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Dear editor£¬
I'm Wang Ping£®I'm writing to offer your newspaper an article Trying to Save Both for Natural Resources and the Environment£®
Saving is very important because natural resources in our world may run out one day£¬so we should save some for our offspring£®Meanwhile£¬saving can help us avoid producing waste£¬which will make our homeland more beautiful£®As students£¬we should make our contributions£®For example£¬we can recycle our textbooks or use both sides of our exercise books£®In this way more trees would be saved£®What's more£¬we Chinese have a good tradition of saving and regard wasting as a shame£¬so we call for everybody's action to save what we can to make our beautiful life last forever£®
Best wishes
Yours sincerely£®
·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪ»°ÌâÀà×÷ÎÄ£®¼ÙÉèÄã½ÐÍõƽ£®ÎªÏìÓ¦¹ú¼ÒÀ÷ÐнÚÔ¼µÄºÅÕÙ£¬ÇëÄãÒÔ"À÷ÐнÚÔ¼--Ϊ×ÊÔ´¡¢Îª»·±£"ΪÌ⣬ÏòijӢÓﱨÉç±à¼Ð´ÐÅ£¬±í´ïÄã¶ÔÀ÷ÐнÚÔ¼µÄ¿´·¨£®¸ÃÓ¢ÎÄÐÅÓ¦°üÀ¨ÒÔÏÂÄÚÈÝ£º1£®½ÚÔ¼Óë×ÊÔ´µÄ¹Øϵ£»2£®½ÚÔ¼Óë»·±£µÄ¹Øϵ£»3£®¾ÙÀý˵Ã÷ÖÐѧÉú¸ÃÈçºÎÀ÷ÐнÚÔ¼£»4£®³«µ¼Éç»á±£³Ö½ÚÔ¼µÄÓÅÁ¼´«Í³£®ÐèҪдµÄÄÚÈÝÒѾ´ÖÂÔ¸ø³ö£¬ÐèÒªÎÒÃÇ·Òë³ÉÍêÕûͨ˳µÄ¾ä×Ó£¬Êʵ±Ìí¼ÓЩÄÚÈÝ£¬Ê¹ÎÄÕ¸ü³äʵ£®Ð´×÷ʱעÒâ׼ȷÔËÓÃʱ̬£¬ÉÏÏÂÎÄÒâ˼Á¬¹á£¬·ûºÏÂß¼¹Øϵ£¬²»ÄܳöÏÖÎÄÕÂÍѽÚÎÊÌ⣮һ¶¨Òª¸ø³ö×Ô¼ºµÄ¿´·¨£®
run out ºÄ¾¡
offspring ºó´ú×ÓËï
Saving is very important because natural resources in our world may run out one day£¬so we should save some for our offspring£®
saving can help us avoid producing waste£¬which will make our homeland more beautiful£®
so we call for everybody's action to save what we can to make our beautiful life last forever£®
½â´ð Dear editor£¬
I'm Wang Ping£®I'm writing to offer your newspaper an article Trying to Save Both for Natural Resources and the Environment£®£¨±í´ïÄ¿µÄ£©
Saving is very important because natural resources in our world may run out one day£¬so we should save some for our offspring£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©Meanwhile£¬saving can help us avoid producing waste£¬which will make our homeland more beautiful£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©As students£¬we should make our contributions£®For example£¬we can recycle our textbooks or use both sides of our exercise books£®In this way more trees would be saved£®What's more£¬we Chinese have a good tradition of saving and regard wasting as a shame£¬so we call for everybody's action to save what we can to make our beautiful life last forever£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©£¨Ð´×÷Òªµã£©
Best wishes
Yours sincerely
µãÆÀ ÊéÃæ±í´ïÌ⿼²éµÄÊÇÓ¢ÓïµÄÓ¦ÓÃÄÜÁ¦£®Ð´×÷ʱҪעÒ⣺ҪµãµÄÌáÁ¶ÒªÈ«£»¹Ø¼ü¶ÌÓïºÍ¾äÐÍҪд¶Ô£»¹ý¶É´ÊºÍ¹ý¶É¶ÌÓïÒª×ÔÈ»£¬Í¨Ë³µØµÀ£»×îºó»¹Òª×¢ÒâÈ˳ƺÍʱ̬ʹÓÃÒªÕýÈ·£®

A£® | affair | B£® | occasion | C£® | event | D£® | business |
A£® | opinion | B£® | scene | C£® | sign | D£® | symbol |
The most important thing he has£¨43£©B me is how to think£®He always says£¬"You can learn something from everyone£¬£¨44£©Bit's what not to do£®"He always does what he £¨45£©C£®If he says£¬"I'll pick you up at seven on Thursday£¬"it will £¨46£©D£®Also£¬Bruce is the kind of person who actually £¨47£©Cyou£®
Uncle Bruce was in the army for 20years and went through some terrible £¨48£©A£¬but he hasn't let them affect him £¨49£©B£®After hearing his stories about alcohol-and drug-related £¨50£©Dhave no interest in doing anything that could £¨51£©Cme or my friends£®He is also the only person who truly believes I can £¨52£©A it to West Point£®He has done everything within his £¨53£©D to help me achieve that goal£®
Uncle Bruce is my hero he is £¨54£©B that I want to be when I'm his age£®He is smart£¬financially £¨55£©A£¬and gives back to his community£®There is no way I can £¨56£©B him for all he's done£®He is the one whose £¨57£©C can change the way I look at something£®I've never told him that I love him£¬£¨58£©C has he told me£¬but we love each other and I wouldn't have it any other way£®I'm not £¨59£©A he's perfect£¬but I can't imagine £¨60£©D without him how that he is here£®
41£®A£®shaped | B£®promoted | C£®trained | D£®blessed |
42£®A£®like | B£®about | C£®from | D£®worth |
43£®A£®directed | B£®taught | C£®encouraged | D£®improved |
44£®A£®so that | B£®even if | C£®as if | D£®now that |
45£®A£®wants | B£®supports | C£®promises | D£®advises |
46£®A£®matter | B£®insist | C£®succeed | D£®happen |
47£®A£®sticks to | B£®points at | C£®listens to | D£®comes at |
48£®A£®experiences | B£®diseases | C£®drills | D£®adaptations |
49£®A£®materially | B£®negatively | C£®barely | D£®positively |
50£®A£®tendencies | B£®statistics | C£®references | D£®misfortunes |
51£®A£®sink | B£®test | C£®harm | D£®exploit |
52£®A£®make | B£®take | C£®bring | D£®seize |
53£®A£® | B£®access | C£®patent | D£®power |
54£®A£®everybody | B£®everything | C£®nobody | D£®nothing |
55£®A£®secure | B£®shaky | C£®proper | D£®messy |
56£®A£®praise | B£®repay | C£®present | D£®recharge |
57£®A£®strength | B£®honesty | C£®opinion | D£®standard |
58£®A£®or | B£®either | C£®nor | D£®so |
59£®A£®saying | B£®proving | C£®expressing | D£®demanding |
60£®A£®travelling | B£®studying | C£®working | D£®living£® |
-Yes£¬but I think it is________ money£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | not important as | B£® | very important as | ||
C£® | the same as | D£® | more important than |
A£® | expression | B£® | function | C£® | explanation | D£® | admission |
Hearst Castle is a palatial park on the central California coast and a National Historic Landmark£®It was designed by architect Julia Morgan for William Randolph Hearst from 1919 until 1947£®In 1957£¬the Hearst Coiporation donated the fortune to the state of California£®Since that time it has been maintained as a state historic park where the estate and its considerable collection of art and antiques are open for public tours£®Despite its location far from any urban center£¬the site attracts roughly one million visitors per year£®
Guided Tours
There are several tours which highlight various parts of the castle and gardens£®
¡ñTour One is recommended for first time visitor£®It now includes the movie£¬Hearst Castle Building the Dream£®
¡ñTour Two gives visitors a closer look at the main house's upper floors£¬Mr£®Hearst's private suite£¬the libraries£¬and the kitchen£®
¡ñTour Three looks at the Castle's North Wing£¬guest rooms and guest house Casa Del Monte£®
¡ñTour Four features the impressive gardens and grounds£¬the largest guesthouse£¬the wine basement£¬and the Hidden Terrace£®
¡ñThe evening tour is a special tour that allows visitors to experience the Castle at night as one of the Hearst's own visitors might have£®
Ticket Prices
Hearst Castle accepts VISA£¬MasterCard£¬American Express and Discover£®Free day use parking is available for automobiles£¬motorcycles£¬tour buses and recreational vehicles£®
TOURS | ADULT | Ages 6-17 |
Experience Tour | 24 | 12 |
Tours 2£¬3 or 4 | 24 | 12 |
Evening tour | 30 | 15 |
Reservation Information
While tickets may be purchased at the Visitor Center upon arrival£¬tour reservations are strongly recommended and may be reserved online now or by calling 1-800-444-4445£¬see below for times£®
Reservation Call Center Hours | ||
Dates | Monday-Friday | Saturday-Sunday |
March-September | 8AM to 6PM | 8AM to 6PM |
October-February | 9AM to 5PM | 9AM to 3PM |
56£®Who does the Hearst Castle belong to at present£¿C
A£®William Randolph Hearst£®
B£®Julia Morgan£®
C£®The state of California£®
D£®The Hearst Corporation£®
57£®If you are quite interested in wine£¬which tour will you choose£¿D
A£®Tour One£®
B£®Tour Two£®
C£®Tour Three£®
D£®Tour Four£®
58£®If a young couple take Tour One with their 5-year-old son£¬how much will they pay for the tickets£¿C
A£®36£® B£®60£® C£®48£® D£®75£®
59£®Which of the following is the available time to book tickets by phone£¿BA£®At 8 AM on Monday in February£®
B£®At 9 AM on Sunday in March£®
C£®At 7 PM on Friday in September£®
D£®At 6 PM on Saturday in October£®