
14.It does not matter     we play football with; we can beat them if we're determined.(  )

分析 我们和谁踢球都不要紧.(因为)只要我们下定决心,一定可以打败他们.

解答 答案:A 题干中we play football with,介词with缺少宾语,要用连接代词;play football with sb和某人踢球,连接代词表示的是人,要用who.故选A.

点评 在句子中起名词作用的各种从句统称为名词性从句.根据它们在句中的语法作用,这类从句又可分为主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句和宾语从句. 本题中who在从句中起连接作用,同时又充当了从句的宾语.

6.American LaMar Baylor spends most of his time in New York City,working as a performer in the Broadway musical-The Lion King.But since 2011,he has also spent weeks in Kigali,the capital of Rwanda.There,he teaches dance to boys who live on the street.His teaching is part of an effort by the Rebecca Davis Dance Company.The project helps young people learn more about dance and learn how to behave in a classroom environment.
LaMar Baylor describes his students as genocide (种族屠杀) survivors.They have lost all of their families,some even have been in prison."They have been through things that no one should ever have to go through,"said Baylor.Dance classes provide the children with structured learning and self-expression that they've never had before.They can also take classes in information and technology after they have learned to attend classes and follow directions.
Boys who have done best in the classes win scholarships,and are sent to the Sunrise Boarding School.About 30 boys have won this kind of financial aid.All the students are male,because few girls in Rwanda live freely on the street.
The Rwanda program is the largest one set up by the Rebecca Davis Dance Company,founded and directed by Rebecca Davis.Ms.Davis has also set up dance programs in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Guinea.About 2,000 children in the three countries have taken part in the project since it was launched in 2010.
As for LaMar Baylor,he knows from his own experience how dance can lead to a better life.He is from Camden,New Jersey.Camden has sometimes been called America's poorest and most dangerous city.Mr.Baylor says that growing up in Camden,it took a long time for him to find out what he wanted to do.He now thanks dancing saved his life.
41.What do we know about LaMar Baylor according to the text?C
A.He spends most of his time in Rwanda.
B.He is director of the musical The Lion King.
C.He himself grew up in a poor environment.
D.He started the Rwanda Program on his own.
42.It can be learned from the text that the children in RwandaA.
A.have gone through tough times
B.have committed violent crimes
C.worked hard to win scholarship
D.forced mainly on dancing
43.In how many countries are the dance programs launched?B
A.Two        B.Three            C.Four             D.Five
44.Which of the following is true of the dance project?B
A.Most children participating in it were boys.
B.The project could date back to the year 2010.
C.In is aimed to improve the kid's dancing skills.
D.It has gained much support from the world.
45.What can be the main idea of the text?A
A.Dance offers street children path to education.
B.The largest dance project was set up in Guinea.
C.Education is important to street children.
D.Where you grow up decides what you are.

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