
16.In museums all over the world,one rule defeats all others:look but don't touch the works.But what if you can't look?Why should being blind prevent a person from appreciating works of art that are not only masterpieces,but also an important part of his or her country's cultural history?That was the question facing the Madrid's Prado museum.As with many other European museums,the Prado has worked hard over recent years to widen access to its collections.Up until now,however,blind and partially sighted people have been unable to enjoy the museum's vast collection,which includes works by Goya,El Greco and Velazquez.
The solution,the president of the museum concluded,was not simply offering audio or Braille(盲文)guides,but to create 3-D copies of key works,which visitors could touch.By inviting them to break the"no touching"rule in their new"Touching the Prado"exhibit,visually impaired (受损的)visitors can at last gain some appreciation of the works on display.
More than a year ago,then,the museum invited companies from across Spain to launch the project before choosing Estudios Durero,a Basque company specializing in the fine arts.What set them apart from their rivals was that,rather than using standard 3-D printing,they have developed a technique that they call"Didú,"which allows them to produce works that are both rich in texture (纹理)and color.Eager to keep the exact details of their process a secret,Velasco explained that it includes taking a high resolution image of a painting and then working with the blind and partially sighted members of the team to identify which details need to be emphasized.
A Madrid native,Fernandez,was born blind and is now visiting the Prado for the first time.41Yes,I can feel the texture of the skin,the short beards 2ind even the look of surprise on the men's mouths,"said Fernandez."We learned all about the great Spanish artists at school,of course,but it's only now that I can start to understand what made them special in their own unique ways."
Plans are in place to further expand the current exhibition to involve a wider sample of the Prado's collection and to make other museums and galleries more accessible to the visually impaired.28.What probably led to Tutankhamen's death according to the newest study?
28.What is the most effective solution to no touching rule?C
A.Providing audio.
B.Offering braille guides.
C.Creating touchable 3-D copies.
D.Inviting the blind to break the rule.
29.Why did Velasco choose to work with the blind?D
A.Because of their taste of art.
B.Because of their professional knowledge.
C.Because of their acquisition of printing skills.
D.Because of their ability to identify important details.
30.How did Fernandez feel when he visited the Prado?A
31.In which column of the newspaper do you probably find the passage?D

分析 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读.文章主要介绍了一些博物馆的技术.

解答 28-31 CDAD
28.C.细节理解题.根据"The solution,the president of the museum concluded,was not simply offering audio or Braille(盲文)guides,but to create 3-D copies of key works,which visitors could touch."可知不接触规则的有效方法是创建可接触的3-D copies.故选C.
29.D.推理判断题.根据"Velasco explained that it includes taking a high resolution image of a painting and then working with the blind and partially sighted members of the team to identify which details need to be emphasized."可知Velasco选择和盲人一起工作是因为他们有能力识别一些重要的细节.故选D.
30.A.推理判断题.根据"I can feel the texture of the skin,the short beards 2ind even the look of surprise on the men's mouths"可知Fernandez参观了Prado之后感觉很吃惊.故选A.
31.D.推理判断题.纵览全文并根据"Plans are in place to further expand the current exhibition to involve a wider sample of the Prado's collection and to make other museums and galleries more accessible to the visually impaired.28."可知文章主要介绍了一些博物馆的技术,所以最有可能在新闻的技术部分看到这篇文章.故选D.

点评 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读.此类题型主要考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.细节理解题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容设置问题,所以在做细节理解题时要结合原文和提干有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,再结合选项选出正确答案.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要联系上下文根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

7.What is big data exactly?Good question.After all,we've always had large amounts of data.As Laurie Miles,head,of analytics for big data specialist SAS,says,"The term big data has been around for decades and we've been,doing analytics all the time.It's not big; it's just bigger."Most traditional data was structured,or neatly organized in databases.Then the world went digital and the Internet came along.Most of what we1 do could be translated into data capable of being recorded,stored,searched,and analyzed.There was also so-called unstructured data generated by all our digital interactions (互动),from emails to online'shopping,text messages to tweets,and Facebook updates to YouTube video's.
Some say that about 90% of all the data in the world today has been created in the past few years."About 75% of data is unstructured,coming from sources such as text voice and video,"says Mr Miles.
"Big data is not just historic business intelligence,''says Mr,Miles."It's the addition of real-time data and the ability to combine together several data sets that makes it so valuable."Practically,anyone who makes,grows and sells anything Can use big data analytics to make their manufacturing and production processes more efficient arid their marketing more targeted and cost-effective.
And many businesses are only just beginning to realize that data is something that they need to protect and use."Banks only use a third of their available data because it often sits in databases that are hard to access,"says Mr Miles,"We need to find ways to make this data more easily accessible."
Who owns it all?Social media platforms will often,say that their users own their own content,but then lay claim to how that content is used,reserving the right to share it with third parties!So when you tweet you effectively give up any control over how that tweet is used in future,even though Twitter terms and conditions say,"What's yours is yours."Privacy (隐私) and intellectual property1 laws have not kept up with the pace of technological change.

32.According to the first paragraph,big dataD.
A.is also called modern data                         
B.means we don't have enough data
C.gets its name from a research institute        
D.has been researched for many years
33.What contributes greatly to the development of unstructured data?B
A.The increasing number of databases.
B.Our increasing exposure to digital activities.
C.A great decrease in structured data.
D.The lack of people who can translate data.
34.What is the third paragraph mainly about?B
A.The future of big data.
B.The value of big data.
C.The protection of big data.
D.The problems of big data.
35.Why do banks only use a small part of their data?D
A.Because it has different resources.
B.Because the speed is too slow.
C.Because the cost is very high.
D.Because it is difficult to obtain.
11.The China Daily newspaper is looking for English senior business editors,senior copy editors and graphic designers to strengthen its international team.We offer a competitive salary package,free accommodation with utilities(水电等费用) paid for 90percent,medical reimbursement (报销),a seven-day paid leave and eleven-day public holidays.
Senior Business Editor
You must:
•assist the business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;
•be an excellent team person who can generate ideas and think creatively and be able to rewrite totally if needed and help junior staff;
•ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility and understand what leadership involves;
•have had at least five years'editing experience working on editing the Business Desk and be familiar with industry software.
Senior Copy Editor
You must:
•work on shifts in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
•edit or rewrite copy and give excellent headlines and captions(字幕);
•have had at least two years'editing experience working on editing desks and be familiar with industry software.
Graphic Designer
You must:
•have excellent skills in information graphics;
•be good at illustrations and freehand drawings;
•be experienced in newspaper or magazine designs;
•have a good sense of printing designs;
•be good at Macintosh software,including InDesign,Illustrator and Photoshop;
•be fluent in English.
For enquiries or to apply,write to job@chinadaily.com.cn.
21.According to the first paragraph,we can know thatA.
A.the workers have the right to enjoy eleven-day public holidays
B.the workers there can enjoy a seven-day leave without pay
C.the workers can enjoy free accommodations completely
D.the workers need to pay by themselves if they are ill
22.What is NOT required about Graphic Designer?D
A.Be good at Photoshop.
B.Have excellent skills in information graphics.
C.Have a good sense of printing designs.
D.Write proper headlines and captions.
23.What is the purpose of this passage?B
A.To describe the positions of China Daily.
B.To advertise for some good positions.
C.To tell you how to become good emplyees..
D.To describe the working conditions of China Daily.
6.Each Sunday,people can hear the music of the Mission Dolores Basilica in San Francisco.The Spanish missionaries(传教士)built the church in 1791.It was the start of a special kind of neighborhood:the Mission District.
The area is a place with a long and varied history.One community member says that it's important for people to understand the many levels of history in the neighborhood.He feels that this knowledge is a big part of understanding what it means to be a real San Franciscan.
One of the most interesting parts of the district is its people.Over the years,immigrants have come to the area from Ireland,Germany,and Italy.But the most recent immigrants are mainly from Latin America.It's easy to see the style that these recent additions give to the neighborhood.You can see it in the art on the walls,taste it in the food,and hear it in the music!
Juan Pedro Gaffney,the director of the Spanish Choir(唱诗班)of San Francisco,says that the people there share the pain and the happiness of their friends and family members and that music has always been a basic part of cultural identity in the district.He feels that the music of the district is colorful and lively.
But it isn't just its music that's colorful and lively.Its art is full of life as well.
The local art community stays close to the area's culture and tradition.A local arts organization often leads people on walks through the district.They visit streets like Balmy Alley,which is famous for its murals (壁画).Even though the meanings behind the murals are always changing,they are still very powerful.One artist explains that they are fighting for fairness in the community and to help the environment through murals.Apparently,they're something the community likes.
Many of these artists feel that the district is a successful neighborhood where new immigrants are welcome."People see that they're not so different from each other,"says one artist."There are a lot of things that bind(捆绑)the immigrants through culture and tradition."
68.The underlined phrase"this knowledge"in Paragraph 2refers toD.
A.having memories of the Spanish missionaries
B.knowing the history of the Mission Dolores Basilica
C.realizing what it means to be a real San Franciscan
D.understanding the many levels of history in the neighborhood
69.The author shows the multi-culture of the Mission District from the aspects ofB.
A.literature and sports
B.music and murals
C.buildings and clothes
D.customs and festivals
70.It can be inferred from the passage that in the Mission DistrictA.
A.immigrants from different cultures live in harmony
B.LatinAmerican music and foods are the most attractive
C.the Spanish Choir stands out in the competition of different cultures
D.new immigrants have to give up their own culture to be welcome
71.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.The Mission Dolores Basilica
B.A Special Type of Neighborhood
C.Music of the Mission District
D.The Spanish Choir of San Francisco.

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