
2.The witnesses ________by the police just now gave very different description of the fight.(  )
A.questionedB.being questioned
C.to be questionedD.having questioned

分析 刚才警方询问的那些目击者对那次打架斗殴事件给出了不同的描述.

解答 答案A.
根据题意动词question(质问)和逻辑主语witnesses(证人)是被动关系(被质问);又因为时间状语是just now(刚刚)所以用分词表示发生过的事因此应为过去式,而后面的by the police说明目击者是被警方询问,因此为被动,所以选择过去分词questioned作The witnesses后置定语.故选A.

点评 过去分词作定语
the developed countries 发达国家;
well-trained policemen 训练有素的警察
man-made satellites 人造卫星;
invited people  被邀请的人
We only sell used books.我们只卖用过的书.
Don't use words,expression_rs or phrases known only to people with specific knowledge.
The bridge built last month needs repairing.

17.Cao Wenxuan,a Chinese children's book writer,bagged the recent Hans Christian Andersen 2016award during the Bologna Children's Book Fair in Italy on Monday.
Cao is the first Chinese writer to be selected and to win the highest international recognition awarded to authors and illustrators of children's books."The best choice of the jury,Cao writes beautifully about the complex lives of children facing great challenges,''said Patricia Aldana,president of the Hans Christian Andersen Jury.
‘‘Cao is a great example of how writing wonderful prose and telling stories about brave children facing great difficulties and challenges can attract a very wide and committed child readership as well as helping to share a literary tradition in China that honors the realities of children's worlds,"Aldana continued.
Cao was born in 1954and raised from a small rural community in Yancheng,Jiangsu province.He was fortunate to study at Peking University and is now a Chinese literature and children's literature professor.
Cao wrote Bronze and Sunflower,which tells a heart-moving story set during the Cultural Revolution era of rural Chinese villages.He also wrote Dingding Dangdang,a tale of two brothers with Down Syndrome(唐氏综合症).Aldana said that Cao's works are"deeply humanistic"books that illustrate how life can be cruel to children.
During his interview with Xinhua,he stressed that people strive to achieve something because they have a background."And my background is China,"he emphasized."All of my stories are set in China,all of them are Chinese stories,but at the same time they are the stories of humankind,"he said.Cao's books are creating names around the world and have found greedy readers from Britain,France,Italy and Germany.
The prize has started glvmg awards to outstanding authors and illustrators since 1956by the International Board on Books for Young People,a Swiss non-profit group committed to unifying books and children together.The world-known"Nobel Prize for children's literature"is given every other year,and winners can only receive such honor once in their lifetime.

28.What did Cao Wenxuan win top global award for?C
A.His popularity among European readers.
B.His complex life experience facing great challenges.
C.His outstanding contribution to children's literature.
D.His translation of Hans Christian Andersen's works.
29.How did Aldana feel about Cao's win?A
A.Cao's achievement was well deserved.
B.Cao's works reflected the worlds of all ages.
C.Cao's style could be understood by the entire world.
D.Cao was the first to share literary tradition in China.
30.Where does Cao's writing inspiration lie?B
A.His foreign readers.    
B.His Chinese background.
C.His teachers and students.
D.His poor life in childhood.
31.Which of the following about Hans Christian Andersen Prize is true?B
A.It was first awarded in 1954.
B.It can only be obtained once for each author.
C.It is given every year to a living writer and illustrator.
D.It recognizes a writer's achievements of their early time.
11.Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta,Georgia,in 1900.Her father was a lawyer and the president of the Atlanta Historical Society,and her mother was a suffragette (a woman in support of extending the right to vote,especially to women) and an advocate of women's rights in general.Mitchell grew up listening to stories about Atlanta during the Civil War,stories often told by people who had lived through the war.Mitchell attended Smith College,a women's college in Northampton,Massachusetts.In 1919,she returned to Atlanta and began to live a lifestyle considered wild by the standards of the 1920s.After a disastrous first marriage,Mitchell began a career as a journalist and married an advertising executive named John Robert Marsh.In 1926,encouraged by her husband,Mitchell began to write the novel that would become Gone with the Wind.She went through nine complete drafts of the thousand-page work,setting an epic romance against the Civil War background she knew so well.In the first eight drafts,the protagonist (主角) was called Prissy Hamilton,not Scarlett O'Hara (as the character was renamed in the final draft).
Gone with the Wind differs from most Civil War novels by glorifying the South and uglifying the North.Other popular novels about the Civil War,such as Stephen Crane's The Red Badge of Courage,are told from a Northern perspective and tend to exalt (颂扬) the North's values.Mitchell's novel is unique also for its portrayal of a strong-willed,independent woman,Scarlett O'Hara,who shares many characteristics with Mitchell herself.Mitchell frequently rejected convention,divorcing her first husband and pursuing a career in journalism despite the disapproval of society.
Female Intelligence and Capability are highlighted by Mitchell in the novel Gone with the Wind.Despite the severe gender inequality of their time,women in the novel show strength and intelligence that equals or bests the strength and intelligence of men.Scarlett is tricky,and manipulates men with ease.She runs Tara when her father falls ill,and eventually realizes that she has a better head for business than most men.She becomes a very successful mill owner,running every aspect of the business and putting her weak,incompetent husband to shame.Melanie,although she is a subdued (闷闷不乐的) figure,exhibits increasing strength as the novel progresses,and she eventually emerges as the novel's strongest female character.She provides much of Scarlett's strength,although Scarlett realizes this only at the end of the novel.Melanie also protects Ashley from the world he cannot face.Despite her humble means,she single-handedly facilitates (促进) the restoration of Atlanta society.Old Miss Fontaine and Ellen also demonstrate strength and intelligence.Both women act as head of the family,and the narrator describes Ellen as the true mind and strength behind Tara.
Gone with the Wind was published in 1936,ten years after Mitchell began writing it.A smash success upon publication,Gone with the Wind became-and remains even now-one of the best-selling novels of all time.It received the 1937 Pulitzer Prize.In the late 1930s a film version of the novel was planned,and David O.Selznick's nationwide search for an actress to play Scarlett O'Hara captivated the nation's attention.The resulting film starred Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable as Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler,and it quickly became one of the most popular motion pictures of all time.
 Mitchell was less than thrilled by the sweeping popularity of her work.She found the spotlight uncomfortable and grew exhausted and ill.Gone with the Wind is her only novel,though she continued to write nonfiction.Mitchell volunteered extensively during World War II and seemed to regain her strength.In 1949 a car struck and killed Mitchell while she was crossing Peachtree Street in Atlanta.
Many critics question the literary merit and outdated racial attitude towards Gone with the Wind.Some consider the novel unattractive,partly because women of Mitchell's time rarely received credit for serious literary fiction and partly because the novel features a romance along with its historical plot.Both blacks and whites have harshly criticized Mitchell's sympathetic depiction (描写) of slavery and the Ku Klux Klan and her racist depiction of blacks.The novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical contexts:our own,Mitchell's,and Scarlett's.
66.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A
A.Mitchell was well-educated at that time.
B.The novel Gone with the Wind is set in America after the Civil War.
C.Mitchell lived a conventional life in the 1920s.
D.The racial attitude towards Gone with the Wind is outdated.
67.How does Mitchell's novel differ from most Civil War novels?C
A.The main character shares many characteristics with Mitchell herself.
B.Mitchell's theme deals with the Civil War.
C.The South is praised while the North attacked in Mitchell's novel.
D.Mitchell's novel is told from a Northern perspective.
68.The author mentions some characters like Melanie in Paragraph 3 to indicate thatC
A.the severe gender inequality of the time
B.Melanie is the strongest woman in the novel
C.female strength and intelligence are valued in the novel
D.they provide much of Scarlett's strength
69.The underlined word"manipulates"is closest in meaning toB.
A.provides       B.handles       C.avoids       D.trusts
70.The author writes the passage mainly toD.
A.analyze the characters in Gone with the Wind
B.inform readers of Mitchell's success and some criticism of her novel Gone with the Wind
C.prove the popularity of Gone with the Wind
D.provide some information about Mitchell and her novel Gone with the Wind.

Before World War II,all bank tellers(出纳)were men. But as men went to war during the early 1940s, banks trained women to take their place. I was among 20 women selected by Bank of America to work as a teller at a small branch in Los Angeles.

November 23,1942 was a day I'll never forget when I was 22 years old and just two months on the job. When a well-dressed man in a suit, tie and hat came to my window. I greeted him with a friendly “Good afternoon.” But he shouted,“This is it!”

'The man placed a brown bag on the counter and said; "Fill it up.”Because of 'the way he was dressed, it didn't dawn on me that this was a hold-up(持枪抢劫). I was sure it must be a test of the new tellers' ability to follow bank rules. Eager to pass such a test, I coolly opened the bag, and then calmly filled it with marked bills.

“None of these!” the man shouted, insisting that I fill the bag with cash from another teller’s drawer. Well, that was a big no-no from training: You never touch another teller's cash! I firmly told him it was against bank rules. You can imagine the disbelief on the robber' s face. Other tellers later told me they couldn't believe I refused the robber's demands.

When the man told me to stand in front of the other staff along the wall, threatening to shoot me if anyone moved, I finally realized this was real. After the robber fled the bank, the manager got his gun and went after the robber but he failed to catch him. The robber was caught after another bank hold-up, and I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters.

1.Why was it easy for the author to become a bank teller?

A. Females were thought responsible.

B. There was a lack of male workers.

C. She worked far better than men

D. Women could be trained easily.

2.Why did the author feel calm at the beginning of the incident?

A. She was well trained.

B. She took it for a test.

C. She knew the man had no gun with him.

D. She had experienced the same thing before.

3.How did the robber feel when he heard the author's words in Paragraph 4?

A. Worried. B. Disappointed.

C. Skeptical. D. Ashamed.

4.What can be inferred about the author after the incident?

A. She was the subject of many news stories.

B. She caught the robber in another hold-up.

C. She was to blame for losing money.

D. She succeed in changing her job.

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