
If our marketing plan succeeds, we _________ the sales by thirty percent next year.

A. would increaseB. will increase

C. would have increasedD. will be increasing




试题分析:考查时态。If条件句使用的是一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以主句也是一般将来时,和next year搭配使用。句意:如果我们的营销计划成功,我们明年销售将增加百分之三十。故B正确。






One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes the sky like beautiful birds darting(俯冲) and . As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a kept them in check.

blowing away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great . They shook and pulled, the control string and the long tail kept them in check, facing upward and against the wind. As the kites and trembled against the string, they seemed to say, “Let me go! Let me go! I want to be free!” They flew beautifully even they fought the restriction(约束) of the string. , one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose. “Free at last,” it seemed to say. “Free to fly with the wind.”

Yet from restraint simply put it an unsympathetic breeze. It flew awkwardly to the ground and in a wild mass of weeds and string against a dead bush. “Free at last”, free to lie powerless in the dirt, to be blown along the ground, and to stuck lifeless against the first barrier.

How much like kites we sometimes are. The heaven gives us misfortune and restrictions, rules to from which we can and gain strength. Restraint is a counterpart(对应物) to the winds of opposition. Some of us resist the rules so hard that we never fly high enough to reach the heights we might have obtained. We obey part of the rules and rise high enough to get our tails off the ground.

Let us each rise to the great heights, that some of the restraints that we may be unhappy about are actually the steadying force that helps us and achieve.

1.A. make B. play C. fly D. enjoy

2.A. covered B. transformed C. explored D. filled

3.A. singing B. dancing C. moving D. falling

4.A. chain B. rope C. string D. stick

5.A. Rather than B. Instead ofC. Apart from D. Other than

6.A. widths B. lengths C. depths D. heights

7.A. and B. then C. but D. or

8.A. escaped B. struggled C. arose D. fought

9.A. as B. while C. before D. after

10.A. Gradually B. Finally C. Actually D. Obviously

11.A. Dependence B. Power C. Freedom D. Happiness

12.A. in favor of B. at the expense of C. in the charge of D. in control of

13.A. deserted B. landed C. grew D. dropped

14.A. helplessly B. senselessly C. carelessly D. hopelessly

15.A. break B. follow C. acknowledge D. interrupt

16.A. protect B. suffer C. grow D. survive

17.A. necessary B. possible C. probable D. likely

18.A. yet B. never C. ever D. then

19.A. considering B. attempting C. thinking D. recognizing

20.A. go up B. run away C. hurry up D. fly away



Art Calendar

Walking Tours of the Museum’s collections (fee with admission contribution) are offered daily and on weekends by Museum-trained volunteers. No tours on November 29-December 1 and December 17-31


Tuesday through Friday subject to Gallery hours


Tuesday & Thursday




Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum


Japanese Art

Ancient Mexico and Peru

Ancient Mexico and Peru


American Paintings

European Rooms

European Rooms


Chinese and Japanese Art

Impressionists and Their Times

Chinese and Japanese Art


Egyptian Galleries

Ancient Greece and Rome

Ancient Greece and Rome


American Rooms

Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas

American Rooms


Chinese Art

Islamic Art

Chinese Art


20th Century Paintings

20th Century Paintings

20th Century Paintings


Old Master Paintings

Old Master Paintings

Old Master Paintings


Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum


Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas

Chinese Art

Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas


Islamic Art

Chinese Art

Islamic Art


Ancient Greece and Rome

Egyptian Galleries

Egyptian Galleries


Ancient Mexico and Peru

Japanese Art

Japanese Art


European Rooms

American Paintings

American Paintings


Impressionists and Their Times

Chinese and Japanese Art

Impressionists and Their Times


Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum

Highlights of the Museum




Egyptian Galleries


Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday tours are chosen from the following topics. Consult Walking Tour Board at Kiosk in the Great Hall for time.

American Paintings Impressionists and Their Times

American Rooms Islamic Art

Chinese Art Japanese Art

Egyptian Galleries Old Paintings

European Rooms Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas

Highlights of the Museum 20th Century Paintings

1.Walking tours of the Museum’s collections are offered on __________.

A. November 29. B. December 20

C. December 31 D. December 10

2.What time is the latest Chinese Art Class?

A. 1:45 B. 2:45

C. 10:30 D. 10:45

3. When is the last Old Master Paintings?

A. Friday 7:00 B. Tuesday 9:00

C. Friday 1:00 D. Thursday 1:00

4.Which one starts the earliest?

A. Highlights of the Museum

B. Egyptian Galleries

C. Chinese Art

D. Ancient Mexico and Peru.


On countless mornings over the past year, I stood with my son, James, in our driveway, watching our neighbor hurry off to kindergarten. My wife and I wanted to give James the best education, but that meant we’d have to change our jobs and spend less time with our kid. I asked myself, “Would this trade-off be worth it?” When I look at the research on child development, I think it might not. Where our kids go to school might matter less than most American parents think.

Social scientists have long tried to determine why some children grow up to be successful. In a 2001 study, Greg Duncan, a professor of education at the University of California, measured the influence that the people in a child’s life have on how well the child does in school. Duncan and his team found almost no relationship between how students did on the test and whom they sat beside in class, whom they hung out with after school and who lived in their block. The only meaningful link they found was between siblings(兄弟姐妹)and twins in particular.

For a long time, scholars thought that a family’s income heavily affected how well kids did in life. But that might not be the case. When Susan Mayer at the University of Chicago looked at the relationship between family income and lifetime achievement, she ran a series of experiments to measure it, finding such outcomes weren’t caused by income. She argued that the things that make a difference are relatively inexpensive: the number of books a kid has or how often his family goes to museums.

Lareau, another scholar began one of the most in-depth observations of American parenting. He concluded that success is much more related to the amount of time parents spend with their children. He said “Many parents I interviewed are anxious about their children’s futures.But they have exaggerated(夸大)the sense of the risks involved if they don't give their children the best of everything..”

So at last, we decided to leave things as it were. More time with our kid is the best we can provide.

1.The first paragraph is intended to __________.

A. introduce the topic of the passage

B. confirm the result of a research

C. stress the importance of good education

D. support a research on child development

2.From the passage we know that most American parents _________.

A. spend a lot of time with their children

B. like to buy a variety of books for their children

C. think children's achievement largely depends on schools

D. believe their income cannot afford children's education

3.Who believes children's brothers and sisters may influence their academic performance?

A.Lareau. B.Greg Duncan.

C.Susan Mayer. D.James.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Parents' time matters to children's future.

B. School education determines children's future.

C. Family income counts to children's achievements.

D. Less education means more risks for children's success.


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