
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。

例如:It was very nice to get your invitation to spend/\ weekend with you. Luckily I was
the                       am
completely free then, so I’ll to say “yes”.
I had a interesting dream last night. I dreamed that I took part in a race. At first, I could not to run very fast and fell behind. So I didn’t lose heart and kept running. All the students on the playground cheer me on. “Coming on!” I was so encouraged that I ran faster and fast till I caught up all the other runners. I felt as if I were flying like a superman. In the end, I got to the finishing line first. I won the race. I felt very proudly of myself. Many of my classmate threw me up into the air. Just at that time I woke up and found me still in bed!

【小题1】 a-an
【小题1】not to
【小题1】so –But
【小题1】coming- Come
【小题1】fast- faster
【小题1】up with
【小题1】proudly- proud
【小题1】classmate- classmates
【小题1】me - myself



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