


1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Who bought the vase.

B.Who broke the vase.

C.Who hurt the cat.

2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The boy doesn't like Mr.Smith to teach him.

B.Mr.Smith is returning to his country.

C.The girl likes Mr.Smith to teach her.

3.What is the woman going to do?

A.Work in France.

B.Take picture lessons.

C.Take a trip.

4.Who is wearing glasses according to the conversation?

A.The woman's sister.

B.The woman.

C.The woman's mother.

5.What will the man do?

A.Stop to do other things.

B.Have a good rest.

C.Give up the problem.



6.Where did the man go just now?

A.He went to the teacher's office.

B.He visited a new school.

C.he went to a northern district.

7.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.


C.Teacher and student.


8.What happened to the man?

A.He was hurt by the woman accidentally.

B.He got injured by himself.

C.He has been badly ill for a long time.

9.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will be disabled.

B.The woman is a doctor.

C.The man will be taken to hospital.


10.How about the man's hair?

A.It is dry and thin on top.

B.It is oily and wavy on top.

C.It is dry and wavy on top.

11.Who will come to the woman's at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon?

A.The man's friend.

B.The man's wife.

C.The man's sister.

12.How much tip does the man give the woman?

A.A dollar.

B.Two dollars.

C.Fifty cents.


13.What did the woman do last weekend?

A.She visited her mother at Sunshine Hotel.

B.She wrote a paper about the beach.

C.She relaxed on the beach.

14.Why did the woman have to stop playing in the volleyball game?

A.She had to return home.

B.She was too tired to continue.

C.It rained suddenly.

15.Why didn't the woman go swimming?

A.The water was not warm enough.

B.She didn't know how to swim.

C.The water was too dirty.

16.What can we know about the man?

A.He is hard-working.

B.He has been to the beach once.

C.He is poor in English.


17.What does the speaker want to tell us?

A.Many people like planting flowers.

B.We should be careful to give others flowers.

C.Many people don't know how to express themselves.

18.What was a lady's reaction if we gave her yellow roses in the past?

A.She was angry.

B.She was happy.

C.She was grateful.

19.What kind of flower will we give him if somebody helps us?

A.Lily or tulip.


C.The peach rose.

20.What kind of flower will we give a person to show that we admire him?

A.The red rose.






1.What does the woman mean?

A.The man can’t smoke at all

B.The man can smoke.

C.Neither of them can smoke here.

2.Where does the woman want to go?

A.Science Museum.

B.Art Museum.

C.Bus Station.

3.Where and when will the meeting be held?

A.Room302, 3 pm, today.

B.Room 303, 2 pm, tomorrow.

C.Room 302, 2pm, tomorrow.

4.What can we learnt from the conversation?

A.John will play.

B.John will be punished.

C.John will read his book.

5.What does the woman think of the acting?


B.Just so-so.

C.Very bad.



6.Where does the woman work?

A.In a school.

B.In an advertising agency.

C.In a magazine press.

7.Who is the magazine for?

A.People between 18 and 25.

B.People under 18.

C.People above 25.


8.What’s wrong with the caller?

A.She dialed the wrong number.

B.She mistook Peter for Jim.

C.She was sick.

9.What number did she dial?





10.What is the main purpose of the man’s trip?

A.To improve his skating skills.

B.To take a vacation.

C.To take a course.

11.Why does the woman know so much about Albuquerque?

A.She attends college there.

B.She lives 30 minutes from there.

C.She visited there last year.

12.What can be inferred about the man?

A.He has been to New Mexico many times.

B.He has just graduated from college.

C.He enjoys sports.

13.What may cause the man the most problems according to the woman?

A.The changing climate.

B.The high altitude.

C.The extreme temperature.


14.How far is James’s place for his flat?

A.Around 5 miles.

B.More than 6 miles.

C.5.6 miles

15.How long does it take James to get to work?

A.45 minutes.

B.54 minutes.

C.40 minutes.

16.How much does it cost James to get to work?

A.20 pounds a day.

B.20 pounds a week.

C.20 pounds a month.


17.Which national channel of the BBC broadcasts almost only music programs?

A.Radio One.

B.Radio Two.

C.Radio Three.

18.Which national channel of the BBC broadcasts educational programs?

A.Radio One and Radio Two.

B.Radio Two and Radio Three.

C.Radio Three and Radio Four.

19.Which of the following programs is NOT mentioned in the passage?


B.Pop music.

C.Film reviews.

20.Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?

A.The BBC offers a wide range of music programs.

B.Radio Four is the newest and most popular channel with listeners

C.Radio Two is especially favored by sports lovers



1.Why can't the man get a table?

A.The woman is busy at lunch time.

B.There is no free table at the moment.

C.There is a traffic jam at the moment.

2.How will the medicine affect the woman?

A.It will make her weak.

B.It will make her sleepy.

C.It will make her hard to sleep.

3.How will the man probably go downtown?

A.He is likely to take a bus.

B.He is likely to take a taxi.

C.He is likely to take the underground.

4.What did the man suggest the woman do?

A.The man suggested that the woman stay indoors in the morning.

B.The man suggested that the woman go outdoors in the morning.

C.The man suggested that the woman stay indoors in the evening.

5.What can we do through the Internet according to the woman?

A.Help our everyday life.


C.Get information and communication.



6.What time is it now?

A.It's 10∶10 pm.

B.It's 10∶30 pm.

C.It's 9∶50 pm.

7.How long will it take the woman to get to the railway station?

A.Less than fifteen minutes.

B.More than fifteen minutes.

C.Less than fifty minutes.

8.Why did the man invite the woman to his house?

A.They had a tea party.

B.They had a dinner party.

C.They had a dancing party.


9.When will the man come back from the trip?

A.On May 13.

B.On May 16.

C.On June 2.

10.Which flights is the man going to take for his round trips?

A.Flight 220 and Flight 476.

B.Flight 444 and Flight 220.

C.Flight 220 and Flight 414.

11.How much will the man probably pay for the tickets?



C.About $326.


12.What kind of people didn't they need?

A.Those who knew no foreign language.

B.Those who wanted to work 30 hours a week.

C.Those who had no experience in office work.

13.Who will get a higher pay?

A.Those who are well educated.

B.Those who have much experience.

C.Those who can speak a second language.

14.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and Secretary.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Two bosses working in the same company.


15.How is the man speaker?

A.His back hurts.

B.He is weak.

C.He is busy.

16.Why didn't the woman ask Jim for help?

A.Because Jim was busy then.

B.Because she thought Jim hadn't been in.

C.Because the cupboard was too heavy.

17.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the office.

B.In a shop.

C.At home.


18.Which floor was destroyed?

A.The first floor.

B.The second floor.

C.The third floor.

19.Who lived in the building?


B.Many families.

C.A few elderly.

20.What caused the fire probably?

A.The broken wires.

B.A burning cigarette.

C.An oven.



1What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

AThey are host and guest

BThey are waiter and customer

CThey are husband and wife

2Where did this conversation take place?

AAt the hospital

BAt the airport

CAt the post office

3Why will the woman go to London?

ATo have a look at London

BTo go with her friend

CTo spend the weekend

4What's the woman's job?

AShe is a saleswoman

BShe is a waitress

CShe is a hotel clerk

5How is the weather now?

AIt's snowing

BIt's raining

CIt's clear




6Why was Paul angry with Jane?

AShe told the others about his salary

BShe told MrsWallace his salary

CShe always talks to everybody

7Why did Jane tell MrsWallace the news according to her own explanation?

ABecause she thought it doesn't matter

BBecause she knew everybody would know at last

CBecause she got too excited and wasn't thinking

8What does Paul mean byEveryone in this town got a big nose?

APeople in this town have big noses

BPeople in this town are always eager to know about others' things

CPeople don't care about each other


9What is the man reading?

AA magazine

BA Chinese play

CA newspaper

10Where are they going at the weekend?

ABeijing Theater

BBeihai Park

CBeihai Cinema

11What are they going there for?

AFor a visit

BTo see Beijing Opera

CTo learn Beijing Opera


12Why didn't Mike take an examination yesterday?

ABecause he didn't want to do so

BBecause he got sick

CBecause he got the examination date wrong

13What did the professor permit Mike to do?

AHave all examination at home

BHave an exam sometime later when he got better

CHave an exam next term

14Why didn't Mike drive his car?

ABecause the doctor told him not to

BBecause he liked taking a walk

CBecause he didn't think he was able to


15What does Rogers mean in this conversation?

ATom's friend

BTom's teacher

CThe name of a person

16What does Tom tell his mother in yesterday's lecture?

AHe had made a new discovery

BHe had lost his new job

CHe had just bought a car

17Why does Tom tell his mother about his job?

ABecause he doesn't want her to worry about his job

BBecause he doesn't want her to worry about his life

CBecause he doesn't want her to worry about his marriage


18Where did the fire probably start?

AOn the first floor

BOn the second floor

COn the third floor

19When was the building built?

AIn 1930

BIn 1782

CIn 1718

20What was the building used as at the time of the fire?

AA history museum

BA hotel

CThe old people's home

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