

Now, please allow me to _1. (introduce) Lhasa to you. Lhasa is _2.__ capital city of Tibet, which is __3.____(locate) in the Southeast of Tibet. It is a city with a history of more than 1300 years. It is famous for the Potola Palace. Besides, it’s also an ___4._(attract) city, attracting tens of millions of visitors from home and abroad each year. There are many _5.__(place) of interest and people are very _6.__(friend). With the 7.___(develop) of modern transportation, traveling becomes___8.__(easy). It takes only 2 hours to fly ___9.__ Chengdu to Lhasa. If you have a chance to come to Tibet, welcome __10._ Lhasa.


Being physically active three times a week reduces the odds of being depressed by about 16%, according to new UCL research carried out as part of the Public Health Research Center.

The study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, found a two-way relationship between depression and physical activity. People who increased their weekly activity reported fewer depressive symptoms but those with more depressive symptoms were less active, particularly at younger ages.

Researchers followed 11,135 people born in 1958 up until the age of 50, recording depressive symptoms and levels of physical activity at regular intervals in adulthood. They found that each additional activity period per week reduced odds of depression by 6%. In England 19% of men and 26% of women are currently classed as “inactive”, and this study suggests that activity could significantly improve their mental as well as physical health.

“Assuming the association is causal, physical activity has a protective effect against depression. If an adult between their twenties and forties who isn’t physically active became active 3 times per week, they would reduce their risks of depression by about 16%.” says Dr Snehal of the UCL Institute of Child Health, lead author of the study.

Professor Mark, Director of the Public Health Research Center, said, “Many people are already aware of the benefits of physical activity on their general health, but now we are seeing more evidence that suggest it also has a positive effect on a person’s mental well-being. The latest research highlights just how important it is to ensure that people are working and living in environments that allow them to be both physically active and mentally healthy.”

1.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To tell us a fun story about how to protect us against depression.

B. To introduce a research on the link between activity and depression.

C. To persuade readers to increase their weekly activity.

D. To describe the disadvantages of physical activity.

2.According to the second paragraph, if people increase their weekly activity, ________.

A. their depressive symptoms will be fewer

B. their depressive symptoms will be more

C. they will become much younger

D. they will become more depressive

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Dr. Snehal thinks it important to be both physically and mentally healthy.

B. The research shows men are more active in physical activities than women.

C. Adults who insist on physical activity will reduce depression completely.

D. Increasing physical activities can free people from depression in a way.

4.The author shows his view mainly by ________.

A. doing research

B. comparing and contrasting

C. trying on himself

D. discussing and summarizing

You never played the video dance game? Now such games are used to help lose weight!

Like many other teenage boys, Jones loves sports. But at 5 feet, 175 pounds, he found his weight in trouble. His doctor wanted him to lose 50 pounds so that he may be a good football game player by the end of the summer.

Jones chose the popular Dance Revolution video game at home to increase his activity. He had lost about 10 pounds by changing his diet. Now, after two weeks’ playing the game, he has lost another 10!

A health study is being done by an insurance company. The company hopes that the game will lead to better health and lower costs. “Obesity claims last year cost us $ 77 million. We have to cut those costs,” said a member of the insurance group. The company provides a game console (游戏主机), a dance mat and software for the six-month, $ 60,000 study.

The study is more than a commercial thing of an insurance company. It is widely supported by physical education and health professionals.

In West Virginia, 43% of the nearly 6,000 children examined for heart disease risk were considered over-weighted; more than 25% were too fat. “We are in a crisis of childhood obesity not only in West Virginia but in America,” said a researcher.

Researchers are now looking at the potential for improving effects by using the game. A teacher in West Virginia has been using the video games in her classes since last fall. She reported that the game does improve heart health as well as eye-hand coordination (协调能力), and her students take the video game as a great alternative to jumping rope or ball games.

The US Education Department is putting the game in 20 schools to control childhood obesity. Well, are you going to try such to dance away your extra weight?

1.The underlined part is trying to tell us _____.

A. the study involves many insurance companies

B. the study is only an insurance company’s business

C. the study is less important than the insurance company’s money

D. it’s not only the insurance company that is concerned about the study

2.It can be inferred that _____.

A. the government thinks highly of the dance game

B. in West Virginia, more than 25 % of the adults were too fat

C. a teacher is a failure in using the video game in her classes

D. the US Education Department isn’t interested in the game

3.The most suitable title of the passage is _____.

A. Dance Away Your Weight

B. Play the Video Dance Game

C. Solve the Problem of Obesity

D. Cut the Cost of Obesity Claims

Mark Twain, the famous American writer and a great master of humor, liked to play jokes on others. But once a joke was played on him. One day Mark Twain was invited to give a talk in a small town. At lunch he met a young man, one of his friends.

The young man said that he had an uncle with him. He told Mark Twain that his uncle never laughed or smiled, and that nobody and nothing was able to make his uncle smile or laugh.

"You bring your uncle to my talk this evening," said Mark Twain. "I'm sure I can make him laugh."

That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the front. Mark Twain began to speak. He told several funny stories and made everyone in the room laugh. But the man never even smiled. Mark Twain told more funny stories, but the old man still kept quiet. Mark Twain continued to tell his funny stories. Finally he stopped. He was tired and quite disappointed.

Some days later, Mark Twain told another friend what had happened." Oh," said his friend, "I know that man. He's been deaf for years."

1.The writer wrote the passage mainly to ________.

A. tell readers Mark Twain liked playing jokes

B. tell readers a joke played on Mark Twain

C. tell readers Mark Twain was a great writer

D. tell readers how to tell a funny story

2.One day Mark Twain met ________ at lunch.

A. a friendB. his brotherC. his teacherD. a young girl

3.Mark Twain stopped finally because he was ________.

A. disappointedB. sorryC. illD. sleepy

4.Mark Twain couldn't make the old man laugh because ________.

A. his jokes were not funny

B. the old man wasn't interested in the jokes

C. the old man could tell more funny jokes

D. the old man was deaf

The African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth , is of great importance to African ecosystem(生态系统). Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment. As a big plant-eater, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna(大草原)surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting the terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat(栖息地).

It is the elephant's great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and underbushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of

the African savannas. In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant-eaters.

Take the rain forests for example. In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor. By pulling down trees and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor. In such situations, the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant-eaters to move around and for small plant-eaters to get their food as well.

What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species. If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Disappearance of African elephants.

B. Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.

C. The effect of African elephants' search for food.

D. The eating habit of African elephants.

2.What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms” most probably mean?

A. Fixing the time.

B. Worsening the state.

C. Improving the quality.

D. Deciding the conditions.

3.What do we know about the open spaces in the passage?

A. They result from the destruction of rain forests.

B. They provide food mainly for African elephants.

C. They are home to many endangered animals.

D. They are attractive to plant-eating animals of different kinds.

4.The passage is developed mainly by________.

A. showing the effect and then explaining the causes

B. pointing out similarities and differences

C. describing the changes in space order

D. giving examples

According to body language expert Robert Phipps, the way people sleep at night actually determines a lot about the type of personality they have. Phipps has identified four sleeping positions that affect personality.

Phipps found that worriers, those who stress the most, tend to sleep in the fetal (胎儿的) position. He found that this is the most common bedtime position, with nearly 58 percent of people sleeping on their side with knees up and head down. The more we curl up (蜷曲), the more comfort we are seeking, according to Phipps.

The second most common position is the log. Sleeping with a straight body, with arms at each side, as if they are standing guard at Buckingham Palace, indicates stubbornness, and these people (the 28 percent who sleep this way) often wake up stiffer than when they went to sleep.

“The longer you sleep like this, the more rigid your thinking is and you can become inflexible, which means you make things harder for yourself,” according to Phipps.

Yearner (向往) sleepers are next on the list. About 25 percent of people sleep in this style—on their side with arms stretched out in front, looking as if they are either chasing a dream or perhaps being chased themselves. Yearners are typically their own worst critics, always expecting the best results, explained Phipps. These people often wake up refreshed and eager to face the challenges of the day ahead.

Perhaps the most peculiar (奇怪的) of sleep styles is the freefaller position. This sleep style makes up 17 percent of the population. They sleep face down with arms stretched out. These people, according to Phipps, feel like they have little control over their life. Not only is this the strangest of sleep styles, but also the least comfortable, and people may wake up feeling tired and have no energy.

Inconclusion, Phipps has only one more thing to add: “A good night’s sleep set you up for the following day and our sleeping positions can determine how we feel when we wake.”

1.Which sleeping position indicates that the sleeper tends to seek perfection?

A. The fetal position.B. The log position.

C. The yearner position.D. The freefaller position.

2.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. A good night’s sleep sets you up for the following day

B. Your personality depends a lot on how you sleep at night

C. How you sleep at night affects what you do the next day

D. Which sleeping position helps you sleep comfortably

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