
【题目】Amazon just released its list of the 10 best-selling books of 2014,and chances all youve already seen people reading them on the train.It's not too late to reador rereadthe bestsellers of the year.The following are the top four of them.

The Invention of Wingsby Sue Monk Kid

Set in the south in the early 1800s,this Oprah Book Club book follows the complicated relationship between Handful,a slave,and Sarah,her owner,as they grow up together from childhood.Their confusing friendship,in the face of politics and societal norms,becomes a beautiful and difficult thing to watch as it changes over time.

Gray Mountainby John Grisham

When the economic recession(萧条)causes Samantha Kofer to lose her Wall Street law firm job.she takes a job at a legal aid clinic in Virginia until she can hopefully get back to big law.But while her new job,for the first time,puts her front and center in the court room,it also puts her in terrible danger.

All the Light We Cannot Seeby Anthony Doerr

This National Book Award Finalist follows both MarieLaure,a blind French girl living with her father during World War II,and Werner,a German orphan with a skill for building and fixing radios.As their paths cross,this moving story will question how life and art are influenced by war.

Twenty Seconds Ago(Jack Reacher,#19)by Lee Child

After years of being out of the Army,Jack Reacher is pulled back into service at the CIA and State Department after someone tried to shoot the president of France.In Childs latest Jack Reacher installment(系列丛书),Reacher finds himself face to face with all old enemy and old memories.

【1】If you prefer emotional(情感)stories,youll choose _______________.

A.The Invention of Wings and Gray Mountain

B.All the Light We Cannot See and Twenty Seconds Ago

C.The Invention of Wings and All the Light We Cannot See

D.Twenty Seconds Ago and Gray Mountain

【2】What is Samantha Kofer?

A.A lawyer. B.A doctor.

C.A merchant. D.An official.

【3】Which book has won the top honor?

A.The Invention of Wings

B.All the Light We Cannot See

C.Gray Mountain

D.Twenty Seconds Ago

【4】What type of writing is this text?

A.A test report. B.An announcement.

C.A book review. D.Introduction of books.









【2】A细节信息题。根据文章Gray Mountain部分可知,经济大萧条使得萨曼莎·酷弗失去了她华尔街律师事务所的饭碗,她在弗吉尼亚州的一家法律援助诊所另寻了份工作,直到她能够满怀希望的再次投身大律所。所以她是为律师。故该题正确答案为A.

【3】B细节信息题。根据文章"All the Light We Cannot See" 部分第一句This National Book Award Finalist follows这本获得美国国家图书奖的书籍,讲述的是),故该题正确答案为B.

【4】D推理判断题。A.A test report.测试报告;B.An announcement.公告,布告,通知;

C.A book review.书评;D.Introduction of books.图书简介;通读全文可知,该文主要对亚马逊所发布的2014年10本最畅销图书书单中的前4本书籍进行简介,故该题正确答案为D.


【题目】While I was in my 4th month of pregnancy(妊娠期)with my second child,we were preparing for a trip to Louisiana,where Marshall’s family live,to celebrate Jane’s 2nd birthday.Two days before we were to leave,we got the shocking news that I was going to lose the baby.Not knowing when this would happen,we decided to continue with our trip.

Since Marshall’s family lives on a 600-acre cattle farm,you often find that you have a lot of time to yourself to think when you are there.That is precisely what I did not want to do at this time.I told Marshall that I needed to get a good book to get lost in while I was there.I told him I heard the Harry Potter books were good,so he went out and got the first one for me.

During that trip,I totally got lost in the book,which was of great help during a time when I needed a distraction to forget about the sadness.In the book,I noticed the name “Seamus”.I vaguely remembered it was pronounced “Shamus” and I liked the sound of that.I mentioned it to Marshall and he liked it too.Toward the end of the trip,I had just 5 chapters left and I knew I was about to finish the first book,which I was pretty excited about.

Soon after we put Jane down to bed,I had started labor(分娩),so I was unable to read.The labor lasted 5 and 1/2 hours,but Marshall stayed there with me,sitting beside me and reading aloud the last 5 chapters of Harry Potter.I can never fully explain how much that helped me through the experience.And ever since then,Marshall and I both have been fans of the Harry Potter books.We remember how they helped us get through that time of our lives.

We were sad to have lost the baby,but the name Seamus started our journey toward adoption.And we gave this name to our adopted son.Though our Seamus doesn’t have a drop of Irish blood in him,the name fits him perfectly.

【1】Why did the writer want a good book during the trip?

A.Because the trip to Louisiana would take a long time.

B.Because she didn’t want to think of losing her baby.

C.Because she had nothing else to do except reading.

D.Because a good book could help her enjoy her trip.

【2】According to the story,we can know that the Harry Potter books _________________.

A.made the family’s trip more exciting

B.include five books all together

C.have someone called Seamus in them

D.can help people deal with their problems

【3】The writer named her son Seamus because ___________________.

A.she wanted to keep her trip in memory

B.she loved this name very much

C.her son doesn’t have Irish blood

D.it is a perfect name for a boy

【4】Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Funny Stories of My Family

B.Seamus And Harry Potter

C.How We Got To Louisiana

D.How My Son Got His Name

【题目】Are you a problem shopper? The answer is “Yes”, if you or someone else thinks that you sometimes get carried away with shopping. In other words, do you or does someone else think you are occupied in extreme shopping? If people have regrets later about their shopping, or have an “out-of-control” feeling about the quantities of what they buy or the amount of credit they use, they may be considered to be problem shoppers.

Extreme shopping can lead to a more serious problem addictive shopping. Addictive shoppers feel driven by the desire to shop and spend money. They experience great tension which drives them to shop and spend money and they feel a “rush” during the time they are occupied with the shopping activity.

Extreme or addictive shopping may result from long-time unpleasant feelings, of which anxiety, pain and shame are common ones. When we feel bad inside, we often do something to make ourselves feel better. In this case, we often go shopping.

A few people shop to relieve their boredom or emptiness. For some people, the motivation is a desire for status, power, beauty or success. Some love to shop as it makes them feel valued in the eyes of the shop assistants. Others shop simply because it makes them forget, at least temporarily, tension, fear or unhappiness in their life.

Besides, shopping malls are designed to encourage continual shopping. For instance, there are some malls where you can’t see clocks displaying the time because they don’t want you to become too aware of the time you spend there. What’s more, food courts, coffee shops and restrooms are provided, so you don’t have to leave the mall because of your physical needs.

Therefore, once you become aware of how market forces work, you will certainly come to control your shopping behavior. For example, how much time you will spend and what areas you will visit can be decided before you enter the mall. Keep a written account of what items you will buy and how much money you will spend. Make a plan for what you are going to buy before you feel the urge to shop and then stick to it. That is vital for gaining self-control.

【1】Which of the following people may not be problem shoppers?

A. Those who cannot control the amount of credit they use.

B. Those who just walk around the shopping malls.

C. Those who are occupied in too much shopping.

D. Those who feel sorry for their shopping.

【2According to the passage, what may not result in addictive shopping?

A. The awareness of how market forces work.

B. The desire for status, power, beauty or success.

C. Boredom, emptiness, tension, fear or unhappiness in people’s life.

D. Long-time bad feelings of anxiety, pain and shame.

【3】What does the author suggest to control our shopping behaviour?

A. Never going to the shopping malls because there are many tricks.

B. Applying for a credit card before we go shopping.

C. Making the shopping time as short as possible.

D. Making a shopping list before we go shopping.

【4】The author writes this passage to _______.

A. inform the shopping malls how to attract more shoppers

B. scold the problem shoppers

C. provide solutions to the problem shopping

D. tell a shopping story



How to Prevent Near-sightedness

Myopia, or near-sightedness, can be a severe inconvenience and may even cause big troubles when we operate cars or heavy machinery. Here are some tips that may help you to prevent myopia.


Whether it’s for the love of books or because you are studying for a test that just happens to take place tomorrow, don’t overdo it. This means either getting away from a page-turner or starting your studies a few days earlier. If prolonged reading can’t be avoided, try taking regular breaks to rest your eyes or take a nap.

2. Consume lots of eye-protecting vitamins.

2 It’s very meaningful to get kids to eat this healthy orange vegetable, which is rich in vitamins. Still, good doses of multi-vitamins will improve not only your eyesight but your health in general.

3. Do your reading or focusing in well-lit room.

Weak light may cause damage to your eyes and result in the need for glasses.3

Buy a reading light or just turn on a bright lamp.

4. Be mindful of the distance between your eyes and the object you’re focusing on.

4 It will also cause your head to ache and may dry out your eyes.


Early detection of near –sightedness can lead to quick treatment and less serious symptoms.

A. Try not to read for long lengths of time.

B. You should also eat a lot of other green vegetables.

C. Talk to an eye care doctor at the first signs of eye trouble.

D. Of course the first choice that comes to mind is the carrot.

E. It will also give you a headache and cause you to become tired.

F. Encourage more outdoor activities, such as running, cycling and playing tennis.

G. Whether it’s a book or the television, being too close is going to bother your eyes.

【题目】Everyone wants to achieve happiness and smile. 【1】 How do we find real happiness and smile? By getting rich'? In case you are scratching your head,looking for some reasons or ideas to be happy.here are a few.

1.Throw an impromptu(即兴的) party. 2 An impromptu one increases the.joy to a new level.And of course making other people happy is bound to have the same effect on you.

2.Treat yourself Sometimes all it takes to make one happy is a little indulgence(放纵).So,go ahead and grab a cup of coffee and sit inside a blanket with a good book! You will be surprised at how happy it makes you.

3. 3 Happiness is can be transformed! When we feel happy and excited,it can lift the spirits of others.Your simple gesture can transform a persons day and get him or her prepared to take on any challenge.

4.Have a conversation with a parent.If you are like most kids,you possibly spend more time texting or surfing the Internet than talking to.your family. 4 You will be surprised at the feeling of joy that it brings to you.

5.Finally,dont forget to be happy every day! While International Day of Happiness may come about only once a year,happiness is around you all day and night 5

A.You just have to seek it out and grab it.

B.Most of your family members show no interest in texting or the Internet.

C.But life is hard,so it is very difficult to find real happiness and smile.

D.Be friendly to others and smile/span> at a stranger.

E.Set aside your mobile phone for a few minutes and have a chat with a family member.

F.You should try to celebrate the Day of Happiness every day and everywhere.

G.Nothing makes people happier than being invited to a party.

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