking.
D.2010: The year technology made communicating easier.
【小题2】According to Paragraph l,Gretchen Baxter thinks_________.
A.the new technology always influences people’s life in a positive way
B.the new technology is so tempting that she could even put her daughter and husband behind
C.it is encouraging to see progress on the new technology every year
D.people are too dependent on the new technology to let go
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The wide use of mobile devices has nothing to do with the ‘traditional social fabric’.
B.Mobile devices play a less important part in American life.
C.Mobile devices create a lot of divided attention and social anxiety.
D.Many analysts speak highly of the wide popularity of mobile devices.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Something must be done to get connection with people in reality again·
B.Using mobile services can help people get connection with each other.
C.Mobile services have a strong impact on people’s life.
D.The connection with people can happen naturally.

Which are you more likely to have with you at any given moment-your cell phone or your wallet? Soon you may be able to throw your wallet away and pay for things with a quick wave of your smart phone over an electronic scanner.
In January, Starbucks announced that customers could start using their phones to buy coffee in 6,800 of its stores. This is the first pay-by-phone practice in the U.S., but we’re likely to see more wireless payment alternatives as something called near field communication (NFC) gets into America’s consumer electronics. Last December, some new smart phones which contain an NFC chip were introduced to the public.
Already in use in parts of Asia and Europe, NFC allows shoppers to wave their phones a few inches above a payment terminal – a contact- free system built for speed and convenience. But before NFC becomes widely adopted in the U.S., a few problems need to be worked out, like who will get to collect the profitable transaction(交易)fees. Although some credit card providers have been experimenting with wave-and- pay systems that use NFC-enabled credit cards, cell phone service providers may try to muscle their way into the point-of-sale(POS)market. Three big cell phone service providers have formed a joint venture(合资企业)that will go into operation over the next 15 months. Its goal is “to lead the U.S. payments industry from cards to mobile phone.”
The other big NFC issue, apart from how payments will be processed, is security. For instance, what’s to stop a thief from digitally pick-pocketing you? “We’re still not at the point where an attacker can just brush against you in a crowd and steal all the money out of your phone,” says Jimmy Shah. A mobile- security researcher, “Users may also be able to set transaction limits, perhaps requiring a password to be entered for larger purchases.”
Still uneasy about this digital-wallet business? Keep in mind that if you lose your smart phone, it can be located on a map and remotely disabled. Plus, your phone can be password protected. Your wallet isn’t.
【小题1】What is predicted to happen in the U.S.?

A.The expansion of cell phone companies.
B.The boom of pay-by-phone business.
C.The disappearance of credit cards.
D.The increase of Starbucks sales.
【小题2】The NFC technology can be used to __________.
A.ensure the safety of shoppers
B.collect transaction fees easily
C.make purchase faster and simpler
D.improve the quality of cell phones
【小题3】Three cell phone service providers form a joint venture to __________.
A.strengthen their relationship
B.test the NFC technology
C.sell more cell phones
D.get a share in the payments industry
【小题4】According to the passage, what can users do if they lose their smart phones?
A.Stop the functioning of their phones.
B.Set up a password.
C.Get all the money out of their phones.
D.Report it to the bank.

As Apple tries to maintain its growth and success in China, the world's largest smart-phone market is becoming even more critical. Apple's shares(股份) fell sharply as the company's earnings for the holiday quarter through December disappointed investors.
The sales of the iPhone, which include both the iPhone 5 and older models, came in at the low end of analysts' expectations, while the company's income plan for the second quarter was below analysts' forecasts, though Apple is known to give conservative (保守的) forecasts.
Som'6 analysts have said that for Apple to regain its growth, the company.needs a more aggressive strategy for markets, or more specifically for China, where the market for smart phones has been expanding more rapidly than anywhere else. In China, demand is particularly great for inexpensive phones that run on Android(安卓) operating system, sold by many Chinese phone makers as well as South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co.
But Apple says it's already enjoying strong growth in China. "We saw big growth in iPhones,"Chief Executive Tim Cook said. He said that the company has been quickly expanding its sales channels in China, including the number of Apple stores. "This isn't nearly what we need, we're not even close to that, but we're making great progress. " he said.
In China, a big missing piece for Apple is China Mobile Ltd. , the biggest local telecom carrier that doesn't yet sell the iPhone. Earlier this month, Mr. Cook met China Mobile Chairman Xi Guohua in Beijing and discussed cooperation, stirring hopes that the world's largest mobile carrier may soon start offering the iPhone.
Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is working on a lower-end iPhone that could launch as early as this year. But one possible challenge for Apple in China is that low-pricod Android-based phones are getting better in terms of quality. A report from CLSA in late November showed that many smart-phones sold at about 1,000 yuan ( $160) came with higher-reso-lution screens, better cameras and more powerful processors than phones at that price did a year earlier.
【小题1】Apple's shares dropped sharply because in December__

A.the iPhone wasn't popular in China
B.its product quality was widely criticized
C.the earnings for the holiday quarter was disappointing
D.the investors were not satisfied with Apple's management
【小题2】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Apple tends to offer a lower sales forecast.
B.China Mobile Ltd began to team up with Apple.
C.Cook is pessimistic about what Apple did in China.
D.Apple didn't take measures to develop Chinese market.
【小题3】The author uses the report from CLSA to prove           
A.their prices are actually lower than a year earlier
B.Apple in China has ability to deal with any problem
C.low-ended Android-based phones are progressing fast
D.the promotion of lower-end iPhone will face a challenge
【小题4】The main purpose of the passage is to show the readers __
A.Apple.'s high popularity in China
B.the challenge Apple faces in China
C.the approaching failure Apple will suffer in China
D.Apple's aggressive strategy in its market expansion

As Apple tries to maintain its growth and success in China, the world's largest smart-phone market is becoming even more critical. Apple's shares(股份) fell sharply as the company's earnings for the holiday quarter through December disappointed investors.

The sales of the iPhone, which include both the iPhone 5 and older models, came in at the low end of analysts' expectations, while the company's income plan for the second quarter was below analysts' forecasts, though Apple is known to give conservative (保守的) forecasts.

Som'6 analysts have said that for Apple to regain its growth, the company.needs a more aggressive strategy for markets, or more specifically for China, where the market for smart phones has been expanding more rapidly than anywhere else. In China, demand is particularly great for inexpensive phones that run on Android(安卓) operating system, sold by many Chinese phone makers as well as South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co.

But Apple says it's already enjoying strong growth in China. "We saw big growth in iPhones,"Chief Executive Tim Cook said. He said that the company has been quickly expanding its sales channels in China, including the number of Apple stores. "This isn't nearly what we need, we're not even close to that, but we're making great progress. " he said.

In China, a big missing piece for Apple is China Mobile Ltd. , the biggest local telecom carrier that doesn't yet sell the iPhone. Earlier this month, Mr. Cook met China Mobile Chairman Xi Guohua in Beijing and discussed cooperation, stirring hopes that the world's largest mobile carrier may soon start offering the iPhone.

Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is working on a lower-end iPhone that could launch as early as this year. But one possible challenge for Apple in China is that low-pricod Android-based phones are getting better in terms of quality. A report from CLSA in late November showed that many smart-phones sold at about 1,000 yuan ( $160) came with higher-reso-lution screens, better cameras and more powerful processors than phones at that price did a year earlier.

1.Apple's shares dropped sharply because in December__

A.the iPhone wasn't popular in China

B.its product quality was widely criticized

C.the earnings for the holiday quarter was disappointing

D.the investors were not satisfied with Apple's management

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Apple tends to offer a lower sales forecast.

B.China Mobile Ltd began to team up with Apple.

C.Cook is pessimistic about what Apple did in China.

D.Apple didn't take measures to develop Chinese market.

3.The author uses the report from CLSA to prove           

A.their prices are actually lower than a year earlier

B.Apple in China has ability to deal with any problem

C.low-ended Android-based phones are progressing fast

D.the promotion of lower-end iPhone will face a challenge

4.The main purpose of the passage is to show the readers __

A.Apple.'s high popularity in China

B.the challenge Apple faces in China

C.the approaching failure Apple will suffer in China

D.Apple's aggressive strategy in its market expansion


The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. With the coming of new technologies like computers and smart phones, writing by hand has become something of a nostalgic(怀旧的) skill. However, while today’s educators are using more and more technology in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful—both in school and in life.

Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says it’s important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand.

Berninger and her colleagues conducted a study that looked at the ability of students to complete various writing tasks-both on a computer and by hand. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate. Zxxk

In a more recent study, Berninger looked at what role spelling plays in a student’s writing skills and found that how well children spell is tied to how well they can write. “Spelling makes some of the thinking parts of the brain active, which helps us understand our vocabulary, word meaning and concepts. It is allowing our written language to connect with ideas.” Berninger said.

Spelling helps students translate ideas into words in their mind first and then to transcribe (转换) “those words in the mind into written symbols on paper or keyboard and screen,” the study said. Seeing the words in the “mind’s eye” helps children not only to turn their ideas into words, says Berninger, but also to spot spelling mistakes when they write the words down and to correct them over time.

“In our computer age, some people believe that we don’t have to teach spelling because we have spell checks,” she said. “But until a child has a functional spelling ability of about a fifth grade level, they won’t have the knowledge to choose the correct spelling among the choices given by the computer.”

1.What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?

A.The absence of blackboards in classrooms.

B.The use of new technologies in teaching.

C.The lack of practice in handwriting.

D.The popular use of smart phones.

2.Berninger’s study published in 2009 ________.

A.focused on the difference between writing by hand and on a computer

B.indicated that students prefer to write with a pen and paper

C.found that good essays are made up of long sentences

D.discussed the importance of writing speed

3.Which of the following best shows the role of spelling?

A.Spelling improves one’s memory of words.

B.Spelling ability is closely related to writing ability.

C.Spelling benefits the translation from words into ideas.

D.Spelling slows down finding exact words to express ideas.

4.What does “mind’s eye” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Window          B.Soul              C.Picture           D.Imagination

5.What conclusion could be drawn from the passage?

A.Computers can help people with their choice of words.

B.Spell checks can take the place of spelling teaching.

C.Handwriting still has a place in today’s classrooms.

D.Functional spelling ability develops fast in the fifth grade.


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