
7.Michelle was a student at University of California,Los Angeles.She is here to tell us how she feels about the city.
What were the best things about Los Angeles?
       One of my favorite things about Los Angeles is the weather.I hate the cold and it never really gets that cold there.Plus,most of the time it's usually sunny,which is good because I love going to the beach during the summer.There's so much to do at the beach,but my favorite thing in L.A.was having a picnic on the sand with my friends.
What were the worst things about being there?
       I disliked having to drive everywhere to get around because the city is so spread out.Los Angeles has a lot of traffic and sometimes it takes a long time to get somewhere close by just because the streets are so crowded.Also,a lot of people complain about the pollution.
Did you have any pro blems there?
       Just the normal problems of living in any city,like watching out for pickpockets (扒手).Some people think Los Angeles has a lot of crime,but I think it's as safe as any other city.Also,many people think driving is difficult because there is a lot of traffic and road rage (路怒症),but it just takes a little practice and a lot of patience.
What are the people like in Los Angeles?
       There are all types of people in Los Angeles since the city is pretty diverse.For the most part,though,most of the people are friendly,calm and relaxed.Some people say that everyone in Los Angeles is beautiful,but I think that's just a stereotype (模式化的印象).
Would you go back to Los Angeles?
       Certainly.Los Angeles is one of my favorite cities in the world.I love the fact that it has all the nightlife and shopping of a big city,but also has access to beaches,parks,mountains and other places you can't usually find in large cities.Between the weather and the beaches and all the fun things to do,it's a great place to be.
21.We can learn from the text that MichelleA.
A.hates the heavy traffic in Los Angeles
B.dislikes the cold weather in Los Angeles
C.thinks Los Angeles is small and crowded
D.enjoys driving everywhere in Los Angeles
22.What's Michelle's impression of the people in Los Angeles?B
A.They get angry easily.B.All sorts of people live there.
C.They are patient and amusing.D.Everyone is kind and beautiful.
23.How does Michelle find Los Angeles?D
A.Safe but noisy.B.Relaxing but busy.
C.Polluted and dangerous.D.Diverse and interesting.
24.We learn from the text thatB.
A.Michelle was born in Los Angeles
B.Michelle loved the life in Los Angeles
C.Los Angeles has many traffic accidents
D.Michelle has no plan to return to Los Angeles.

分析 本文是一则访谈,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了对加州大学洛杉矶分校的学生Michelle的采访.

解答 21.A.细节理解题.由What were the worst things about being there?一节中的I disliked…because the streets are so crowded可知,Michelle讨厌洛杉矶拥挤的交通,所以答案是A.
22.B.细节理解题.由What are the people like in Los Angeles?一节中的There are all types of…pretty diverse可知,Michelle认为在洛杉矶云集了各种各样的人,因为这座城市是多样化的,所以答案是B.
24.B.细节理解题.由最后一段中的Los Angeles is one of my favorite cities…it's a great place to be可知,Michelle喜欢洛杉矶的生活,所以答案是B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

Have you ever had a headache during a test?Have you ever been too worried about something that you have a headache or even can't sleep at night?If so,then you know that stress is.
Not all stress is bad for you.Some kinds of stress can help you get things do better,like when you are running towards the finishing line or when you are being asked to give a speech to your class.Stress sometimes can help push you to make full preparation for a test.However,too much stress can result in anger,depression and other related problems,which we need to take serious.
There are many things in our life what might cause stress------having too much homework,taking a difficult test,and having economic problems.
It's impossible to live in a life completely free of stress,so you should learn to deal with stress.The best way reduce stress is to have a balanced life.If you get enough sleep,eat properly,take more exercise and have enough fun time,you'll probable feel less stressed.

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