
【题目】 ______ economic, political and cultural difference, China and America have decided to cooperate in dealing with global issues.

A. In spite of B. In favour of

C. On account of D. In terms of


【解析】试题分析考查介词词组辨析。句意尽管经济政治和文化的差异,中国和美国已经决定共同处理国际经济问题。B赞成;C由于;D根据。in spite of 尽管,表转折,故选A



【题目】【原创】The first theories and experiments with cloning began in the late 1880s as scientist sought to prove their theories about how the genetic material inside cells worked. Discoveries about the nature of DNA in the 1940s made it possible for cloning experiments to progress. In 1944 it was discovered that genetic information for each cell was kept in the cell’s DNA. When Oswald Avery found this genetic information, it gave scientists new ways to try to clone animals by using that genetic blueprint(生物细胞的模型).

The first cloned animals were northern leopard frogs that were cloned by Thomas J. King and Robert Briggs in 1952. King and Briggs believed, based on their clones, that young cells were more practical for the cloning process. Cells that were taken from adults resulted in abnormally developed tadpoles(蝌蚪). The next successful cloning experiments also resulted in cloned frogs. John Gurdon cloned South African frogs in 1962. His use of adult cells disproved the previous theory that only young cells could be used in the cloning process with success.

While animal cloning had been the focus of cloning experiments, the 1960s also saw other types of cloning. In 1964, F. C. Steward took an adult root cell from a carrot plant and successfully cloned the plant. Throughout the rest of the 1960s, scientists continued to clone frogs and to discover more about DNA. The first gene was discovered in 1969.

In 1977, the first cloned mice embryos were created. The first mammal was cloned in 1984. The cloned sheep was quickly followed in 1985 with cloned cattle embryos. A cow clone was created in 1986 and several calves in 1993. That same year, human embryos were cloned for the first time. In 1995 and 1996, sheep were cloned, including the famous Dolly.

【1】The first paragraph serves as a(n) __________________________.

A. explanation B. conclusion

C. comment D. background

【2】When as the first plant successfully cloned?

A. In 1952 B. In 1960

C. In 1964 D. In1969

【3】How is the passage organized?

A. In order of frequency

B. In order of time

C. In order of importance

D. In order of preference

【题目】Exhaustedcovered in mud and desperately hungrya team of Swedish athletes sat down for a meal as they prepared to take on a dangerous 20-mile trek through the Ecuadorian rainforest

As they opened their canned meata tired Mikael Lindnord noticed a miserable stray dog staring at him out of the corner of his eye

Feeling sorry for himhe fed the dog a meatball and thought nothing of itbut as the team stood up to continue their race the animal started to follow them—and he didn’t stop

As the group of four navigated the final two stages of the 430-mile Adventure Racing World Championshipthe dog befriended them and was eventually given the name Arthur

Every tiring task the team faceArthur would do the sameHe swam alongside them while they kayaked down riversdragged himself up hills during hikes and pulled through knee—deep mud during treks

Even when the team tried to get rid of their new member out of concerns for his safety—he refused to leaveThis meant when he was tired they stopped for a break and when he got stuck in the mud they pulled him out

After six days the team finished the raceand the dog had sufferedThey therefore decided to take him to a vet(兽医)while still in South America to have him checked out

During that time Lindord thought to himself that after their experiencethey could not leave Arthurso he decided to adopt him and take him back to SwedenHe applied to the Swedish Board of Agriculture and was made to wait to see if his application was successfulAfter a tense few daysthe team arrived at the airport with Arthur and boarded the plane with him back home

Lindord said“I came to Ecuador to win the World ChampionshipInsteadI got a new friend

1After meeting the dogthe team ______________

A. abandoned the dog immediately

B. fed the dog with enough food

C. adopted the dog for convenience

D. continued the race with the dog

2Why did the team try to get rid of the dog during the race?

A. They were concerned about his safety

B. They couldn’t afford the race with him

C. The dog was a burden to the team

D. The dog couldn’t follow the team successfully

3Which of the following can best describe the team?

A. Friendly and caringB. Helpful and generous

C. Risky and harshD. Cautious and sensitive

4What can we infer from the text

A. The dog was sad to have suffered from the race

B. The team won the World Championship many times

C. Lindord was overjoyed to befriend the dog

D. The team felt tense to take Arthur to the airport

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