

Last Sunday while waiting for the bus with my father, I heard some people arguing loudly. 1. (look) around, I saw two women and a big man shouting at each other. Later we learned that the women were tourists from a neighboring city. One of them said three young men stole her friend’s purse while they 2. (shop) in a store. 3. other two had run away, but they followed the big man 4. (close) and caught him. I was angry and wanted to go up and help the two women, 5. my father stopped me and pulled me aside. I felt very 6. (depress), thinking my father was afraid of the big man and unwilling to help the two women. However, what happened next changed my opinion. My father 7. (hurry) to a nearby ice cream store, using their phone to call police. He reported the case _ 8. police and provided some helpful details. When we were about 9. (leave),I saw three policemen running to the spot. I was happy and had a better 10. (understand) of my father from this incident. Although he looked ordinary, he was brave and calm before danger.


Getting on with colleagues is more important to workers than a big salary, a new study has revealed.

A detailed study of work attitudes found that many factors outweigh the pay cheque, such as relationships with colleagues, self-worth, and the nature of the job itself. Eight in ten of the 2,000 people polled said they would turn down a big salary increase if it meant working with people or in an environment they didn’t like. The results showed people are the most important factor in work-related happiness, along with enjoying the role and getting on with the boss.

And a manageable commute was also considered more important than good pay, according to the study by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT).

Chief Executive Mark Farrar said: “The results show that, when it comes to working happiness, money is far from the driving factor for most of us.” “Of course, life dictates that we earn as much as we can to maintain or improve our circumstances, but most regarded working with good people or in a role they feel valued in as more important than the salary.” “Most of us will spend the biggest portion of our lives working and it’s important that any job we have enhances us both professionally and personally.”

“Many respondents had turned down higher paid jobs because it would have meant less time with the family and a poor work-life balance.”

The study also found a third had left a job despite it being well paid – mainly because they didn’t think it was worth the added pressure.

While others felt they weren’t given the right appreciation from senior staff or the role stopped challenging them. Three quarters would struggle to accept a job that gave them more money if they knew it would be a lot more stressful.

In fact, pay was only the sixth biggest factor for people staying in their current job, with Britons prioritizing good relationships with those around them, enjoying the role and the commuting time over thinking about the money.

Only 15 percent of the 2000 workers polled actively disliked their current job.

When asked why they were unhappy, respondents were more likely to feel the nature of the work was dull and unfulfilling or that their boss didn’t appreciate them than they were to say their pay was too low.

1.The article is mainly about_____________________.

A. why money is important in a job

B. what is important in a job

C. why people dislike their jobs

D. how people get satisfying jobs

2.What matters most for work happiness according to the poll?

A. A nice boss.

B. A handsome salary.

C. Good balance of work and life.

D. Good relationships with colleagues.

3.The underlined word “prioritizing” is closest in meaning to _________.

A. considering something more important

B. putting something aside

C. doubting

D. Weighing

What is the hottest topic at your school recently? In Taiyuan No. 55 Middle School, it’s money.

The school held an activity called “making money” last weekend. About 200 Junior 1 and Junior 2 students were divided into 30 teams. They went out to make money by selling things.

What did they choose to sell? Some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets.

Hu Qing’s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the Children Activity Center. They thought parents would like to buy the books for their children. But unfortunately, they met urban management officers (城管). The officers asked them to leave. “We played hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with the officers for the whole morning” said Hu. “Finally we had to give up.”

Wang Bing and her team sold ice cream in a square. They didn’t meet any officers. But few people were interested in what they were selling. The team then put up a board saying “For Country Kids”. It worked. More people came to their stall (小摊). A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan. “He didn’t want any change. He said he wanted to help the children,” said Wang. “We were touched.” Later that day they gave the 100 yuan and more to the “Project Hope” office.

MengZhaoxiang and his team were luckier. They sold all their cakes in four hours, spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan. They made 40.5 yuan. “It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng. “Some people just looked. Others just tasted but didn’t buy. Now I know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives.”

1.______ took part in the activity.

A. Some teachers

B. About 200 of Junior 1 and Junior 2 students

C. About 200 students of the three grades

D.About200 Junior 1 students

2.Hu Qing’s team finally gave up because ______.

A. the parents didn’t like to buy the books

B. the Children Activity Center was too crowded

C. the officers didn’t allow them to sell anything there

D. the team played the game of the hide-and-seek the whole morning

3.Why did more people come to Wang Bing’s stall at last?

A. The people were willing to help country kids.

B. A foreigner came up and helped them.

C. The team put up a magic board.

D. The people were interested in their ice cream.

4.According to the passage the students learn ______.

A. it’s impossible for them to make money

B. it’s very important for them to make a living

C. it’s not easy for their parents to make money

D. it’s difficult for them to make money.

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father came to America from Kenya, which is a country in Africa. His parents, Ann and Barack, met when they were students at the University of Hawaii. Since Barack had the same name as his father, young Barack went by the nickname “Barry”.

In 1979, after he finished high school, Barry went to Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. There, he started to learn about his African roots and decided to use his African name, Barack. After two years in L.A., he went to Columbia University in New York City to study politics.

After college, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, where he worked to help poor people in his city. He traveled to Africa to meet his grandmother and cousins for the first time. He went back many times over the years to visit with his family and learn about where he came from. At work, he met a lawyer named Michelle Robinson. They worked together in a big law firm. Then he left Chicago to go to Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He did very well in law school.

After he was done with school, Barack moved back to Chicago and in 1992 he married Michelle. He worked as a lawyer, devoted to helping poor people for free who had been treated unfairly. He worked hard to get the people he helped to vote.

He made many people believe that their votes were important, and helped them feel like they could make a difference.

1.Barack Obama’s father was probably born in _________.

A. Hawaii B. Illinois C. Kenya D. California

2.Which of the following is the right order according to the text?

①Getting married to Michelle.

②Travelling to Africa to meet his grandmother

③Going to Harvard Law School

④Going to Columbia University

⑤Working in a big law firm.

A.④③②⑤① B. ④②⑤③①

C. ③④①⑤② D. ②①⑤④③

3.How did Obama get people to vote?

A. By cheating them to do so.

B. By making a difference to people.

C. By helping poor people who treat others unfairly.

D. By showing them the importance of their votes.

4.According to the text, which of the following words can best describe Barack Obama?

A. Kind-hearted B. Humorous C. Polite D. Brave

Long March exhibit

The Shanghai History Museum is putting on an exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of the Long March. On show are more than 220 photos and 40 items that explain with pictures how the communist Red Army drew back from its besieged (被围困的) bases in Jiangxi Province and fought its way to northern Shanxi province in the mid-1930s. Explanations are all in Chinese. The show will end on November 20.

Time: 10:00 am—4:00 pm.

Address: 1286 Hongqiao Road

Admission: 8 yuan for Chinese/ 15 yuan for foreigners

Thai elephants

Eight elephants from Thailand are entertaining visitors at Changfeng Park by riding bikes, playing basketball, balancing on a beam, dancing and blowing a mouth-organ. People are encouraged to have a tug-of-war (拔河比赛) with the animals or lie on the ground and have the elephants walk over them. The elephants give three shows a day at 9:30 am, 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm and there is an additional show at 1:30 pm at weekends. The show will end on November 15.

Address: 189 Daduhe Road

Admission: 30-40 yuan

Dancing dolphins

Dolphins jumping from the water to touch a ball, swaying their bodies to music, kissing people and solving math by tapping their tails have made the dolphinarium in Peace Park an attraction for children. Seals and sea lions also perform.

Hours: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:30 pm

Admission: 20 yuan for adults and 10 yuan for children.

1.If you go to visit the Long March exhibit with an Australian, how much will you pay altogether for the admission?

A. 16 yuan B. 23 yuan C. 30 yuan D. 20 yuan

2.At the exhibition, you will see ________.

A. many articles written by famous writers

B. many things left by the Red Army

C. books on the Long March

D. many photos and pictures about the Long Match.

3.Which of the following is NOT done by the Thai elephants?

A. Riding bicycles.

B. Blowing a mouth-organ

C. Doing math

D. Having a tug-of-war with people.

4.The dolphinarium in Peace Park is a hall where you can see________.

A. not only dolphins but also seals and sea lions perform

B. only seals and sea lions perform

C. only dolphins perform

D. only seals perform



We could all say that we have bad days as we go through life, but what does it take to have a really good day?

I remember a day recently when I had to go to the _____ for special tests because I wasn’t feeling well and my doctor sent me to a specialist to try and find the cause of my illness. As I_____ to the hospital, I was feeling sad and certainly wasn’t on top of my game. As I approached the hospital, I began my _____ for a parking spot. I finally found one not too far from the entrance to the hospital.

As I got out and brought my change out of my pocket, I noticed a man looking a little _____standing in front of a parking meter(停车记时收费表 ) two cars away. He seems to be searching his pockets for what I supposed were _____ for the meter.

Although I _____ didn’t feel that great, I thought that I should at least go over to him and find out if I could _____ him. As I approached him, he turned to me looking worried. I asked him if he had a problem I could help with. He said that he had no coins at all _____ he was only thinking about visiting his sick wife when he left his house.

I reached into my pocket and _____ out two dollars and gave it to him without saying a word. And, without waiting for a _____, I turned on my heel and said to him as I was walking away:”Have a good day.”

The funny thing was that I felt a lot _____ , a small smile came to my face, and second to walk just a little quicker. I was walking away when he called out:”Thank you so much.”You know, I didn’t even _____ him to say anything. He didn’t have to say a word to me. It was simply enough to _____that I had helped someone else who needed a little _____ . That’s all it took to bring a smile to my face as I went on toward completing my own business.

You know, it doesn’t_____ much to help someone else.

1.A.hospital B.school C.gym D.company

2.A.walked B.ran C.rode D.drove

3.A.search B.plan C.travel D.design

4.A.tired B.worried C.puzzled D.bored

5.A.tools B.keys C.coins D.batteries

6.A.really B.suddenly C.finally D.probably

7.A.help B.understand C.follow D.join

8.A.while B.although C.unless D.because

9.A.turned B.dropped C.pulled D.sent

10.A.call B.cheer C.regret D.response

11.A.safer B.younger C.brighter D.easier

12.A.tell B.expect C.remind D.encourage

13.A.trust B.hope C.share D.know

14.A.courage B.patience C.hand D.guide

15.A.mean B.take C.make D.save

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