
【题目】Team Building

Almost no one can get away from “teams” that are supposed to be able to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. There are five measures that need to be taken before you can get the most out of a team:


There must be a clear reason for the team to exist. And all the members should realize the value and significance of their functions. What they are hoping to achieve should be something achievable but at the same time tough and inspiring enough to attract the members and keep their motivation alive.

Open Communication

2 For example, they may discuss a sensitive topic. Should they keep their conclusion within the team or share it with other employees? In the case, any individual voice is by no means a sure thing. So an honest discussion is expected to make sure all the members agree on.

Respect to All Team Members

It is easy to think that a junior team member may have less to contribute than more experienced ones. 3 People that have nothing to contribute should not have been selected for the team in the first place. Since they have become members of your team, you need to make sure that each of them has an opportunity to add his or her thoughts to discussions.

Conflict Solving

Disagreements are natural and, in fact, heated debate should be encouraged. 4 Consequently, there should be rules on how lengthy disagreements should be handled. For example, team meetings may not be the most appropriate place for a dispute that involves only two people, so “under-the-table” method may be effective.


5 A good organizer should be able to play to individuals’ strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses. He must be skilled in motivating people, sharing responsibility and providing constructive feedback on how the tasks went. Successful team working is marked by how confidently each of its members completes his or her assigned tasks with a sense of achievement and pride.

A.Measuring Progress against Goals.

B.Common Goals with Challenging Target.

C.Most high-performing teams are well organized.

D.This is not only discouraging, it also makes no sense.

E.A team made up only of “yes men” can make disastrous decisions.

F.Choose a role on the team that is best suited to your particular strengths.

G.Team members must be able to express their opinions freely without fear of being criticized.





















When Anne Glancey, a retired school teacher, received notice from the city of Hamilton Township that she would be fined up to $3,000 per day for code violations(违规) and repairs that needed to be made to her home, she didn't know what to do.She did not have the money to pay for the repairs, and she had no family or friends she could ask for help.

The only contact she regularly made with others was with her neighbors of five years,Adam and Kristin Polhemus. Anne showed the-letter to them which explained that she needed to scrape() and paint her house, remove the abandoned and rusted car in her yard, and cut the grass. These were three violations in total,each with a fine of no mote than$1 ,000, per day,per violation.Anne had grown up in the house, and the letter made her upset. She didn't know what she was going to do and she couldn't do this herself.“Anne, we'll help you get this fixed,”Adam said.

Kristin posted a call for help and volunteers to help make repairs and paint Anne's house on Facebook. Her post read as follows:

Hamilton area friends! Are you free for a few hours this weekend? We need you! Adam and I could use your help for some painting at the home of our elderly neighbor, Anne. As you know, she received a heavy fine and she's on a deadline to scrape and repaint her home to avoid the fine. She's limited in funds and the physical ability to do the work, and we'd love nothing more than to show her we care. We really do need your help; we only have a few people right now and we're hoping for about 20 volunteers to make this happen. THANK YOU!


【题目】 There's been increased attention on this in recent weeks, with the unsettling spread of the coronavirus around the world. When a video of Naomi Campbell cleaning her airplane seat and wearing a mask and gloves was shared online last year, it made the rounds because her behavior seemed exaggerated. “ 1 And we know that germs can live on surfaces for a long time, so it doesn't hurt to clean it," said Aaron Milstone, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Here are some tips for cleaning your area of a plane and keeping healthy on a flight.

Keep your hands clean and stop touching your face

"Wiping down surfaces on a plane won't hurt, as long as it doesn't give you a false sense of security,” Andrew Mehle, associate professor of medical microbiology said, stressing that cleaning your space on a plane should be done in conjunction with washing hands and following other best practices. Good habits are not easily formed. 2 Doing so after touching a surface where droplets from when someone sneezed or coughed can lead to the virus being passed on.


A study from Emory University found that during flu season, the safest place to sit on a plane is by a window. Researchers studied passengers and crew members on 10 three-to-five-hour flights and observed that people sitting in window seats had less contact with potentially sick people.

Disinfect hard surfaces

When you get to your seat and your hands are clean, use disinfecting wipes to clean the hard surfaces at your seat like the head and arm rest, the seatbelt buckle(带扣), the remote, screen, seat back pocket and the tray table. If the seat is hard and nonporous (无孔的)or leather, you can wipe that down too. 4In addition, pay attention to your disinfecting wipes, which would typically say on the packaging how long asurface needs to stay wet in order for them to work.5 In order for the wipes to work, you need to follow those time requirements.

A.Choose a window seat.

B.A window seat is the best option.

C.The airplane and airplane seat is a public space.

D.Good habits arc essential in this particular time.

E.That time can range from 30 seconds to a few minutes.

F.Most people tend to touch their faces more often than they realize.

G.However, using wipes on cushions could lead to a wet scat and spreading of germs.

【题目】Where the streets smell like cheese: Milwaukee tries dairy waste as de-icer

In response to the winter storm striking the area last weekend, street crews of Milwaukee, a city in Wisconsin, will be spreading cheese brine(卤水)along its ice-covered streets this winter as an alternative of normally used rock salt, which serves as an essential road de-icer despite its damaging impact on the environment.

The trial was inspired by a successful experiment in rural Polk County. In addition to being a more effective de-icer due to a lower freezing point, the cheesy liquid prevents rock salt from bouncing and scattering off roadways, which means less has to be used and less of it ends up entering the surrounding environment.

Milwaukee can make good use of the difficult-to-dispose type of organic waste found in great abundance across the state: salty leftover cheese-making juice. Sometimes you just have to get creative and work with the type of waste byproduct and turn it into something beneficial. When the first cheese brine salt trucks of the city appeared in the street last week, Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee, compared the act to “thinking outside of the cheese box”.

To be clear, Milwaukee won’t completely replace rock salt with thousands of gallons of salty cheese juice. The project, which will first be tested in Bay View neighborhood, will involve a mixture of rock salt and cheese brine. The brine will be sourced from a production plant owned by F&A Dairy in Polk County. Milwaukee will save in rock salt costs while F&A Dairy, which transforms 900, 000 pounds of milk into cheese every day, will save cash in the brine disposal.

While it is noted that the cheese brine solution has a “distinctive odor.” Emil Norby, the gentleman who originally thought of using cheese brine to treat ice-covered roads, explains that Milwaukee residents can expect to experience the slight bad milk smell once the cheese brine is applied to streets. He smiles, “I don’t really mind it. Our roads smell like Wisconsin!”

1Why does the cheese brine become an option as a road de-icer?

A.It increases the consumption of cheese.B.It decreases milk byproducts.

C.It is from experiences of Polk County.D.It’s more effective and eco-friendly.

2What can the underlined idiom in the 3rd paragraph be used to describe?

A.A test with an expected result.B.A trial made creatively.

C.A company benefiting the locals.D.A volunteer who protects environments.

3What do people think of the project of the city and F&A Dairy?

A.It will make a fortune for the city.B.It will change the life of local people.

C.It will attract more investment.D.It will be a win-win co-operation.

4How do the locals respond to the smell of cheese brine according to Norby?

A.It will lead to bad appetite.B.It may make them sick.

C.It is still acceptable.D.It cannot be noticed.

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