
20.CCTV has apologized for last night's big fire,in which a firefighter died and five firemen ______escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.(  )

分析 中央电视台就昨晚的大火致歉,在那场大火中,因脚下的楼梯坍塌,造成一名消防员死亡,另外五名侥幸逃过一劫.

解答 答案B.考查副词辨析.firmly坚定地,坚决地;坚固地,稳固地.narrowly仔细地;勉强地;狭窄地;严密地.urgently迫切地;紧急地;急切地.relevantly贴切地;得要领地.根据句意,侥幸逃过一劫,选narrowly,故选B.

点评 考查副词辨析的题,熟记单词的意思,将选项分别代入题干,结合语境进行选择.

10.Annual holidays have become a luxury and are no longer a staple of family life,according to government research.
A getaway of a week or more is no longer considered essential by many families and is often beyond their reach,said the analysis of what parents and children say they really need.Fashionable clothes for the children,expensive birthday parties and lots of toys are also on the list of luxuries families don't have to have.Instead,recession-hit parents are thinking of the future,and the things they want for their children centre around learning to behave properly,good education and good health.
Their picture of what a family ought to have includes a space to eat together away from the television,plenty of fruit and vegetables,and bicycles so children can get exercise.
The breakdown of necessities and luxuries was prepared by researchers from the Department for Work and Pensions(DWP) who were trying to establish an up-to-date picture of what parents say they really need.
Their findings show how families have scaled down their expectations in the face of economic difficulties-how parents are now concentrating their attention and money firmly on the long-term interests of their children.Many believe that while it is vital for a family to do things together,day trips or weekend breaks are enough.
Spending on furniture or decorating the house was also considered luxurious,unless the state of the home was so bad it became difficult to invite visitors in.
Instead,researchers said:A family home should have an area where the family can eat together,not on their laps in front of a television.Families should be able to go on outings,overnight trips and possibly short holiday:the fact of being able to share these experiences is more important than the precise activity and its cost.
71.It can be inferred thatD.
A.a week or more holiday is considered beyond many families'reach
B.children hardly ever need fashionable clothes and lots of toys
C.what a family should have is basic things that they must have
D.annual holidays were once considered necessary and vital
72.In the opinion of most parents,B.
A.families can watch TV together in order to keep up their relationship
B.day trips or weekend breaks are enough for families to share experiences
C.their expectations should be increased in the face of economic difficulties
D.a week's holiday is an essential minimum during the financial crisis
73.Which of the following is TRUE of the researchers from the DWP?C
A.They confirm many families still need at least a week away on holiday each year.
B.They learn it is insignificant for a family to do things with each other regularly.
C.They want to know what parents really need in the face of economic difficulties.
D.They found spending on furniture or decorating the house was thought valuable.
74.We can conclude from the last paragraphA.
A.being able to share experiences is important for families
B.a family needs at least a week away on holiday each year
C.a family home should have a comfortable area to watch TV
D.going on outings and overnight trips is wasting time for families
75.What does the author mainly discuss in the text?B
A.Cycling is very important for children's health.
B.Family holidays once a year have become a luxury.
C.It is vital for parents to eat together with children.
D.Parents are concerned with children's future.
11.The massive 8.8quake,the seventh strongest in recorded history,hit Chile and should have shortened the length of an Earth day by 1.26milliseconds,More impressive is how much the quake shifted the Earth's axis(地轴).The computer mode!Used to determine the effects of the Chile earthquake effect also found that it should have moved the Earth's figure axis by about 8cm.The Earth's figure figure axis is not the same as its north-south axis,which Earth turns around once every day at a speed of about 1,604kph.The figure axis is the axis around which the Earth's mass is balanced.It is offset(偏离) from the Earth's north-south axis by about 10meters.
Strong earthquakes can change Earth's days and its axis.The 9.1Sumatran earthquake in 2004,which set off a deadly tsunami(海啸),should have shortened Earth's days by 0.0068milliseconds and shifted its axis by about 7cm.
One Earth day is about 24hours long.Over the course of a year,the length of a day normally changes gradually by one millisecond,It increases in the winter when Earth more slowly,and decreases in the summer.
The Chile earthquake was much smaller than the Sumatran quake,but its effects on the Earth are larger because of its location.The fault(断层) responsible for the 2010Chile quake also cuts through Earth at a larger angle that the Sumatran quake's fault.This makes the Chile fault ore effective in moving the Earth's mass vertically and hence more effective in shifting the Earth's figure axis.
The findings are based on early date available on the Chile earthquake.The Chile earthquake has killed more than 700people and cause widespread damage in the South American country.

64.What's the biggest problem caused by the Chile quake?C
A.It is the seventh strongest in recorded history.
B.It should have shortened the length of an Earth day.
C.It shifted the Earth's axis.
D.It made the day longer on Earth.
65.Comparing the Sumatram earthquake with the Chile earthquake,we know thatB.
A.the Sumatram earthquake had more effect on Earth
B.the location of the Chile earthquake is responsible for its larger effects on Earth.
C.the Sumatram earthquake was less destructive
D.the Chile earthquake fault changed the Earth's mass
66.What does the word"it"in the 4th paragraph refer to?A
A.The leng of a day.  B.The axis.
C.One millisecond.    D.The change of the day.
8.Bad moods can actually be good for you-an Australian study finds that being sad makes people less possible to be taken in,improves their ability to judge others and also improves memory.
The study,carried out by psychology professor Joseph Forgas at the University of New South Wales,showed that people in a negative mood were more critical of,and paid more attention to their surroundings than happier people,who were more likely to believe anything they were told."Although positive mood seems to promote creativity,flexibility,cooperation,negative moods lead to more attentive,careful thinking and encourage people to pay greater attention to the outside world,"Forgas wrote."Our research suggests that sadness promotes information processing strategies best suited to dealing with more demanding situations."
For the study,Forgas and his team conducted several experiments that started with inducing (引起,导致)happy or sad moods in participants through watching films and recalling positive or negative events.In one of the experiments,happy and sad participants were asked to judge the truth of urban myths and rumors and found that people in a negative mood were less likely to believe these statements.People in a bad mood were also less likely to make quick decisions based on racial or religious prejudices(偏见),and they were less likely to make mistakes when asked to recall an event that they witnessed.
The study also found that sad people were better at stating their case through written arguments.Forgas said this showed that a negative mood may actually promote a clearer and more successful communication style."
"Positive mood is not universally desirable:people in negative mood are less prone to judgmental errors,and are better at producing high-quality,effective persuasive arguments"Forgas wrote.

56.According to the text,people in a bad mood are more likely toA.
A.judge other people more exactly
B.believe anything they are told
C.make quick decisions based on prejudices
D make mistakes when asked to describe an event
57.We can learn from the text that Joseph ForgasD.
A.carried out the experiments alone
B.is a psychology professor in Britain
C.likes to deal with demanding situations in life
D believes bad moods might benefit people's health
58.In what way did Joseph Forgas conclude the study?A
A.By comparison
B.By explanation
C.By analysis
D By inference
59.The text is mainly aboutC
A.how to change bad moods into good moods
B.the differences between good and bad moods.
C.benefits of bad moods
D how to beat bad moods.

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