
15.December 6-Canada:For those of you who have been following this story,the third suspect(嫌疑犯)in the Canadian Cat Mutilation(残害)case has been caught.On March 8,after just under a year of searching,the"Find Matt Campaign"received information that would comfort many.Now known as Mattew Kaczorowski,21years old,this cat mutilator was picked up by the police from the streets of Vancouver.
In May 2001,three young men took a young cat,named"Kensington"after the area of town from where she was taken,from the street to a house.They began to cruelly treat and mutilate her to death,videotaping the attack.Two of the suspects,recognized as 21-year-old Jesse Champlain Power and 24-year-old Anthony Ryan Wennekers,were arrested shortly after the incident.Neither helped the police in an effort to find the third suspect,at the time known only as"Matt."
In May 2002,Katie set up the"Find Matt Campaign",with the goals of raising public awareness(意识)about animal cruelty and having as many eyes as possible look for Matt.
"I don't think Matt would have been caught had it not been for Katie Woodward's information,"said Detective Gordon Scott,one of the arresting officers.
Kaczorowski faces the charges of animal cruelty,theft under﹩5,000 and possession of property taken by crime,but one charge remains absent:that of animal cruelty.According to Canadian law,this kind of crime must be charged within six months.The case is now before the Courts.
    While finding Matt is a big step in the right direction of this case,it is not over.It remains that Kensington's guardian(监护人)has not yet come forward.It is important that her guardian speak out to lessen the possibility of the charges being dropped.

56.What does the passage mainly talk about?B
A.A cat was killed cruelly in Canada.
B.A Canadian cat mutilator was caught.
C.People pay attention to animal protection.
D.No crimes can escape from being charged.
57.Which of the following is in correct order according to the time when the events happened?C
a.Matt was caught by the police.
b."Find Matt Campaign"was set up.
c.Jesse and Anthony were soon arrested.
d.Three young men mutilate a cat to death.
e.Katie got the information about the third suspect.
A.d,c,e,a,b       B.e,a,d,c,b        C.d,c,b,e,a       D.a,d,b,e,c
58.Which one of the charges does Matt certainly have to face?A
A.Stealing less than﹩5,000.
B.His possession of property.
C.The crime of animal cruelty.
D.A six-month imprisonment.
59.What can we infer from the passage?D
A.Catching Matt was easy for the police.
B.Very few people care about Matt's case.
C.Katie started the"Find Matt Campaign"to protect animals.
D.The final result of the case depends on the cat's guardian.

分析 2001年5月三个年轻人将猫残害致死,随后其中的两个嫌疑人被逮捕.2002年的5月,凯蒂发起了"寻找马特的运动",经过不到一年的寻找,3月8日,加拿大"虐猫案"中的第三名嫌疑人被抓.

解答 56.B 主旨大意题.根据全文的内容可知,本文的主要内容是一个加拿大的残害猫的嫌疑犯被抓获了,因此最恰当的题目是B,故选B.
57.C 细节理解题.根据第二段的In May 2001,three young men took a young cat…mutilate her to death…Two of the suspects,recognizedas 21-year-old Jesse Champlain Power and 24-year-old Anthony Ryan Wennekers,werearrested shortly after the incident.可知三个年轻人在2001年5月将猫残害致死,随后其中的两个嫌疑人被逮捕;根据第三段的In May 2002,Katie set up the"Find Matt Campaign"可知在2002年的5月,凯蒂发起了"寻找马特的运动",按照时间排序,故选C.
58.A 细节理解题.根据倒数第二段的Kaczorowski faces the charges of animal cruelty,theftunder $ 5000 and possession of property taken by crime可知,Kaczorowski因偷盗面临少于5000美元的罚款,故选A.
59.D 推理判断题.根据最后一段的It is important that her guardian speak out to lessen the possibility ofthe charges being dropped.可知,案件的最终结果取决于猫的监护人,故选D.

点评 本文是新闻报道类阅读,考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

19.Journey to the Center of the Earth spoke of a trip to the centre of the earth through a volcano in Iceland.When Professor Otto Lindenbrock,his nephew and the guide they hired (61)reached (reach) the volcano,they journeyed underground through a small cave.After many days,they came to a vast room (62)with a large ocean inside.The three men built a small boat and set sail.(63)Suddenly (sudden),two dinosaurs rose to the surface and began to fight each other.The small boat was almost sunk by the dinosaurs (64)before they were able to get away.
They sailed to shore and explored the forest.They came across huge insects and many strange (65)creatures(creature).As they were wandering around,they noticed a man sitting against a tree in the (66)distance(distant)-he was at least four meters tall.The men became afraid,and ran back to the boat.
The boat floated down with the water (67)and they could only hold on to the boat in terror.Finally,they reached the bottom of the hole.Then the water began to push them up.They floated upwards for miles.The water rushed beneath them,(68)pushing (push) them out into the sunlight.They now found (69)themselves (they) in a volcano in Italy-their adventure was over,but a new one was about (70)to begin(begin).
3.Many students want to find friends on the Internet as a way of practising their language skills and learning more about new cultures.Traditional pen pals were the primary source for such contacts,and students could write each other letters.With the Internet,finding friends has become much easier,and such relationships are called key pals.However,care and consideration should be given when finding friends on the Internet:
Search the Internet for reputable(有信誉的)services.Look for reviews of such sites to learn more about other students'experiences.Don't join a service until you have done your research.
Check to see if you can use a nickname,instead of______,to protect your identity.
Never give personal information to anyone,including your home address,phone number,and birthday.
.Stop contact with others if you feel uncomfortable with the topics of conversation.Again,if you protect your identity,this will be easier to do.Tell your teachers,parents,or even local law enforcement (执法组)if problems arise.
.Try to use the language you are studying in the classroom in your communication with others.
.Ask appropriate(适当的)questions that will also help you learn about other cultures.Remember that someone's personal experience might help you to understand a whole culture.You have to talk to many different people,and this will get you started.

56.Why do many students want to find friends on the Internet?(no more than 15words)
Because they want to practise their language skills and learn more about otherc ultures.
57.What are the relationships between friends on the Internet called?(no more than 5words)Key pals.
58.What are the missing words in the blank?(no more than 5words)A/Your real name.
59.How many pieces of advice does the writer give about finding friends on the Internet?(no more than 4words)Six.
60.What's the proper title for this passage?(no more than 10words)Finding friends on theI nternet..
10.[1]Every few weeks,Lu Jinhua's family met for dinner at a restaurant close to her home in Beijing.But the happy mealtime almost always ended with an unhappy scene:her children would insist that Lu leave the table before she embarrassed them by asking to take the leftover food home in takeaway bags.
[2]But on Sunday,the 63-year-old lady was,delighted to discover that the restaurant had made a number of changes.A poster on the Samfdearly stated,"Save food,don't waste it". Instead of persuading customers to order expensive dishes,the waitress suggested a small order that could be added later if people were still hungry.At the end of the dinner,Lu's daughter even volunteered to ___________.
[3]"This is the happiest dinner I had in that restaurant so far,and I am so glad to see these changes."Lu said.
[4]A campaign against food wastage is sweeping China,a country where 128 million people live below the poverty line.Every year,food valued at 200 billion yuan ( $32 billion) is thrown away in China.The volume is equivalent to the amount consumed by more than 200 million people during a 12-month period.
[5]A proposal opposing waste in January is part of a drive by China's new leaders.Many provinces have launched their own more-detailed versions.Henan province has ordered that business meals should have no more than four dishes,and alcohol is prohibited.Guizllou has set a time limit of 45 minutes on meals paid for by the public purse.
[6]The public has also adopted the idea.Many restaurants discourage customers from ordering more than they can eat.Taking leftovers home is encouraged.Some of them have started to use smaller platcs and the prices are cheaper.A proposal on the Internet calling on people to eat everything on their plate attracted the participation of 2.74 million people within the first two weeks.
76.How-docs the author start the topic of the passage?( no more than 5 words)
By telling a real story
77.did Lu Jinhua's children refuse to take the leftover food home?( no more than 8 words)They prefer to leave the leftover food.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words,(no more than 5 words)take the leftover food home/ask for takeaway"doggy"bags
79.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?(no more than 10 words)The government has taken measures to oppose food wastage.
80.What's the public's attitude to the government's proposal?( no more than 8 words)They support/back up the government's proposal./They are in favour of saving food..
20.Two old beggars were sitting on a busy corner.They watched helplessly as scores of people walked by,some purposely (36)D them and others too caught up in their own cares to even notice their (37)A.Every so often,a(38)Bwoman or a small child would drop a few coins in the (39)A which lay in front of them.
As the crowd began to die down,they started to (40)Ctheir things and head for their evening shelters.Just as they were getting ready to leave,they noticed a man walking toward them.He was obviously a (41)B man----they could tell that from his finely tailored business suit.
The first beggar whispered to the second with(42)C,"He's coming our way!"
The two tried not to look (43)D at the man as he stepped closer to them,but they couldn't (44)A gazing up with anticipation (期待) as he reached into his pocket and took something out.
"Trunk"was the only sound they heard (45)B what looked like a piece of hard (46)B,wrapped in tissue paper hit each of their waiting hats.The rich man (47)C and continued on his way,not making a backward glance.
"How insulting (侮辱人的)!"said the first beggar."He could have (48)Aleft us a few coins or a spare bill,but he mocks (嘲弄) us with a piece of rock candy.Who does he think we are----(49)B?There's no way we can even eat this---------we have no (50)B."He picked up the object and threw it into the gutter(排水沟).
"I haven't had anything like this for ages,"the (51)Bbeggar thought."I can't chew it,but I can suck on it for while,and the sugary juices will stay in my(52)C for a long time.How nice of that man to offer me something so sweet."
With that,he (53)C the white tissue paper,but to his (54)B,there was no hard rock candy inside.(55)D,into his fell a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars.

40.A.give upB.cover upC.pack upD.build up
49.A.studentsB.childrenC.adultsD.old men

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