
For decades,the San Francisco Bay area has been the heart of the computer technology industry.Many of the biggest technology companies have their headquarters in the area called Silicon Valley.But the area has not always been associated with charity(慈善).

Now,a new generation of entrepreneurs(企业家)appears to be changing Silicon Valley.One example is Marc Benioff,a donor(捐赠者),who has called on wealthy donors to give more to their communities.He also is the founder of Salesforce.com,a computer services company in San Francisco who has helped build a children’s hospital and given millions of dollars to non-profit organizations in the city.

Money from the technology industry has also started to change the face of charity.Benjamin Soskis writes about the history and ideas behind charity in America.His articles have appeared in The Atlantic magazine and a number of major publications.He says,traditionally,donors have given after they spent much of their lives building up wealth.Usually donors are in their 70s.But an increasing number of people appearing on the list of top donors are younger than 40 years of age.Benjamin Soskis says that is something new.“There’s a whole new model that’s appearing in which people give and accumulate at the same time.”

Some of the young donors on this year's top 50 list have started to change in the way people see charity.That is especially the case in the San Francisco area,where giving money and making money appear to be coming together.“I think it's fair to say that charity is now a part of the Silicon Valley identity.”

1.What is true of Marc Benioff?

A.He joined a non-profit organization.

B.He advised donors to build hospitals.

C.He made San Francisco a city of charity.

D.He set up the company of Salesforce.com.

2.What is special about the donors of Silicon Valley?

A.They prefer to give rather than make money.

B.They give after accumulating a lot of wealth.

C.They are much younger than the usual donors.

D.They donate more money to their communities.

3.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.The age of charity

B.The changing faces of charity

C.In search of new faces

D.From computer base to charity centre


A I was very disappointed not to be able to go to the jazz concert last Friday.The advertisement in the paper said that you could buy tickets at the theatre box in Richland Hills any day between 10:00 and 4:00.Since I work from 9:00 to 5:30, the only time I could go to the theatre was during my 45-minute lunch break.

Unfortunately, the theatre is on the other side of the town, and the bus service between my office and Richland Hills is not very good.But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes.Last Monday.I stood at the bus stop for 15 minutes waiting for the bus, By the time I saw one come around the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip.

So I gave up and went back to the office.The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again next day.On Thursday, my luck changed.I got on a bus right away and arrived at the theatre in exactly 20 minutes.When I got there, however, I found a long line of people at the box office, I heard one man say he had been waiting in line for over an hour.Realizing I would not have enough time to wait in line.I caught the next bus and headed back across the town.

By Friday I realized my only hope was to make the trip by taxi, it was expensive, but I felt it would be worth it to hear the concert.The trip by taxi only took 10 minutes, but felt like an hour to me.When I got to the theatre, I was relieved to see that nobody was waiting in line.The reason, however, I quickly discovered, was that they had already sold all the tickets.

1.The man learned that there would be a concert last Friday.

A.from the newspaper

B.from his friends

C.from one of his work-mates

D.over the radio

2.He tried to go to the theatre every day but managed to get there only _______.


B.three times


D.four times

3.One day the man took _______ to get to the theatre by bus.

A.forty-five minutes

B.fifteen minutes

C.over an hour

D.just twenty minutes

4.The underlined word “relieved” may best be replaced by ___________.





阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

Nick Petrels is a doctor in Montreal.He works 60 hours a week.He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office.He’s been a doctor for ten years.

Dr Petrels gives his patients good medical advices.But he doesn’t just tell his patients when to do.He also sings to them on television.Dr Petrels has his own TV show.The show is in Italia,English and French.The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice.He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language.After that,he sings another song.

Dr Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week.The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing.His dream is to perform in Las Vegas.His favorite songs are love songs,and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote.Dr Petrels says,“I always love to sing.All my problems are gone when I sing.”But when Dr Petrels was young,his father didn’t want him to be a singer,so he went to a medical school.

Some people tell Dr Petrels he can help people more as a doctor.But Dr Petrels says he helps people when he sings,too.“I like to make people smile.Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile.Medicine and entertainment (娱乐)both try to do the same thing.They try to make people feel good.”

1.Dr Petrels works 60 hours a week,because he________.

A.gives his patients medical advices

B.takes care of 159 patients a week

C.sings on television

D.has his own TV show

2.Why is Dr Petrels called a singing doctor?

A.Because he has been a doctor for ten years.

B.Because he always loves singing.

C.Because he is popular with his patients.

D.Because he also sings to his patients on TV.

3.In his TV show,Dr Petrels________.

A.sings and gives medical advices

B.sings about different diseases

C.starts to explain diseases with a song

D.sings love songs he wrote

4.Dr Petrels’ show is popular________.

A.in Las Vegas

B.at medical school

C.with people who like his singing

D.with patients in Montreal

5.Dr Petrels says he likes to________.

A.help people sing B.make people feel better

C.do the same thing D.make difficult people smile

It’s really a tough job for automakers doing marketing and sales in China, where competition is acute and customers have little loyalty. They have tried a range of tricks in recent years.

But there should be a moral bottom line. Unfortunately, a Buick dealership used the tragedy of a two-month-old infant to advertise its cars last week on Weibo – Micro blog. And Hyundai Motor followed suit.

On March 4, an SUV was stolen with the infant left inside alone in the northeastern city of Changchun. The news spread widely on Weibo after the baby’s father called the local police and radio station for help. The next day it was revealed that the infant was choked to death and buried in snow by the thief. The online community expressed its deeply felt sympathy and condolences.

The Buick dealership posted a photo of the baby and two of its cars on its official Weibo account to advertise its GPS system that can locate the stolen car. “A few thoughts on the Changchun stolen car and baby incident: when buying a car it's entirely OK to choose a brand with advanced technology,” said the post. Though the post was made before tragic fate of the infant was known, the action generated a storm of outrage on Weibo. Some online commentators said it is “marketing at the cost of lives” and “extremely despicable.”

Worse was the post on Hyundai's off icial Weibo account that advertised the anti - theft system on its new SUV Santa Fe, an entry made after the child was known to have died. The action also enraged micro bloggers.

Both posts were soon deleted. The Buick dealership made an apology on Weibo to the family of the victim and the public. But screenshots saved by users continued to be posted and the negative impact on both brands persists.

The two brands probably didn’t expect such a firestorm of fury from the Internet community, but they really made a big mistake sinking below the moral bottom line. They certainly ruined their own brand images.

The Chinese have the same proverb as the English language – a little leak will sink a great ship. It takes decades to build the great ship of a respectable brand but it can take just a moment of negligence to make it fail completely.

For those in corporate marketing, two lessons should be learned: first, be careful in the era of social media when one wrong can be easily magnified and have disastrous impacts in just a few clicks.

Second and more importantly, think with your brain and heart. Never break the moral bonds of respect for human life and sympathy for our fellow man.

1.Who is to blame for the tragedy of Changchun infant according to the passage?

A.The baby’s father B.Buick and Hyundai dealership

C.Weibo D.Not clear

2.Which of the following statements is correct?

A.The missing infant was found alive in the stolen car.

B.Micro blog marketing of tragic infant death fuels firestorm of criticism.

C.People can’t see the two posts any more because they were deleted.

D.The two car brands mentioned in the passage spoiled their own reputation by selling the stolen car.

3.What does the underlined word – “despicable” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Immoral B.Important

C.Distinguished D.Considerable

4.The reason why Hyundai’s post was worse than Buick’s is that _________.

A.Hyundai dealership didn’t make an apology on Weibo

B.Buick dealership expressed its deeply sympathy and condolences

C.Hyundai’s post was made after people knew the infant had died

D.Buick’s car was more advanced on its GPS system

5.In the last paragraph, the author encourages people _____________.

A.not to sink below the moral bottom line

B.not to sympathize our fellow man

C.to think twice before making decision

D.to magnify the mistakes people make

E­reading and e­books are slowly conquering the world.Compared to traditional paper books,e­books in some schools and universities attract more interest because the information flow seems much easier to manage and comes in a greatly higher quantity.

Japan is known for the reform­minded attitude towards the gadget(精巧装置) world and for the fact that it is one of the first countries that encouraged in the educational system the emailing of homework.

The digital textbook looks like the logical step in the world of learning.It is natural but it is also completely untraditional.

The plan of the largest publishing companies to get in line with the trend is to save a large quantity of paper and make the kids become interested in learning using a cool gadget.Many USA universities and colleges have made students be used to the procedure of downloading the courses and of course the procedure involves interactive software and also the chance of using the computer.

The traditional education system is still unwilling when it comes to giving up books.The standard approach of information taught out of a book and Shakespeare read out of an old school novel makes studying English as traditional as it can be.

In a world where kids would rather see the movie than read a book,the digital age has brought along a completely different flavor to reading.Bringing that flavor in school will make teaching a greener and also a completely different matter.

1.Why are e­books so popular in the world?

A.It's cheap to buy.

B.It's effective to use.

C.It's convenient to bring.

D.It's the latest fashion.

2.Which of the following words can best take the place of the word “reform­minded” in the second paragraph?

A.Old­fashioned. B.Aggressive.

C.Rejecting. D.Progressive.

3.In America,the students are encouraged to________.

A.apply the procedure of downloading the courses

B.communicate with their teachers using computer

C.research some interactive software for their studies

D.do their homework in computer instead of in paper

4.What's the author's attitude to the digital textbooks?

A.Being against. B.Being for.

C.Not mentioned. D.Being neutral.

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