Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: what kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must negatively affect people. A person's conception of himself or herself is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.

Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing." Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel it confirms their feelings of inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliment with a statement like this one, "You're just saying that to make me feel good. I know it's not true." It is clear that while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.

Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient efforts in building self-confidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with a lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths. Each one of us is a unique, worthwhile individual, interested in our own personal ways. The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential. Let's not allow shyness to block our chances for a rich and fulfilling life.

1.The first paragraph is mainly about _______.

A. the cause of shyness

B. the feeling of shy people

C. the effect of shyness on people

D. the question in the minds of shy people

2.According to the writer, self-awareness is __________.

A. harmful to people

B. a healthy quality

C. the cause of unhappiness

D. a weak point of shy people

3.What is the shy people’s reaction to praise?

A. They are pleased by it

B. They feel they are worthy of it.

C. They are very sensitive to it.

D. They feel it is not true.

4.What can learn from the passage that shyness can _______.

A. be overcome with determination

B. help us to live up to our full development

C. enable us to understand ourselves better

D. have nothing to do with lack of self respect

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Guide for Teenagers

The teenage years can be tough, and it’s normal to feel sad every now and then. But if these feelings don’t go away or become so intense that you can’t handle them, you may be suffering from depression.1..

Try not to isolate yourself

When you’re depressed, you may not feel like seeing anybody or doing anything. Just getting out of bed in the morning can be difficult, but isolating yourself only makes depression worse. 2. Spend time with friends, especially those who are active.

Keep your body healthy

Making healthy lifestyle choices can do wonders for your mood. Ever heard of a "runners high"? Physical activity can be as effective as medications for depression, so get involved in sports, ride your bike, or take a dance class. Any activity helps! 3.As for food, make sure you’re feeding your mind with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Avoid alcohol and drugs.

You maybe try drinking or use drugs in an effort to escape from your feelings and get a "mood boost," even if just for a short time. However, substance use can not only make depression worse, but can cause you to become more depressed. 4.. You will need special treatment for your substance problem.


Stress and worry can lead to depression. Talk to a teacher if exams or classes seem overwhelming. In addition, if you have a health concern you feel you can’t talk to your parents about, see a doctor. A health professional can help you approach your parents and guide you toward appropriate treatment. If you’re dealing with relationship, friendship, or family problems, talk to an adult you trust.

A. Ask for help if you are stressed.

B. Even a short walk can be beneficial.

C. Turn to your parents for help.

D. As you get out into the world, you may find yourself feeling better.

E. In short, drinking and taking drugs will make you feel worse---not better---in the long run.

F. The more exercise you do, the healthier you will be.

G. Help is available and you have more power than you think.

Speaking from my past experience, it is very difficult to find good friends that you can trust but once you have found them, they are worth keeping forever! Therefore, I think friendship is the most important relationship that anybody could have.

The qualities I look for in a friend are a good sense of humor but sensitivity when it matters. Also that friend would have to be strong-minded and highly spirited. I think that these qualities are the key qualities to look for in a good friend.

Even the strongest friends can still have arguments, although usually about more serious topics, rather than the usual teenage childish arguments. Some matters can seriously affect a friendship. If one of your friends started experimenting with harmful and dangerous drugs, what would you do ? A good friend would try to help as much as possible, whereas a bad example of a friend would simply shrug(耸肩) and turn a blind eye.

Not only the bad things affect friendship ---- good activities do too. Such as bonding with one another, not just by going out on a night with them but by spending quality time with them and talking to each other, which indicates a good ability to communicate. This is a key aspect of a good friendship.

Good friends do not always have to be in the same age group as you. I have a good friend and she is 47 years old and I am 16.

Unfortunately, some people lose contact with their friends as they grow older, which is a sad way to lose a good friend.

I think friendship is one of the most important things in life because if you have no friends you will have no happiness.

1.According to the author, true friendship _______.

A. is easy to get

B. deepens with time

C. needs management

D. affects one’s happiness

2.Paragraph 3 is mainly about______.

A. why drugs are bad for teenagers

B. problems that will test friendship

C. ways that help avoid arguments

D. whether a friend is trustworthy

3.According to the author, which matters least in friendship?

A. Age.

B. Sensitivity.

C. Sense of humor.

D. Communication ability.

4.Which of the following saying can match the author’s view on friendship?

A. Old friends and old wines are best.

B. A friend without faults will never be found.

C. A life without a friend is a life without the sun.

D. a friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

第二节语法 填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming(宣告)that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd1.gather), and they all admired his heart for it was perfect.

Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, “Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as2.. ”The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s heart, 3. was full of scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn’t fit quite right, and there were several jagged(凹凸不平的)edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges(沟槽)where whole pieces were4.(miss).

The young man laughed. “Comparing your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars. ”“Yes, ”said the old man, “Yours looks perfect5.I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to6.I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart. But because the pieces aren’t exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me we shared. Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn’t returned a piece of his or her These are the empty gouges. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, 9.(remind)me of the love I have for those people. So now do you see10.true beauty is? ”

Beaches are not only great for lying on and doing water sports, and in fact one of the best ways of enjoying them is a classic beach walk. Here at iWantSun. Co. Uk, we’ve been searching the globe to find you the world’s best and most glorious beach walks, and here’s our pick of the top.

The Footpath of the Gods, Amalfi Coast, Italy

The name says it all really and you truly do feel up there to walking along this wonderful mountain coastal path, which offers some of the most striking views on the planet. The path begins at town of Bomerano to charming Positano along the UNESCO World Heritage area of the Amalfi Coast. The whole walk will take you approximately four and a half hours to complete and pass over narrow rocky paths, past sheer cliffs and shining blue bays.

Sydney’s Great Coastal Walk, Australia

Sydney’s coastline is one of the most beautiful and diverse in the world. Here you have national parks, historic sites, steep cliffs, sparkling beaches and quiet bays all in one place. Sydney’s Great Walk runs all the way from Barrenjoey in the north to Royal National Park in the south and takes an incredible seven days to complete. However, if you’re not up to doing the full walk, then there are many different parts of the walk that you can do right in the city. Walking from the city’s famous Bondi Beach to the sweeping curve of Bronte Beach takes just an hour, which takes in some top scenery.

Great Ocean Walk, Australia

The Great Ocean Walk stretches 104 km along Victoria’s famous Great Ocean Road, located on the southern coast of Australia, from the resort town Apollo Bay to the magnificent Twelve Apostles. The Twelve Apostles are the area’s famous stone landmarks which stand out like giants from the sea. The walk passes through a range of landscapes and sights, from national parks, famous surfing spots and deserted beaches, to wild coastlines, cascading waterfalls, lush forests, historic lighthouses and ghostly shipwrecks. Day walks and shorter three-hour walks such as the Wreck Beach Walk or the Lighthouse Cemetery and Lookout Walk can also be enjoyed.

So next time when you’re looking for a beach holiday don’t just think about the resorts and the sand, but consider a more active sun holiday, discovering some of the best beaches in the world.

1.The author intends to tell us ____________.

A. the world’s best places for beach walks

B. the wonderful beaches in the world

C. the ideal tourism resort for health

D. the beautiful beaches in Australia

2.When you arrive at the Amalfi Coast _______________.

A. you must be fed up with the footpath

B. you will be fascinated by the scenery

C. you can start walking from Positano

D. you may be trapped in narrow rocky paths

3.What is special about Sydney’s Great Coastal Walk?

A. It takes about more than five hours to complete.

B. It starts from Royal National Park in the south.

C. It provides visitors a variety of great landscapes.

D. It really has the longest coastline in the world.

4.According to the fourth paragraph we can know that __________________.

A. Apollo Bay is at the end of the Great Ocean Walk

B. the Twelve Apostles exists below the surface of the sea

C. the Wreck Beach Walk can also give visitors pleasure

D. most visitors can finish the 104 km walk in three hours

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