
A staycation is a vacation when you do not travel at all. Some people use a staycation to just stay at home, and others prefer to experience the attractions around them without traveling very far.

There are many choices for staycations. Any town or city has plenty of choices for things to do if you know where to look. If the weather is nice, you can visit the local gardens or forests for a hike. You can look online for several historic places and create your own history tours. Of course, you can also visit other attractions in the areas like museums, restaurants, bars, parks, beaches, and so on. Often, if you drive just a few hours, you can find a city that you can walk around and see. Then by driving home you can save the cost of a hotel and a plane ride.

Others take the term “staycation” word for word and do not leave their houses at all. Some choices for this can include taking time off to cook a great meal and enjoy it together or spending all day at a pool.

Just as a coin has two sides, staycation has its advantages as well as disadvantages.

Since you are not traveling or staying in a hotel, a staycation can be unbelievably costeffective(低成本的). You don’t have to pay for a hotel, so that cost has been completely eliminated. You are also saving by not driving very far and by not taking an airplane anywhere. Travel costs have become really high, and the farther you go, the higher they are. By staying close to home, you cut that cost by quite a bit. You are also pushing money back into your local economy(经济)by spending your money at local businesses rather than in cities that are far away from home.  Finally, any stress that you feel with travel, whether that is from driving long distances or looking for an airport, will completely disappear.

1.For what purpose is the text written?

A.To introduce the general information of staycatons.

B.To compare staycatons with other vacations.

C.To persuade more people to have staycations.

D.To provide different ways of staycations.

2.What is one of the advantages of a staycation?

A.The economy in other cities is also improved.

B.People spend nothing when staying at home.

C.You can visit local attractions for free.

D.There is no stress from traveling.

3.What does the underlined word “eliminated” in Paragraph 5 probably means?

A.included                              B.removed

C.covered                              D.raised

4.What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?

A.When to take a staycation.                B.What disadvantages a staycation has.

C.Why people prefer a staycation.            D.How to have a staycation safely.









1.A 主旨大意题。根据文章的主题段第一段可知本文主要是介绍一种新型的度假方式staycation并详细介绍了这种度假方式的优势和好处,故A正确。

2.D 细节题。根据文章最后三行Finally, any stress that you feel with travel, whether that is from driving long distances or looking for an airport, will completely disappear.说明staycation让我们没有一点压力,故D正确。

3.B 推理题。根据本句You don’t have to pay for a hotel, so that cost has been completely eliminated.你不必去付宾馆的钱,所以这个费用完全被去除了,故该词是B项的意思。故B正确。

4.B 推理题。根据最后一段第一行ust as a coin has two sides, staycation has its advantages as well as disadvantages.提出了staycation有好有坏,在最后一段里只是提出了staycation的好处,那么接下来最可能的就是讲述它的坏处,故B正确。





A staycation is a vacation when you do not travel at all. Some people use a staycation to just stay at home, and others prefer to experience the attractions around them without traveling very far.
There are many choices for staycations. Any town or city has plenty of choices for things to do if you know where to look. If the weather is nice, you can visit the local gardens or forests for a hike. You can look online for several historic places and create your own history tours. Of course, you can also visit other attractions in the areas like museums, restaurants, bars, parks, beaches, and so on. Often, if you drive just a few hours, you can find a city that you can walk around and see. Then by driving home you can save the cost of a hotel and a plane ride.
Others take the term “staycation” word for word and do not leave their houses at all. Some choices for this can include taking time off to cook a great meal and enjoy it together or spending all day at a pool.
Just as a coin has two sides, staycation has its advantages as well as disadvantages.
Since you are not traveling or staying in a hotel, a staycation can be unbelievably costeffective(低成本的). You don’t have to pay for a hotel, so that cost has been completely eliminated. You are also saving by not driving very far and by not taking an airplane anywhere. Travel costs have become really high, and the farther you go, the higher they are. By staying close to home, you cut that cost by quite a bit. You are also pushing money back into your local economy(经济)by spending your money at local businesses rather than in cities that are far away from home.  Finally, any stress that you feel with travel, whether that is from driving long distances or looking for an airport, will completely disappear.
【小题1】For what purpose is the text written?

A.To introduce the general information of staycatons.
B.To compare staycatons with other vacations.
C.To persuade more people to have staycations.
D.To provide different ways of staycations.
【小题2】What is one of the advantages of a staycation?
A.The economy in other cities is also improved.
B.People spend nothing when staying at home.
C.You can visit local attractions for free.
D.There is no stress from traveling.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “eliminated” in Paragraph 5 probably means?
【小题4】What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?
A.When to take a staycation.B.What disadvantages a staycation has.
C.Why people prefer a staycation.D.How to have a staycation safely.


[1] If you read a newspaper or listen to a newscast(news report) recently, you may hear or read a strange word, “staycation.” Staycation is a new word the American press(newspapers, radio, and television) is using to describe a vacation very close to your own home, or simply staying at home during your vacation. It is a combination of the words “stay” and “vacation”.

[2] According to many news reports, these staycations are very popular among American families this year. Why? The high price of gasoline for cars and airplanes has made it very expensive for Americans to travel compared to past years. When you combine this with the weak American dollar, it all adds up to people deciding to stay close to home during their traditional summer vacations. Of course, some places are more interesting to “stay home at” than others. And if you live in a very small town, well, you may just want to skip your vacation and save your time up to next year!

[3] Everything is expensive nowadays, and let’s face it—a vacation just may not be in your plan this year. You don’t have to give up family fun just because you can’t              ; instead, follow my tips for an economical staycation filled with old favorites and new adventures! Staycations have achieved high popularity in current hard economic times in which unemployment levels and gas prices are high. 

1.What is this passage mainly about? (within one word)

2.Which two words make the new word “staycation”? (within 3 words)

3.What’s the meaning of “staycation”? (within 20 words)

4.Why are staycation popular this year? Please list two reasons. (each within 5 words)

5.Please fill in the blank with a phrase in the last paragraph. (with 3 words)


A staycation is a vacation when you do not travel at all. Some people use a staycation to just stay at home, and others prefer to experience the attractions around them without traveling very far.
There are many choices for staycations. Any town or city has plenty of choices for things to do if you know where to look. If the weather is nice, you can visit the local gardens or forests for a hike. You can look online for several historic places and create your own history tours. Of course, you can also visit other attractions in the areas like museums, restaurants, bars, parks, beaches, and so on. Often, if you drive just a few hours, you can find a city that you can walk around and see. Then by driving home you can save the cost of a hotel and a plane ride.
Others take the term “staycation” word for word and do not leave their houses at all. Some choices for this can include taking time off to cook a great meal and enjoy it together or spending all day at a pool.
Just as a coin has two sides, staycation has its advantages as well as disadvantages.
Since you are not traveling or staying in a hotel, a staycation can be unbelievably costeffective(低成本的). You don’t have to pay for a hotel, so that cost has been completely eliminated. You are also saving by not driving very far and by not taking an airplane anywhere. Travel costs have become really high, and the farther you go, the higher they are. By staying close to home, you cut that cost by quite a bit. You are also pushing money back into your local economy(经济)by spending your money at local businesses rather than in cities that are far away from home.  Finally, any stress that you feel with travel, whether that is from driving long distances or looking for an airport, will completely disappear

  1. 1.

    For what purpose is the text written?

    1. A.
      To introduce the general information of staycatons
    2. B.
      To compare staycatons with other vacations
    3. C.
      To persuade more people to have staycations
    4. D.
      To provide different ways of staycations
  2. 2.

    What is one of the advantages of a staycation?

    1. A.
      The economy in other cities is also improved
    2. B.
      People spend nothing when staying at home
    3. C.
      You can visit local attractions for free
    4. D.
      There is no stress from traveling
  3. 3.

    What does the underlined word “eliminated” in Paragraph 5 probably means?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What will probably be discussed in the following paragraph?

    1. A.
      When to take a staycation
    2. B.
      What disadvantages a staycation has
    3. C.
      Why people prefer a staycation
    4. D.
      How to have a staycation safely

     We all need a vacation, whether with the entire family or your significant other. Unfortunately, many of
us will not be able to follow through with vacation plans. But now, there is an alternative that is catching on rather quickly and it is called a "Staycation". A staycation is just what it sounds like, a vacation but you stay at home. It might not sound interesting, but you can turn it into a fun and relaxing getaway.
     Tell family and friends your plans. In their eyes you are truly on vacation and they only need to contact you in case of an emergency.
     Go outside; don't let the kids sleep all day. Go out and birdwatch, go fishing, explore the parks and
nature, take in all you can of the outside world. You can even have a relaxing day at the beach, soak in
some sun, and let the kids go swimming.
     Go on a picnic; have the kids fly kites. Bring some bubbles, and have a nice day with the wind blowing
in your hair. Watch as the kids run and play and enjoy the beautiful outdoors.
     Camping is another fun way to have a staycation. If you have a camping ground in your area, you can
go camping for a day or two and show the kids how it is to live right in the heart of Mother Nature.
     Just remember, it really doesn't matter where you decide to go, whether home or away. As long as you create quality time with your family you can strengthen the bonds that may have been pushed aside during
all the long stressful work hours. Time is the most important thing you can give to your husband, wife and
kids, enjoying every moment together, and you will have lasting memories in your hearts.