

1. Hiking and rafting have many _________(相似处) and differences.

2. My teacher corrected my __________( 发音) of this word.

3. In the movie, Chuck survived the crash and landed on a _____ ( 荒芜的)island.

4. There are more than 42 countries where the ________( 大多数) of the people speak English.

5. The country is now ________( 经历) a great revolution. 

6.We’d better ________ (分开) the good ones from the bad ones.

7. _________( 比较) with the children living in the earthquake areas, you are very lucky. 

8. You also need to learn the basic skills of rafting, such as how to ________( 操作) the raft, how to paddle and how to get in and out of the raft.

9. He is _______(忠诚的) to his friends.

10. The language of the ______(政府), schools, newspaper and TV is English.

1. similarities    2. pronunciation     3.deserted     4. majority    5. experiencing

6. separate       7. Compared        8. handle     9.loyal        10. government


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