
1."Where is the bus?Why is it always late?"I asked myself.I was going to be late (31)Cthe manager wasn't going to be pleased."Thank God,here it is!"The bus came round the corner and I got on.Ten minutes later I was walking into the(32)C where I work."Twenty-five past nine.I(33)D the manager doesn't notice."But I was not (34)A.
"Smith!"shouted the manager."Late again.What's your (35)Athis time?""I am afraid the bus was late,Mr.Brown.""(36)D up earlier tomorrow!Anyway,go to your place at the counter.We'll be opening in a few minutes."
My first customer was a pretty girl wearing a red dress.(37)Bher was a young man of about 25.He seemed very (38)A,and every few seconds he looked towards the main entrance.The girl drew some money and was(39)C in opening an account.I gave her necessary (40)Aand she went out.(41)B,I noticed a tall man by the door,carrying something (42)D with brown paper.Turning to my next customer,I was frightened to see a gun sticking out of his coat.The next moment a loud noise (43)Cmy ears.Everything went black.I was falling…It seemed to be a long time (44)A I opened my eyes and I found myself in bed!(45)B shaking from the memory of this terrible dream,I got dressed and ran out of the house.(46)A,the bus wasn't on time,and I got to the bank at 9:25.
"Smith!"the manager cried out in a voice like thunder."(47)D of your excuses!Start work at once!"To my (48)B,the first customer was a girl(49)D red and behind her stood a man carrying something wrapped in brown paper.The(50)A!Sometimes life is full of coincidences!

46.A.As usualB.For one thingC.In factD.In general

分析 文章讲述了作者经历了一个噩梦,结果在现实里,噩梦再现了.

解答 31-35  CCDAA   36-40  DBACA    41-45  BDCAB    46-50  ADBDA
31:C 连词辨析.根据句意可知,本句是并列关系,我会迟到,老板会不高兴.故答案为C.
32:C 上下文串联.根据下文顾客到柜台开户我们我在银行工作.故答案为C.
33:D 动词辨析.A相信;B认为;C猜想;D希望;我希望老板没有注意到我迟到.故答案为D.
34:A 上下文串联.根据第二段可知老板注意到我迟到了,故我运气不好.故答案为A.
35:A 名词辨析.A借口;B观点;C原因;D回答;句意:这次你的借口是什么?故答案为A.
36:D 固定词组.Get up 起床;指老板原谅我了,提醒我明天早点起床.故答案为D.
37:B 上下文串联.根据下文54空后behind her stood说明B正确.
38:A 上下文串联.根据very few seconds he looked towards the…说明他很紧张.故答案为A.
39:C 动词辨析.Ask about询问,打听;她取钱并询问开户.故答案为C.
40:A 名词辨析.A信息;B提供;C介绍;D支持;我把必要的信息给了她.故答案为A.
41:B 上下文串联.我给了她必要的信息,她出去了.那时我发现…故答案为B.
42:D 固定词组.Be covered with覆盖着…指他拿着用棕色报纸包盖着的东西.故答案为D.
43:C 动词辨析.A带走;B关闭;C充满;D来.指我的耳朵里都是吵闹声.故答案为C.
44:A 固定句型.It be 一段时间before从句,表示一段时间以后某事才发生.故答案为A.
45:B 副词辨析.A甚至;B仍然;C只是;D曾经;我仍然因为可怕的经历而颤抖.故答案为B.
46:A 短语辨析.A和往常一样;B一方面;C事实上;D总得说来.和往常一样公车晚了.故答案为A.
47:D 上下文串联.这里必须用否定词,指经理不相信我任何借口,让我赶快工作.故答案为D.
48:B 上下文串联.在现实中出现了和我梦境中一样的情景,这让我十分惊讶.故答案为B.
49:D 语法分析.介词in+颜色,表示穿什么颜色的衣服.故答案为D.
50:A 上下文串联.指梦境再现.故答案为A.

点评 文章讲述了作者经历了一个噩梦,结果在现实里,噩梦再现了.全文设空科学合理,考生不难从中领会大意,比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要是考查了词汇的辨析与运用和上下文串联,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断.

11.In America,it's very common for people to become voluntary workers.It is very much a part of the American way of life to donate one's time and services.Most charitable activities are organized by churches and groups around the nation and even encouraged by the government.The helping hand is extended to the poor,the homeless and the disabled.Some people work to teach children how to read.Others open up soup kitchens to feed the homeless.Volunteers also take care of the disabled by making reading tapes for the blind and working in orphanages (孤儿院) to help children without parents.
High school students are often encouraged to become volunteers and many school club activities center around volunteer services.Students may work with disabled children during a summer program,or participate in a club activity which helps to bring meal to senior citizens who are shut-ins.With their sense of idealism (理想主义) students are often eager to donate their spare time.They see such activities as a way of becoming involved in the community and the adult-world.Social action for them becomes as important as their academic studies.
Fund raising drives are also conducted by schools and community groups to raise money for a worthy cause.They may respond to a recent earthquake in a foreign country,a flood somewhere within their own,or another natural disaster which has left people destitute and homeless.They may organize drives to collect food,clothing and medicines to serve an immediate need.Today even the Halloween custom of'trick or treat'has become an occasion to collect money for a charitable cause.
This call to help those less fortunate than themselves arises from the humble origins of the American nation.Those immigrants who were poor and downtrodden (受压迫的) became dependent on the kindness of their neighbors to make a new life for themselves.
American volunteers work throughout the world in less developed countries.They volunteer by serving as a champion of goodwill both at home and abroad,which no doubt enriches both his life and those whom he serves.

29.Which of the following charitable activities is not mentioned in the passage?B
A.Some people open up soup kitchens to feed homeless people.
B.Some students donate books to children in mountainous areas.
C.Some people collect money to help a foreign country with a recent earthquake.
D.Some students bring meals to old people who can't go out easily.
30.Why are American high school students eager to do voluntary work?C
A.Because they can get higher scores at school.
B.Because they want to go to better universities.
C.Because they want to participate in some social activities.
D.Because they can realize their dream sooner.
31.The underlined word"destitute"in Paragraph 3probably meansC.
32.American charitable activities started becauseD.
A.Americans are always ready to share with others
B.Americans are mostly kind
C.poor Americans couldn't live on without help
D.poor immigrants needed help badly.
12.People laugh and people cry.But it is thought that emotions such as anger,grief or joy,typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.The shedder of tears(落泪者) is likely to apologize,even when a great tragedy was the cause.The observer of tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional tears.But judging from recent studies of crying behavior,both those responses to tears are often inappropriate and may even be counterproductive (适得其反).
  Humans are the only animals clearly known to shed emotional tears.Since evolution has given rise to few purposeless physiological responses,it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that increase survival.
  Although some observers have suggested that crying is a way to ask for assistance form others (as a crying baby might from its mother),the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help.Vo-cal (出声的) cries would have been quite enough,more likely than tears to gain attention.So,it appears that there must be something special about tears themselves.
  Indeed,the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in easing stress.University of Minnesota researchers who are studying the chemical composition of tears have recently separated two important chemicals from emotional tears.Both chemicals are found only in tears that are shed in response to emotion.Tears shed because of exposure to cut onion would contain no such substance.
  Other researchers are looking into the usefulness of tears as a means of diagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs.At Tulane University's Teat Analysis Laboratory Dr.Peter Kastl and his colleagues r eport that they can use tears to detect drug abuse,to study the causes of"dry eye"syndrome(综合症) and the effects of eye surgery,and perhaps even to measure exposure to environmental pollutants.
64.What does the phrase"both those responses"in Paragraph 1 refer to?D
A.Crying out of sorrow and shedding tears for happiness.
B.The embarrassment and unpleasant feelings of the observers.
C.Linking illness with crying and finding the chemical composition of tears.
D.The tear shedder's apology and the observer's effort to stop the crying.
65.It is known from the first paragraph thatA.
A.shedding tears gives unpleasant feelings to Americans
B.crying may often result in tragedy
C.crying usually wins sympathy from other people
D.one who sheds tears in public will be blamed
66.From the passage we can infer thatB.
A.it is unnatural for people to shed tears
B.we can reduce our stress by shedding tears
C.shedders of tears can't get help by crying loudly
D.unlike animals,humans can shed tears for survival.
16.A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night.They turn off the lights,put up the covers and close their eyes.Six or seven hours later,they wake up again.Strange,isn't it?
Sleep puzzles science.Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one can't fall asleep.They are not so sure what causes sleep.
The best conditions for sleep,they say,are good health and meal neither too big nor too small.No worries and a comfortable place to sleep in are important,too.They advise against two in one bed.
Strange things happen during sleep.For example,you move often.You would feel tired if you didn't.You also dream.Part of your brain is still awake when you dream.Dreaming happens when the memory and imagination parts of your brain are still awake.Experiments have shown that bad dreams may be caused by a stomachache.
Don't worry if you dream.Some great stories and poems were begun while the writers slept.
28.You would feel tired during sleep if youC.
A.move too often     
B.sleep on your back   
C.didn't move  
D.went to sleep late
29.Dreaming happens whenC.
A.you are in a deep sleep                    
B.y ou are not comfortable
C.part of our brain is still awake              
D.there's too much noise  in the room
30.The best title for this passage isB.
A.Why You Dream                    
B.The Strangeness of Sleep
C.What Happens During Sleep           
D.The Cause of Sleep.
13.Dream is very important to everyone especially for kids.Kids have big dreams for their future.Many of (41)them want to be an astronaut or a fireman.I have always wanted to be a (42)writer(write).Though my handwriting was careless,my head was filled with other words and characters (43)that I wanted to tell people about.
I was told by my teachers that my work was (44)amazing(amaze).I wrote a lot but I never published anything.I thought I was too young and at the time all I could do was to practice (45)Aftergraduation from college,one day,I decided to randomly select a few publications
(刊物) and send a few articles to them.The first response (46)that I received was a rejection of everything I had sent to the magazines.That was the last hope for me.I knew I had no (47)choice(choose) but to abandon(放弃) my dream and concentrate on something else.
One day,I came from my sales job and opened the mailbox.Inside was a letter from another.I sighed preparing myself(48)for another rejection.However,to my surprise,my work (49)was accepted(accept).
Before I knew it,I had five articles up to for publications in two months!I officially (50)became(become)a published author,what I have always wanted to be.

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