
4.How to manage your timeFor many high school students it seems that there is never enough time.There are several steps you can take to organize your time better.
First,make a to-do list every day.It makes it easy to plan any activities or meetings you may have in addition to homework.Be sure to set priorities(优先的事物).(36)C    
Use spare time wisely.Do you have a study hall(自习时间)?Instead of wasting that time,read a book or do homework.(37)D   If a friend asks you to do something and you have homeworkto do,realize which is more important and see your friend later.
Decide on the time that is good for you to do certain things.If you are more of a morning person,try getting up an hour earlier and do schoolwork before school.Review your notes every day.(38)G   If you spend a few minutes at the end of every day going over what you learned,it will mean less time studying when it is time for the exam.
(39)B    Studies have shown that getting enough rest helps your memory.When you are tired,everything seems more difficult.It is best to stay on a regular sleeping cycle as much as possible.
Tell your friends and family about your work timetable.Explain that you will be working at certain times and ask them not to disturb(打扰) you.(40)F    you can call your friends later.

A.Set goals for yourself.
B.Get a good night's sleep.
C.Do the most important tasks first.
D.Also,do not be afraid to say"no".
E.You should finish your task on time.
F.Don't take phone calls during the time you set aside for work.
G.Don't wait until just before a test to try and remember everything.

分析 本文主要介绍了如何管理好自己的时间.文章给出了几点建议:1、每天列一份待办事项清单;2、明智利用闲暇时间;3、决定做某事的时间对你有好处;4、得到一个良好的睡眠;5、告诉你的朋友和家人谈论你的工作时间表.

解答 36-40 CDGBF
36.C联系上文题.根据上文Be sure to set priorities(优先的事物).可知一定要设置优先级.C项:Do the most important tasks first.首先做最重要的任务.符合文意,故选C.
37.D文章衔接题.根据后文If a friend asks you to do something and you have homeworkto do,realize which is more important and see your friend later.可知如果你的朋友要求你做什么,同时你有家庭作业要做,你要意识到哪个更重要一些.D项:Also,do not be afraid to say"no".另外,不要害怕说"不".故选D.
38.G语境辨析题.根据前文Review your notes every day.每天复习你的笔迹.G项:Don't wait until just before a test to try and remember everything.不要等到考试前试着记住所有的知识点.符合文意,故选G.
39.B归纳总结题.根据后文可知,良好的睡眠有助于提高记忆力.B项:Get a good night's sleep.得到一个良好的睡眠.符合文意,故选B.
40.F联系下文题.根据后文you can call your friends later.可知你可以之后打给你的朋友.F项:Don't take phone calls during the time you set aside for work.在你外出工作的时候不要打电话.符合文意,故选F.

点评 在完成七选五阅读时,抓住文章结构进行分析是行之有效的手段.确定文章体裁有利于预测文章各段主要内容和结构形式,形成重要的选择依据.不同的文章有不同的结构形式,确定文章体裁有利于我们确定各段之间的关系.

9.Forgiveness is really a gift we give to ourselves.A(61)powerful (power)way of forgiving is to see past the adult behavior to the little innocent child within the person we would like to forgive.
Betty was having a particularly hard time because her father had acted wrongly.Yet(62)continuing (continue)to hate him was causing much unhappiness in Betty's life.
I asked her to find a picture of her father as a young child and put it in a place(63)where she could see it often.she found a photo of  him (64)taken (take)at the age of six.As she more and more studied the photo,she began to see the sadness and (65)lonelinesslonely) in his eyes.A month later,Betty found a photo of  her father at ten years old.His eyes were still full(66)of sadness and bitterness.Through studying these(67)photos  (photo),Betty was able to feel compassion (同情)for her father's childhood.This compassion did not make her father's actions right,(68)but Betty could now understand the pain in her father.Betty's heart was free of the bitterness and hatred(憎恨)she(69)had carried (carry) for most of  her life.Forgiveness for her father was a gift she gave to herself.
Perhaps there are similar gifts you could give yourself.You should(70)fully (full)feel your love and not have it covered by past hatred.
16.A year ago,my friend and I went to a nearby town to attend a wedding.After the reception,we were waiting for a public transport bus to go back home.It was nine o'clock at night,and although many buses passed,none stopped.
We waited for an hour and were getting desperate.We wouldn't be able to stay overnight because it was a weekday,and we both needed to work the next day.It was almost 10pm when a family who had attended the same wedding passed by in their car.Probably sensing that we were waiting for some means of transport,they stopped and gave us a lift.I was so touched by their kindness,and I expressed my gratitude to them.
When we reached my hometown,the family dropped us at the nearest point from where we could catch a shared taxi to get back to the spot where we had parked our bike.On the way,a laborer stopped the taxi.The driver saw his clothes and asked him whether he had money to pay the fare.
The laborer shook his head and said,"No".
On hearing this,the driver refused to take him.I remembered my own plight a few minutes earlier,and I told the driver to allow him to sit with us,as I would pay his fare.
What an immediate opportunity to pass on the family's act of kindness!That night,I felt light-hearted and I went to sleep happily and filled with joy about what I had gotten to do.May this chain of kindness continue!

4.Why the author and his friend waiting for a bus at nine o'clock at night?B
A.Because they were going to attend a wedding.
B.Because they wanted to go back home.
C.Because they intended to meet a family.
D.Because they planned to help a laborer.
5.What was the driver's attitude toward the laborer's asking for a lift?C
6.The underlined word"plight"in paragraph could best be replaced by"A".
7.What is the best title for the passage?C
A.A Kind and Helpful Family
B.An Unusual Wedding
C.Magic Chain of Kindness
D.Attitude Decides Everything.

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