
Are you looking for some interesting and meaningful places to take your kids to? Here are some places for you to choose before they grow up:


Not to sound cool, but “it's a good chance to experience a trip through the icebergs. There are over 100,000 glaciers in Alaska, more than anywhere else in the world combined. You can also spot whales and other wildlife, visit the famous Denali National Park, enjoy the landscapes and even learn about the roughly 20 different native languages Spoken there

New York City

You definitely don't want to be chasing after your shopaholic teens in Manhattan, so plan your trip to the Big Apple when the kids are still young enough to enjoy the family-friendly trips! There are several family-friendly Broadway shows to see. You can also bring them for a walk in Central Park, pay a visit to the giant M&M'S store in Times Square, take a City Sightseeing Cruise, get on a boat to see the Statue of Liberty, visit the Brooklyn Children's Museum, and even enjoy a yummy street hot dog

Cape Canaveral

There are few things m the world as cool as rockets that fly to the outer space, so obviously ,a visit to Cape Canaveral's Kennedy Space Centre is one of the coolest trips you can you’re your children on. Though you won't see any more launches from this space station and its retired rockets, you can find out what it feels like to be in the Shuttle Launch Experience flight simulator Plus, it's only one hour away from Orlando, Florida, so if you visit Disney World as well, this quick side trip will be an easy one to make.

The Canadian Rockies

If you happen to visit the Canadian portion of the nor them Rocky Mountains, a visit to Banff National Park will certainly not disappoint you. There are so many great activities for the whole family to enjoy like wildlife viewing, spaceflight tours, fishing, horseback riding, and hiking. Let your children experience the beauty of the Canadian Rockies and learn more about the history of this impressive UNESCO World Heritage site.

1. If a child wants to experience something related to spaceflight, where can he go?

A. Alaska and New York City.

B. Alaska and Cape Canaveral.

C. Cape Canaveral and the Canadian Rockies.

D. New York city and Cape Canaveral.

2.What can children do if they go to Alaska?

A. See the Statue of Liberty and enjoy Broadway shows.

B. Visit Disney World and see some retired rockets.

C. Learn the history of a UNESCO world Heritage site and enjoy horse riding.

D. Learn some native languages and experience a trip through the icebergs.

3.What does the underlined word "the Big Apple" mean in the passage?

A. New York City B. Manhattan

C. Broadway D. Times Square

4. What type of writing is this text?

A. An exhibition guide. B. A travelling brochure.

C. An announcement. D. An art show review.


One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw Kyle from my class walking home from school. It looked like he was carrying all of his books.

As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running towards him knocking all his books out of his arms so he landed in the dirt. I saw terrible sadness in his eyes.

Handing him his books, I said, "Those guys are fools. They really should get punished." He smiled at me gratefully. It was the smile that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. I invited him to play football on Saturday with me. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.

Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years: your parents, your teachers, maybe a coach, but mostly your friends. I am here to tell you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them."

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable." I heard the gasp(倒吸气) go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and Dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person’s life. God puts us all in each other’s lives to impact one another in some way. Each day is a gift from God! Don’t forget to say, “Thank you!”

1.When I first met Kyle, he ______.

A. ran with a bunch of kids

B. felt very sorrowful

C. got hurt landing in the dirt

D. was tired from walking

2.The reason why Kyle and I become friends is all the following EXCEPT that _____.

A. I helped him pick up his book

B. I talked with him all the way home

C. I helped him punish the kids chasing him

D. I asked him to play football on weekend

3.In Paragraph4, the underline word “them” refers to _____.

A. your coaches B. your teachers

C. your parents D. your friends

4.What can we infer from Paragraph5?

A. My kindness helped Kyle through his hard time.

B. It was Kyle’s weakest time after he met me.

C. Kyle experienced his hardest time when speaking.

D. Kyle’s parents managed to stop him from killing himself.

5.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To tell us a story about friendship.

B. To show us the impact of kindness.

C. To advise us to be grateful for God.

D. To help us get through the hard time.

Human growth is a process of success and failure, one filled with ups and downs and one full of laughter and tears. it is also a 0fexperiments and trials Each time you're and choose to believe in your inner , you'll take courage to take action, but you can never how things will turn out. Sometimes you are successful, while sometimes you may become a . Each mistake we make can not only lead to pain and sorrow, but also can bring us growth and .

Every one of us tends t0 success. The failed experiments, ,are still as valuable as the experiments that eventually prove successful. In fact, you learn more from your "failure" if you have a proper attitude

But if you only think about your mistakes and live with and blame, it is not possible to learn anything . Therefore, forgiveness is required when you heavily yourself Forgiveness is the act of an emotional debt. This does not mean you're in a situation you don't feel pain or regret. But being to these feelings for a long period of time is not healthy. At some time of our life, you may have been severely 0r hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems . Under such a circumstance, you should force yourself to think in a positive way. By doing so, you will be able to change the focus away from the .

It is only through forgiveness that you can erase wrongdoings and clean the unhappy memories When you really learn to forgive, you may come to understand failure is also a necessary part of your__ .

1.A. process B. program C. routine D. regulation

2.A. discouraged B. amazed C. determined D. frustrated

3.A. emotion B. spirit C. power D. strength

4.A. recognize B. tell C. announce D. convince

5.A. opponent B. competitor C. failure D. winner

6.A. reputation B. wisdom C. sympathy D. honor

7.A. conserve B. obtain C. request D. treasure

8.A. however B. thus C. so D. yet

9.A. occasionally B. usually C. seldom D. rarely

10.A. in other words B. in a similar way C. on the other hand D. by all means

11.A. guilt B. pride C. punishment D. loss

12.A. efficient B. permanent C. meaningful D. potential

13.A. disturb B. command C. interrupt D. criticize

14.A. requiring B. removing C. considering D. discovering

15.A. where B. that C. what D. which

16.A. related B. contradictory C. opposite D. addicted

17.A.wronged B. scolded C. beaten D. punished

18.A. informal B. practical C. vital D. impossible

19.A.loneliness B. anger C. coldness D. curiosity

20.A. emotion B. happiness C. growth D. m/stake

Chances are that you want to develop peak performances in each area of your life. Whether it's relationships, study or career, you want to make your performance best. 1. Here are four easy tips to help you in your life:

l. Imagine the best

Imagination is a powerful tool that will help you perform well. You can often think about good and attractive things happening in your daily life._ 2. As you imagine yourself in such a situation, you gain strength and passion to get you inspired

2. 3.

You're bound to face negative thoughts and emotions, but you don't have to allow them to control you. Take some time to see if you primarily have positive or negative thoughts. Then when a negative thought arises, change it into a positive one

3. Stay out of your comfort zones

Comfort zones keep you safe and will hold back your personal grow that's all right to be in a cozy state at times, but be sure to step out once in a while. 4. It's natural to feel anxious to do so. Remember to have courage to rise and push you forward

4. Take immediate action

Plenty of people have goals in their mind or even written down, but they don't accomplish them 5. You'll soon find out that when you follow these steps one by one, you've achieved your success before you know it

A. Say no to the pessimistic

B. Try something brand new that you've been putting off

C. Such a desire is certainly possible when you grasp some basic skills

D. For example ,often experiencing success from promotions to salary rise

E. Accomplish your task ahead of time

F. Don’t let unfinished tasks wear you out ,but get them done

G. Prepare for the pressure

I remember as a smart child when we met with either family or friends. Someone would come up and mention my high “ ” and ask, “What are you going to be when you ?”

Well, it started out being a teacher or a hero. it was a fireman, artist…As I grew older my dreams of the future . When I was in college, I was asked, “What will you major in?” Another question was to find out what I would be when I “grew up”.

By then I had set about becoming a programmer. So I studied and prepared for that. I was studying software full-time for much of my life. I am that I could realize my dream that affords me the opportunity to have a positive on someone’s life. However, for many, there is a “ ” which goes around stealing our dreams and robbing us of the mental state to attain our . Sometimes, the thief will come as a parent, a relative, a friend or a co-worker, the greatest thief is just ourselves.

We find ourselves just about the aim, and this “small” voice inside says, “You’ll never .” “Very few have ever done this successfully.’ And on and on the “small” voice some kind of failure.

Failure, though, is exactly how dreams are . It is one of the most important we have, because it teaches us lessons. And, when we learn these lessons well, we are ready for , which is probably just around the corner.

There are no “overnight” successes, but with perseverance(毅力), it will come. So, be true to your dream, and don’t let anyone steal it from you. You can do anything you want to do, so don’t .

1.A.attitude B.resolution C.intelligence D.quality

2.A.get up B.pick up C.set up D.grow up

3.A.Before B.Later C.Recently D.Instead

4.A.kept B.formed C.changed D.continued

5.A.imagined B.designed C.supposed D.guessed

6.A.car B.computer C.radio D.satellite

7.A.satisfied B.surprised C.tied D.devoted

8.A.purpose B.resource C.instruction D.influence

9.A.partner B.thief C.writer D.worker

10.A.same B.exact C.stubborn D.necessary

11.A.results B.disasters C.promises D.goals

12.A.but B.so C.while D.because

13.A.leaving B.reaching C.selecting D.removing

14.A.lose B.fail C.succeed D.beat

15.A.fears B.predicts C.hears D.reports

16.A.achieved B.survived C.admitted D.replaced

17.A.cases B.methods C.steps D.tools

18.A.hopeless B.logical C.valuable D.technological

19.A.failure B.reality C.success D.responsibility

20.A.take apart B.care about C.suffer from D.give up

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