
  Girls who get enough dairy products in their diets may weigh less than other teens with the same age, American new research suggests.

  Girls who consumed more dairy products were found to have slimmer middles than girls of the same age and race who ate the same number of calories and got the same amount of exercise.Girls who drank more soda, but also ate the same total calories, tended to be heavier.

  The newly reported study included 323 white and Asian girls between the ages of 9 and 14.

  A number of studies, mostly in adults, have shown that calcium may be key in maintaining normal body weight and fat stores.One reason may be the nutrient's effects on hormones that help store calories as fat stores.In the new study, reported t in the Journal of Nutrition, calcium from dairy sources, but not non-dairy foods, was related to lower weight and less abdominal(腹部的)fat-the link was particularly strong among girls of Asian descent(血统), who made up 47 percent of the study group.This suggests that“the dairy ingredient of the calcium intake is the key factor,”write the study authors, led by Dr.Rachel Novotny of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.It is possible, they explain, that other nutrients in milk play an important role in weight balance.

  For reasons that are unclear, the effect on body fat was stronger for Asian girls than for white girls, according to Novotny and her colleagues.They speculate that ethnic differences in which dairy products are usually consumed, or in eating habits-having small amounts of dairy throughout the day, for instance, rather than a single large serving-may help explain the finding.

  According to the researchers, soda may increase pounds by adding calories to kids' diets, or by replacing milk.Milk, they note, has a range of nutrients, including protein and fat, which means it is metabolized(使新陈代谢)relatively slowly.Soda contains only sugar, which is quickly metabolized, easily causing hunger.

1.What be the best title for the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.According to the passage, dairy products can.(Please write within 10 words.)


3.What does paragragh 4 mainly focus on?

(Please answer within 15 words.)


4.Do you think it good for girls to lose weight? Why?


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


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