Food is stronger than language. Growing up in Canada, my first __1__ was Cantonese but, as I entered school, my parents switched over to speaking English, __2__ me to this day with a dicey (不确定的)command of the dialect. But more than that, living in Canada and now Beijing means I don't have to __3__ with my original language. I do, however, have to __4__ like a Cantonese, avoiding jiaozi for yuntun and steak for steamed fish.

We are what we eat, not only in terms that __5__ our bodies but culturally. __6__ can be embarrassing. What 9-year-old doesn't remember the schoolyard teasing she got when she opened up her lunch bag __7__ to find a special treat from the "motherland" (heard in the USA: "Eew! You got a chicken's foot?" Heard in China: "Waah! You got peanut butter AND jelly?"). And as every fifth-grader knows, food can make you __8__ in the crowd or be a part of it.

Even for the third and fourth generations, they may not __9__ the mother tongue of their ancestors but they __10___ with their heritage through their traditions; traditions that centre around family gatherings and food.

We __11___ American Thanksgiving the other day and as__12__, had a roast turkey the size of a sturdy(健壮的) bulldog, mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts and pumpkin pie. But being Chinese, we __13__ the traditional bread stuffing with rice because, as everybody knows, you ___14__ going into diabetic shock if you don't have rice every four hours or at least that's what my mother always told me when I asked __15__ we couldn't have pizza for dinner.

( )1. A. challenge      B. knowledge           C. ability                  D. language

( )2. A. leaving          B. showing               C. giving                  D. leading

( )3. A. come up       B. keep up               C. catch up              D. take up

( )4. A. eat                B. drink                   C. play                     D. live

( )5.A. supply           B. support                C. affect                   D. build

( )6. A. Thought        B. Language             C. Fun                     D. Food

( )7. A. only              B. always                 C. happily                D. suddenly

( )8. A. stand up       B. stand out             C. come up              D. come out     

( )9. A. remember  B. tell                        C. speak                  D. say

( )10. A. confirm      B. consider              C. insist                    D. identify

( )11. A. celebrated   B. created                C. cheered               D. classified

( )12. A. usual           B. custom                C. normal                 D. culture 

( )13. A. examined    B. expected             C. changed              D. charged

( )14. A. keep           B. risk          C. stop                      D. suggest

( )15. A. what     B. when                    C. where                  D. why

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