
根据对亏内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。选项中有两项多余选项。

—Hello ,Mike. How have you been all these days?

—Just fine, Jane. We haven’t been in touch for quite a long time. 51_____

—I went to Europe to attend an international conference. I came back only yesterday.

— 52_____ Oh ,I nearly forgot. Mr. Smith asked me to invite you to his daughter Mary's wedding. He cannot reach you.

—That' s fine. 53 When and where will the ceremony be held?

—The ceremony will be held in the Long Island Hotel on February 28th.

一Long Island Hotel, February 28th. That's next Saturday. 54_____Thank you for telling me about the wedding. 55_____

—See you then.

—See you.

A. I've noted it down.

B. How's everything?

C. Where have you been?

D. I'll be there on time.

E. I’m glad to be invited.

F. Let’s keep in touch.

G. I know you are always on the go.


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