
根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并将答案写在二卷对应位置(否则不予给分), 选项中有两项多余选项。

-- Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please?

-- Hi, Susan! ___1.___. What can I do for you?

-- Well. I’m calling to tell you about the theatre group I belong to, the Princeton Players. We’re looking for more people to join, especially men.   2.  .

-- Oh, you know how much I love acting, but I’m taking some very hard courses. I might be able to learn may part, but   3.  .

-- Well, actually, we rehearse only one night a week, Thursday, from 7 to 10, though we would have to pit in extra time before a performance.

-- Only once a week, you say?  4.  .

-- Sure. But look, why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next Thursday? I think you will like the way we work. When you see how much fun it is, you’ll want to join right sway.

-- OK, I’ll come to a rehearsal,   5.  .

-- Great! I’ll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then. Bye for now.

-- Bye, Susan.

 A. I’m Greg Robinson. 

B. And I thought you might be interested in it. 

C. It’s Greg. 

D. but I can’t promise more than that. 

E. I would hardly have time to rehearse.

F. if the play interests me.  

G. Well, could you give me time to think it over?











1.根据上文的:this is Susan Wilson.可知这里是打电话的时候的自我介绍,选C

2.根据上文的:We’re looking for more people to join, especially men.可知我想你会对它感兴趣,选B

3.根据下文的:Well, actually, we rehearse only one night a week,可知我没有时间彩排,选E

4.根据上文的:Only once a week, you say?可知是:你能给我几分钟考虑一下吗?选G

5.根据上文的:OK, I’ll come to a rehearsal,可知只能许诺这么多,选D 





— Well, Bob, what a surprise! It’s nice to see you again!

— Hello, Ann!    61    Wasn’t it a year ago, the last time we saw you?

— You know, I think you are right. How are your wife and the children?

— Oh, they’re fine. Billy fell down and broke his leg a few months ago.       62 

— Wasn’t Joey learning to play the violin? Seems to me I remember something about that.

   63    He’s all excited about sports now.

—     And your wife, what is she doing these days?

—     She is going to a night school on Mondays and Thursdays. She’s studying French now. But last year she studied typing and sewing.   64    Next it’ll probably be cooking.

—     How nice for her!   65    But say hello to Mrs James for me, will you?

—     Sure I will, and remember me to your husband. Gookbye.

A.        Oh, he’s given that up.

B.        Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve got to rush.

C.        She’s made great progress in that.

D.       How long has it been?

E.        I think she just enjoys going to school.

F.        Joey’s getting on well with her.

G.       But other than that, there’s been nothing     special

注意:请考生将情景对话题所选择选项涂在机读卡上。如机读卡上没有E,F,G选项,请用AB替代 E; AC替代 F; AD替代 G。

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