
I remember my first Christmas party with Grandma.I remember the day when my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus,” she laughed.“Even dummies know that!”
  I fled to Grandma because I knew she always told me  21 .After I told her everything, she said “No Santa Claus? Don’t believe it. Now,  22 your coat, and let’s go.”
  “Go? Go where?” I asked.
  “Where” 23  to be the General Store.As we walked through its doors, Grandma   24 me ten dollars.That was a lot in those days.“Take this money and buy something for  25 needs it.I’ll wait for you in the car.”
  The store seemed big and  26 , full of people hurrying to finish their Christmas shopping.For a few moments I just stood there, 27  , holding that bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.
  Suddenly I thought of Bobbie who sat right behind me.I remembered he didn’t have a coat.I fingered the bill with growing  28 .I would buy Bobbie a coat.
  “Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the lady behind the   29  asked me kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down
  “Yes,” I replied shyly.“It’s…for Bobbie.”
  The nice lady smiled at me.I didn’t get any  30 , but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas.
  That evening, Grandma helped me  31  the coat and wrote, “To Bobby, From Santa Claus” on it.Then she  32 me over to Bobbie’s house.
  Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie’s house, and she and I crept 33 and hid in the  34 .Then Grandma gave me a sign.“All right, Santa Claus, get going.”
  I took a deep 35 , dashed for his front door, threw the present down, pounded his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we  36 breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it  37 , and there stood Bobbie.
Forty years haven’t dimmed the thrill of those  38 spent shivering, beside my grandma, in Bobbie’s bushes. 39 ,  I realized: Santa was alive and well, and we were  40  his team.
A.the reasonB.many thingsC.storiesD.the truth
A.put onB.put away C.put upD.put down
A.usedB.turned outC.found outD.turned up
A.lentB.took C.paid D.handed
A.anyoneB.whomever C.someone whoD.those who
A.crowded B.variedC.noisyD.convenient
A.counter B.desk C.shelfD.goods
A.makeB.wrap C.undo D.design
A.droveB.took C.ledD.asked
A.quickly B.painfullyC.nervouslyD.noiselessly
A.bushes B.darkness C.doorwayD.car
A.courageB.look C.step D.breath
A.waited B.whisperedC.creptD.stood
A.moments B.days C.time D.people
A.TodayB.That yearC.That nightD.Since then
A.on B.forC.atD.of


小题1:D 名词辨析。A原因B很多事情C故事D真相。我知道奶奶会告诉我真相的。
小题2:A 动词辨析。A穿上B收拾C搭建,张贴D写下,记下;奶奶让我穿起衣服和她一起出去。
小题3:B 词义辨析。A过去常常B结果是C发现D出现;那个“哪儿”原来是克比百货店
小题4:D 动词辨析。A借B拿C付D递给;句意:奶奶递给我10美元。
小题5:C 语法分析。后面的needs it说明后面是一个从句,故使用定语从句的语法,someone是先行词。
小题6:A 形容词辨析。A拥挤的B多样的C吵闹的D方便的;指这家百货店里人很多很拥挤。
小题7:B 形容词辨析。A满意B困惑C好奇D惊讶;我很困惑不知道该买什么东西也不知道该买给谁。
小题8:D 名词辨析。A担忧B失望C幸福D兴奋;我想到要买外套给Bobbie,心里越来越兴奋。
小题9:A 名词辨析。A柜台B桌子C架子D货物;指柜台后面的收银员和我在交流。
小题10:C 名词辨析。A钱B礼物,天赋C零钱D鼓励;我以为她会找零钱给我,但是她没有。
小题11:B 动词辨析。A生产B包装C松开D设计;奶奶和我把衣服包好,并在上面写…
小题12:A 上下文串联。根据下文的parked停车,上面奶奶和我是开车前往的。
小题13:D 副词辨析。A快速地B痛苦地C紧张地D悄悄地;奶奶和我悄悄地接近Bobbie的家。
小题14:A 名词辨析。A灌木丛B黑暗C门厅D汽车;我们躲在房前过道的矮树丛里。
小题15:D 名词辨析。A勇气B表情C脚步D呼吸;我深呼吸一下,朝前门走了过去。
小题16:A 动词辨析。A等待B低声说C蹑手蹑足地走D站立;我们在黑暗中屏息等待前门开启
小题17:C 上下文串联。站立的did就是指门开了中的动词open。
小题18:A 名词辨析。A时刻B日子C时间D人们;我永远都不会忘记那些躲在灌木丛里的时刻。
小题19:C 上下文串联。我记得就在那天晚上,我认识到,那些有关圣诞老人的恶劣谣传,正如奶奶所说,全是“胡说八道”。
小题20:固定词组。On the team在队伍里,是帮手。圣诞老人活得好好的,而我们都是他的好帮手。
For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!
Lydia M. Child
When I was a little girl, my father had a time-honored tradition. Following my bedtime story, he would give me a nose  36  , and whisper the most wonderful words into my ear. “Michelle, of all the little girls in the whole wide world . . .” he would pause.
“ Yes, Daddy?”
“ How did your mommy and I get so  37  to get the best one?”
 38  he had time to finish, I would say, “You got me!” And then he would continue , “The best little girl in the whole wide world, and we got you.” He would end with a bear hug and  39  kiss to my forehead.
Years passed and my father never missed a night, even when I thought he should have. After my basketball team was  40  , he came into my room.
“ Michelle, of all the basketball players in the whole wide world,” he paused.
“ Yes, Daddy?” I stared at the floor.
“ How did your mom and I get so lucky to get the best one?”
“ You didn’t.”
“ Of course we did, Michelle. We have you.”
After I  41  from college, I became engaged. My father never missed a night to call or leave a message  42  me how special I was to him. I even wondered if he would continue calling after I got  43  , but he didn’t. The daily calls I had taken for granted all my life ended the day he died from cancer, only weeks before my wedding. I deeply missed  44  the days with my father.
Standing behind the white church doors, I waited for the wedding march to begin. Before we walking down the aisle, my brother  45  inside his pocket and handed me an ivory napkin. Inscribed (题写) were the words:
Of all the precious  46  in the whole wide world, how did Mark get so lucky to marry the best one? He married you, Michelle, and he is so lucky! I am so proud of you, my little girl.
Without doubt , it was the best wedding gift I  47 , One I would never forget. My father showered me with his gifts every day of his life. How did I get so lucky?
I told my friend Graham that I often cycle two miles from my house to the town centre but unfortunately there is a big hill on the route. He replied, “You mean fortunately.” He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.
My attitude to the hill has now changed. I used to grumble as I approached it but now I tell myself the following. This hill will exercise my heart and lungs. It will help me to lose weight and get fit. It will mean that I live longer. This hill is my friend. Finally I comfort myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationery exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free. I have a smile of satisfaction as I reach the top of the hill.
Problems are there to be faced and overcome. We cannot achieve anything with an easy life. Helen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to gain a university degree. Her activism and writing proved inspirational. She wrote, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can vision be cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”
One of the key factors of success in life is our attitude towards adversity (逆境). From time to time we all face hardships, problems, accidents, afflictions and difficulties. Some are of our making but many confront us through no fault of our own. While we cannot choose the adversity we can choose our attitude towards it.
Douglas Bader was 21 when in 1931 he had both legs cut off following a flying accident. He was determined to fly again and went on to become one of the leading flying aces in the Battle of Britain with 22 aerial victories over the Germans. He was an inspiration to others during the war. He said, “Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do this or that. That’s nonsense. Make up your mind, and you’ll never use crutches (拐杖) or a stick, and then have a go at evening. Go to school, and join in all the games you can. Go anywhere you want to. But never, never let them persuade you that things are too difficult or impossible.”
The biographies of great people are full of examples of how they took steps to overcome the difficulties they faced. The common thread is that they did not become depressed. They chose their attitude. They chose to be positive. They took on the challenge. They won.
Nevertheless, there is still the problem of how you change your attitude towards adversity.
小题1:The underlined word “grumble” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
A.trembleB.complainC.speed up D.slow down
小题2:Which of the following is true according to the author of the passage?
A.Climbing hills on bicycles is the best way to take exercise.
B.People are wise to pay to go to the gym.
C.Those who want to achieve success can’t expect to live an easy life.
D.People’s attitude towards adversity is the only factor that determines whether they will succeed.
小题3:By quoting what Douglas Bader said, the author intends to tell us “________”.
A.Failure is the mother of success.
B.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
C.If you venture nothing, you will have nothing.
D.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
小题4:Following this passage, the author will further talk about ________.
A.how his friend helped him to change his attitude towards the adversity he faced
B.what steps to take to change your attitude towards the adversity you face
C.what great people have in common
D.why it is important to keep optimistic in face of adversity
小题5:Which of the following can best function as the title of the passage?
A.Face adversity with a smile
B.Different attitudes towards adversity
C.Nothing is impossible
D.Life is full of adversity
When I was in the 8th grade in Ohio, a girl named Helen in my class had a terrible accident. As she was   36  to the bus in order not to miss it, she slipped on the ice and fell under the back wheels of the bus. She   37  the accident but was paralyzed from the waist down. I went to see her, in my 13-year-old   38  thinking that she wouldn’t live   39  from then on.
Over the years, I   40  and didn’t think much about Helen after that. Three years ago, in Florida, my oldest son was hit by a car while riding his bike,   41  a terrible brain injury. While I was looking after my son, a lady who said she was the hospital’s social worker called. It was a (an)   42  trying day. I burst into tears for no reason and rang   43 .
A short time 1ater, a beautiful woman, in a wheelchair,   44  into my son’s room with a box of   45 . After 16 years, I still   46  Helen. She smiled, handed me the tissues and hugged me. I told her who I was, and after we both went through the shock of that, she began to tell me about   47  since we last saw each other. She married, had children and got her degree so that she   48  the path for those people who were less   49  than her. She told me that if there was anything she could give me, it would be   50 .
Looking at this wonderful, giving person, I felt   51 . But I also felt the first hope I had since learning that my son was   52 . From this person that I thought would have no   53  of life, I learned that where there is life, there is hope. My son miraculously   54  and we moved north, but I owe Helen   55  that I can never repay.
A.normallyB.particularly C.necessarilyD.eventually
A.her lifeB.her sonC.her familyD.her work
A.some moneyB.some tissuesC.a debtD.a hope
About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas(胰腺). I didn’t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that was incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which was doctor’s code for preparing to die. It meant to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It meant to make sure everything was buttoned up so that it would be as easy as possible for your family. It meant to say your goodbyes.
I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy(活组织检查). I was calm, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I’m fine now.
This is the closest I’ve been to facing death. No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by the principle — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
小题1:The author's main purpose in writing the passage is to let the readers __________.
A.be brave when facing a cancer
B.treasure their lifetime to fulfill their own business
C.know a sorrowful experience of his won
D.know how he treasured his family.
小题2:Why can the author's illness be cured so soon?
A.He prepared everything in order.B.He had a biopsy.
C.His pancreatic cancer can be curable with surgery. D.His wife helped him.
小题3:The impression the author gave readers is that __________.
A.he was so optimistic that the incurable illness wouldn't bring him down.
B.he could leave death alone and had enough courage to become what he wanted to.
C.he was so determined that he wasn't scared at death.
D.he was such a responsible man that he prepared well before he died.
小题4:What does the underlined word "they" in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Gods.B.The doctors
C.Heart and intuitionD.Other persons
While watching a swimming competition one night, I came across an unbelievable sight. It was not a gold medal, or a world record broken, but a show of courage.
The event started with only three men on the blocks. For one reason or another, two of them false started, so they were disqualified. That left only one to complete. In fact, it is difficult enough, not having anyone to race against.
I watched the man dive off the block and knew right away that something was wrong. I’m not an expert swimmer, but I can tell a good dive from a poor one, and this was not exactly medal quality. When he resurfaced, it was obvious that the man was not out for gold — his arms were waving in an attempt at freestyle. The crowd started to laugh. Clearly this man was not a medal competitor.
I listened to the crowd beginning to laugh at this poor man who was clearly having a hard time. Finally he made his turn to start back. It was pitiful. He made a few desperate strokes (划水) and you could tell he was exhausted.
But in those few awful strokes, the crowd had changed.
No longer were they laughing, but beginning to cheer. Some even began to stand and shout “Come on, you can do it!” and he did.
This young man finally finished his race. The crowd went wild. Even though he recorded one of the slowest times in swimming history, this man gave more heart than any of the other competitors.
Just a short year ago, he had never even swum, let alone race. His country had been invited to the competition.
In a competition, we usually watch the brilliant athletes competing for medals, but it is nice to watch an underdog.
小题1:From the passage we learn that the young man _____.
A.made his turn to start back pitifully
B.was skillful at freestyle swimming
C.swam faster than the average swimmer
D.seemed unlikely to win a gold medal
小题2:The crowd changed their attitude because _____.
A.they felt sorry for the young man
B.they wanted to show their interest
C.they were moved by the young man
D.they meant to please the young man
小题3:According to the passage, “it is nice to watch an underdog” probably means ____.
A.it’s amusing to watch a skillful swimmer swimming
B.it’s amazing to watch a good loser challenging himself
C.it’s good for athletes to act proudly
D.it’s difficult for some athletes to remove medals
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Go for it!B.Try again!C.Compete for gold!D.Break a record!
Night after night, my mother came to my bed, even long after my childhood years. She would   21 down and push my long hair out of the way, and then kiss my forehead. I don’t remember when it first started  22 me-her hands pushing my hair that way, for they felt work-worn and rough  23 my young skin. Finally , one night, I shouted out at her, “Don’t do that any more-your hands are too rough!” she made no  24 and left quietly. But never again did my mother do it with that familiar expression of her  25 .
With the passing years, my   26 returned to that night time after time. By then I   27 my mother’s hands and her goodnight kiss. Sometimes the incident seemed very  28 , sometimes far away, but always it was  29 in the back of my mind.
The years have passed, and I’m not a little girl any more. Mom is in her seventies, and those hands I once  30 to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.
Now, Mom no longer has Dad and lives  31 . One night on Thanksgiving Eve, I found myself  32 to her house to spend the night with her. As I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly ran across my face to  33 the hair from my forehead. Then a   34 , ever so gently , touched my forehead. I burst into tears.
In my memory, thousands of times, I   35 the night my young voice complained. Catching Mom’s hand in hand, I told her how  36 I was for that night. I thought she’d remember  37 I did. But Mom didn’t know what I was talking about. She had already forgotten and   38 long ago.
That night, I fell asleep with a new  39 for my gentle mother and her caring hands. And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was   40 to be found.
Human wants seem endless. When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when a manager gets a new sports car, he dreams of country clubs and pleasure boats dance into view.
The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants, another level appears.
The first and most basic level of wants is food. Once this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears: clothing and some sort of shelter. By the end of World War II these wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans. Then a third level appeared. It included such items as cars and new houses.
By 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied. Then in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared: the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels mean physical satisfaction—the feeding, comfort, safety and transportation of the human body—this level means mental needs for recognition, achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical care and entertainment. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.
On the fourth level, a greater percentage of consumers spending goes to services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?
A fifth level probably would be wants that can be achieved by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes and crime. After filling our stomachs, our garages, and our minds, we now may seek to ensure the health and safety to enjoy more fully the good things on the first three levels.
小题1:According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when _______
A.he has saved up enough money
B.he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter
C.he has satisfied his hunger
D.he has learned to build houses
小题2:It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War II most Americans ______
A.were very rich
B.were very poor
C.Had the good things on the first three levels
D.didn’t own cars
小题3:Which of the following is NOT related to “physical satisfaction”?
A.A successful careerB.A comfortable house
C.A good serviceD.A family car
小题4:The author thinks that a fifth level______
A.would be a little better than the fourth level
B.may be a lot more desirable than the first four
C.can be the last and most satisfying level
D.will come true if the government takes actions

John Steinbeck once said, “All Americans believe they are born fishermen. For a man to admit to a distaste in fishing would be like denouncing (公开指责) mother – love or hating moonlight.”
I can’t say that I’m the biggest John Steinbeck fan. Actually, the only thing I can ever remember reading by him was “The pearl” when I was in middle school, but I couldn’t agree more with the man when it comes to fishing. Whether I am on a boat in the middle of the Lay Lake, fishing off the shores of the Florida Keys for tarpon or catching rainbow trout in the Shoshone River of Wyoming, fishing is my life.
According to the American Sports Fishing Association, the fishing industry brings in more than $ 116 billion per year from fishermen across the country.
Though a beautiful picture to imagine, fishing is much more than that. Fishing is a way of life for many people and a way to escape everyday stress. Being a fisherman makes me a member of a wonderful group of people extending to all walks of life. Even President Obama can be found fishing on his farm in Texas with his good friend Roland Martin when the job gets too stressful.
I can remember fishing with my grandfather when I was 5 years old on his boat at Lake Mitchell. Although I didn’t understand what I was doing, I did know that my grandfather was happy and that made me happy. Since then I’ve spent the past 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama.
After days of practice, before and after work, I slowly developed an understanding of fishing. My boss, Ric Horst, took me back to the Shoshone, and I managed to bring in a 19–inch cutthroat trout. Fishing with Ric was a life–changing experience for me. He not only showed me how to fish correctly, but also told me how fishing could be a way to escape your problems.
Since then, prime–time season seems to take forever to arrive.
Now, with the ending of February and beginning of March in sight, the excitement of heading out Lake Tuscaloosa or Lake Lurleen before classes and catching something has finally returned.
小题1:What John Steinbeck said in the first paragraph implies that ______________.
A.Americans are believed to be the offspring of fishermen
B.it is unthinkable for an American to admit his dislike of fishing
C.all Americans are expert at fishing
D.those who dislike fishing would not love their mother
小题2:.The writer came to understand the real meaning of fishing ______________.
A.when he was reading “The pearl” by John Steinbeck
B.when he went fishing with his grandfather at Lake Mitchell
C.after he had spent 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama
D.after he went fishing with his boss, Ric Horst on the Shoshone
小题3:What can be inferred from the text?
A.The author is at most 21 years old.
B.The author regards fishing as a very important part in his life.
C.The author agreed with John Steinbeck the most when he was in middle school.
D.President Obama often goes fishing in public in order to collect idea for his job.
小题4:.According to the author, __________________.
A.people can get to know VIPs when fishing.
B.people can smooth away all the troubles by fishing
C.Fishing is a way of communication
D.Fishing is a way to make a living for most American people
小题5:.What is the purpose of the writing?
A.To describe the writer’s experience and understanding of fishing.
B.To explain the reason why so many Americans like fishing.
C.To make others understand the industry of fishing.
D.To express his opinions about fishing in different time of the year.

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