
—I had the computers repaired yesterday.

— How much did they _________ for that?

A. cost B. spend

C. take D. charge








When an egg breaks from outside, a life ends. When an Egg breaks from inside, a life begins.

All life’s circumstances can be seen in an egg where in the soft yolk (蛋黄) inside is our _____ and the hard shell outside is the barrier. When the barrier breaks from outside, our desire is crushed, but when it breaks from inside, we __ a new skill, a new habit and a new life.

I was 22 years old. I did not where the kitchen was in my house, since I had __ gone into the kitchen before. All of a sudden, I had to move to America to pursue my master’s degree. That is when it _____ me that I had to learn to cook a proper meal in order to _____ . My desire to cook began to _____ , and the yolk began to stir.

The first time I made _____ , it came out like white glue. Within a month of experimenting with different recipes, I ______ the art of making Chinese fried rice and north Indian curry. This breaking of the eggshell from _ gave me yet another skill for life, ____ . Now that I look back, maybe my wife agreed to marry me for this ____ alone.

It is easy to break an egg from outside, but it is __ to break it from inside. What is even more difficult is to ____ you from outside and break the egg from inside. That is where the role of a teacher, a mentor or a coach comes in.

As a father, I took it as my responsibility to __ my son cycling and swimming. In this case, the yolk was the untapped potential of my son and the barrier was his fear of losing _ . It took months of patience and coaching to help him _ his fear. It was an uphill task to keep him motivated through failures. _ , I was glad and relieved when he learned both these essential skills.

The important lesson here is that the egg will be __ no matter what. Success, when the egg breaks from inside, is more about what you overcome than what you achieve.

Life always throws up _ . I urge you all learn the instrument that you always wanted to play but have not played so far. As the saying goes, there is never a lock without a key, never a problem without a solution. Persist, believe in yourself and allow your yolk to break through to a new soul, a new you.

1.A. concern B. desire C. weakness D. resource

2.A. lose B. change C. learn D. expect

3.A. know B. find C. forget D. question

4.A. often B. never C. sometimes D. ever

5.A. reminded B. occurred C. stuck D. hit

6.A. survive B. compete C. continue D. settle

7.A. turn around B. get across C. take shape D. take part

8.A. tea B. rice C. yogurt D. porridge

9.A. recognized B. appreciated C. introduced D. mastered

10.A. Inside B. outside C. sideways D. around

11.A. learning B. cooking C. cycling D. adapting

12.A. courage B. attempt C. skill D. hobby

13.A. funny B. simple C. boring D. difficult

14.A. prevent B. influence C. agree D. warn

15.A. accompany B. keep C. teach D. require

16.A. Balance B. patience C. courage D. freedom

17.A. understand B. discover C. reflect D. overcome

18.A. Meanwhile B. Finally C. Besides D. Therefore

19.A. Broken B. cooked C. lost D. kept

20.A. ideas B. messages C. surprises D. challenges


LONDON, Feb. 18,2014(Xinhua News agency)—Britain will send experts to East China's Shanghai to learn from the city's experience in maths teaching in an attempt to raise the teaching standards.

British Education Minister Elizabeth Truss is to lead a delegation of experts on a fact-finding mission to Shanghai's schools next week to see how children there have become the best in the world at maths, to get a first-hand look at maths classes and teaching methods there, and particularly to investigate why the performance of almost all children in Shanghai is high, regardless of gender or income.

Britain was last year placed 50th out of 148 countries and regions in the World Economic Forum's competitiveness ranking in quality of maths and science education. Two years ago, Shanghai topped the 2012 international PISA tables for maths, while England was ranked in 26th place. The top five were all in Southeast Asia, with 15-year-olds in Shanghai judged to be three years ahead of their peers in maths.

The education department said: "England's performance in maths has lagged behind while other countries have improved and overtaken us, including Poland and Germany." Actually, it is the latest step in the government's drive to raise standards in maths, looking at what has made schools in the far East the most successful in the world in teaching the subject.

"Shanghai is the top-performing part of the world for maths—their children are streets ahead. Shanghai and Singapore have teaching practices and a positive mind that make the difference. They have a belief that diligence makes up for lack of ability," Truss said. "Our new curriculum has borrowed from theirs because we know it works—early learning of key arithmetic, and a focus on times tables and long division(长除法), for instance."

She was determined to change the situation as performance in maths is weakening the country's skills base and threatening the productivity and growth. The government is emphasizing maths because of the importance of good grades in the subject to young people competing for good jobs in a global labor market and to the economy more generally.

An education and skills survey released by the Confederation of British Industry last year showed that 30 percent of employers reported dissatisfaction with the standard of school and college leavers' numeracy. More than two-thirds of employers said they wanted both maths and science promoted more in schools.

1.Why does the British government send a delegation of experts to Shanghai?

A. To see how children from rich families have become the best at maths.

B. To investigate why the performance of almost all children in China is high.

C. To get a first-hand look at science classes and teaching methods there.

D. To raise the teaching standards in maths in Britain.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the two international competition results?

A. British students performed better in 2013 than in 2012.

B. British students did better than the students from Poland in 2013.

C. The students from Singapore did better than the students from Germany.

D. The students from Germany did better than the students from Poland.

3.What has made schools in Shanghai the most successful in teaching maths in the eye of Truss?

A. Curriculum and teaching methods.

B. Teaching practices and a positive mind.

C. Early learning of key arithmetic and times tables.

D. A focus on times tables and long division.

4.How will students’ poor performance in maths affect the country?

A. By threatening the country's competitiveness of economy.

B. By weakening the country's political system.

C. By losing international competitions in education.

D. By failing to find jobs in a global labor market.

5.What can we infer from the news?

A. The students in Britain don’t work hard at Maths.

B. The students in shanghai are the smartest in the world.

C. The education of science in Britain is no better than that of maths.

D. Most British citizens are dissatisfied with teachers’ work.


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