

分析 这是一篇提纲作文,让我们给同学Peter写封信,介绍去年在新西兰期间参加的野外冒险活动,这需要我们发挥英语思维,将提供的信息用英语完整流畅的表达出来.写作需要用第一人称,时态主要是一般过去时,内容要点包括:活动:野外宿营,生篝火,搭帐篷,第一次蹦极等;感受:学会了野外生存,克服了内心恐惧等.我们此篇作文分为两部分,第一部分为野外冒险活动.第二部分为野外冒险的感受.
take part in 参加
go camping  野营
for the first time第一次
overcome iner fears克服内在恐惧
高分句型一:I went camping where I learned some survival skills,such as making a fire and building our own shelter.此句用了where引导定语从句
高分句型二:It was this challenge that helped me to overcome my iner fears此句it was…that强调句型.

解答 Dear Peter,
How is everything going?I am writing to tell you about my experience last year.
When I visited New Zealand last year.I took part in an adventurous activity.I went camping where I learned some survival skills,such as making a fire and building our own shelter.(高分句型一)Besides,for the first time,I went bumping.It was a fun but scary experience.(野外冒险活动)
It was really a challenge.It was this challenge that helped me to overcome my iner fears.(高分句型二)( 野外冒险的感受)
Li Hua

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实 的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

12.When my daughter was in the fifth grade,she came home from school almost every night with three or more hours of homework.It was my duty to help her get it done.One night she worked until midnight doing homework.
I felt annoyed,but I didn't want the teacher to think I was lazy,so I never complained.I wasn't sure,but it seemed to me that five hours of homework was a bit too much for a fifth grade student.
Later I found out that parents and educators have discussed about homework for more than a century.Parents who like more homework want to give their children every advantage to succeed in today's world.Some educators see homework as a way to help students perform better in tests.
Other parents dislike the recent trend(趋势) toward more homework.They don't want to stay up until midnight helping their children.They would prefer to spend their time going to the park or reading some really good books with their children.Added to the opposition(反对) are those who say that homework increases the gap(差距) between the rich and the poor,since middle class families do better when it comes to helping their children with their homework
So,who is right?Is homework an enemy or a help?According to experts the truthlies somewhere in the middle.
41.The author thought that her daughter's homeworkB.
A.was very easy for her daughter to do alone
B.was too much to finish within such a short time
C.was done more carefully than her classmates
D.would become less as long as her daughter agreed
42.The author never complained to the teacher becauseC.
A.she was too angry to talk with the teacher
B she did not like complaining at all
C.she was afraid of being thought lazy by the teacher
D.her daughter would be annoyed if she complained
43.Some parents support the idea of giving more homework to children becauseD.
A they want to develop a good relationship with their children's teachers
B.they think it a good way to keep their children from spending all their time in the   park
C.they want to teach their children by themselves at home
D.they believe more homework will help children succeed in today's society
44.People who are against more homework believe thatA.
A.it hurts the poor more than the rich
B.parents are too  busy to  help  children  with their studies
C.it increases the gap between parents and children
D.homework can't help children learn at all
45.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably mean?C
A.Experts think middle school students should do lots of homework.
B.Experts haven't come up with any idea to solve this problem.
C.Experts think homework should be given,but not too much.
D.Experts think homework should be given less.
9.Online Degrees
Today,you can earn a degree from a major university without ever having sat in one of their classrooms.Many colleges and universities are offering online courses and degree programs now.
Online Learning Programs
With a computer and an Internet connection,you can earn a degree from home,work,or anywhere else for that matter.Online degree programs follow much the same routines as traditional learning,with a few twists.There are lectures,but they won't be in person.There are assignments (作业),but you won't hand them to your instructor.In most situations,you are free to"go to class"when it fits your"schedule.If you get a phone call during class,you don't have to miss anything.If you get sick,you don't have to ask for someone's notes,and you just visit the lecture later.
You'll communicate with your instructor by e-mail,chat room and instant messaging.Your  classroom will live in a special software program.Contrary to popular belief,you will have close  contact with other students and the instructor.
Evaluating the Program
There are a lot of questions to ask before you make your selection,such as:
How do students interact with each other?
★Online programs can use chat rooms,instant messaging,teleconferencing,and video conferencing to communicate.The key is to find a program that has this interaction built into it and even requires it.
★What kind of reputation does the school have?
It may seem simple-a good school will have a good online program.This reputation,however,may not be as straightforward as you think.It's not uncommon for a great school to have a weak program or two.So you'd better look at the overall quality of the school and make a judgment.
The Employers'View
As more and more employees get online degrees and use them in the workforce(职场),hiring managers will begin to feel more secure about the quality of education these people have.

56.In which way is online education special?B
A.If you get sick,you'll miss the lecture.
B.There are lectures,but you don't need to meet the lecturers.
C.If you get a phone call during class,you will miss something.
D.There are assignments,and you must hand them to your instructor.
57.What is the most important part of online communication?B
A.To use e-mails.
B.To look for a program with interaction.
C.To use chat rooms and instant messaging.
D.To use teleconferencing and video conferencing.
58.For whom is the passage probably written?C
A.College students.
B.Hiring managers.
C.Adult students.
D.High school students.
10.Different countries and cultures celebrate New Year in different ways.Many countries still follow the lunar calendar,meaning that th eir new year often starts in late January or in February.New Year celebrations for some countries (like China,Vietnam and Korea) last not one day,but up to two weeks!
   In the U.S.,many people attend New Year parties.They drink champagne,dance,and cheer at the stroke of midnight.Fireworks,which in olden times scared away evil spirits,are very popular throughout the U.S..U.S.residents often make one or more New Year's resolutions,such as promising to quit smoking,lose weight,stop drinking.Most of these resolutions last little longer than a month.
   In the southern U.S.,many people eat black-eyed peas for good luck in the new year.In Mexico and Venezuela,many people wear red or yellow underwear for good luck.In Brazil,residents wear red white clothes for good luck,and in China,they wear red clothes and give children red envelops with money in them.In Iran,people wear brand new clothes on the first day of the new year.
   In Scotland,homeowners open the front door at midnight to let in the new year,and open the back door to let out the old year.In Switzerland,people kiss each other three times at midnight.In Spain,people eat 12 grapes-----one per chime----as the clock chimes midnight.In Japan,they ring a bell 108 times to get rid of the108 bad desires that people have.In Korea,they ring a bell 33 times in honor of 33 ancient soldiers.
33.How do Americans celebrate their New Year?D
A.T hey kiss each three times at the stroke after midnight.
B.They use fireworks to scare away evil spirits.
C.Men and women make New Year's plants together.
D.Many people attend New Y ear parties.
34.In which countries is red regarded as a lucky color?B
A.Mexico and Brazil.B.Mexico and China.
C.Venezuela and Brazil.D.China and Iran.
35.The best title for the passage would be"C".
A.Different customs around the world
B.New activities in America and Europe
C.New Year celebrations around the world
D.Different countries have different customs.

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