
11.-Did you have a good sleep last night?
-No!The hotel is close to a main road,and I        up from time to time.(  )
A.wokeB.wakeC.had wokenD.have woken

分析 -你昨晚睡得好吗?

解答 A 考查时态.根据问句:昨天晚上睡得好吗,时间状语是yesterday,回答是昨天晚上不时地醒来,所以应该用一般过去时,所以答案选A.

点评 高考题目对时态的考查是重点,谓语动词要与时间状语保持一致,时态与时间是密不可分的,各种时态却要受到时间和语言环境的限制,根据题干提供的时间或者时间状语体现的时间来判断句子的时态是最直接的解题方法,扎实的语法功底加上准确的理解至关重要.

1.Many of us have characteristics that are inherited from our families.Maybe we have our father's eyes or our grandmother's hair color-(51)Bfeatures that result from the genes we inherit.But there are other elements of our personalities such as behaviors and viewpoints that we pick up by (52)Dour parents.Perhaps we have picked up our mother's love of cleaning or our dad's sense of humor.Now,researchers at the University of Michigan believe there may be a specific viewpoint we can thank our parents for:the way we (53)Awork.
    The researchers referred to previous studies that identified three main ways of viewing work.
First,there are job-oriented (以求职为目的)people,those who (54)Cto see their job as simply a way to make money.They(55)Cto clocking out(打卡下班)every day and pursuing fun activities (56)Athe office.If you have a job-oriented father,you may view work this way.(57)C,if you grew up close to your mother you probably will not hold this viewpoint.One possible (58)Bcited by the study:Youngsters that grow up close to their mothers are less likely to view work as just a job.
    Second,there are career-oriented(追求事业型的)people who see their job as a place to find (59)Dand gain a sense of (60)BThese are the people who don't (61)Cworking overtime.In fact,some people love their jobs so much that they become workaholics!They are more comfortable in the office than at home.According to the study,being close to a career-oriented father while growing up means there's a good chance you'll share his perspective.Oddly,having a mother with this viewpoint seems to have little (62)A
    Third,there are calling-oriented workers-folks who view their job as a way to make a (n) (63)Dimpact upon the world.They are more (64)Bwith improving the world around them than earning a large salary.In the study,those who expressed a strong calling (天职)orientation came from homes where both parents were calling-oriented.This suggests that adolescents need the support of both parents in order to have the confidence to put (65)Afirst and career success second.
    The good news is-we still have choice.Whether we share our parents'views of work or not,we can still find a career that suits us.

55.A.pay attentionB.are opposedC.look forwardD.are devoted
65.A.personal idealsB.economic profitsC.professional achievementsD.global development
19.Walking down the city streets,you look up and see(61)ared telephone box.Behind it,on the road,a big red double-floor bus passes by,(62)carrying(carry) citizens and tourists.This is London.And the red is what the city is famous (63)for.
Modern transportation has changed the way we lead our lives.One important means of transport has been the bus.In London,buses take on a bigger role.They are used to visit the city.Red tourist buses have open(64)roofs(roof),which let people take photos,have an amazing view of the city and enjoy(65)themselves(them) as they drive past Big Ben,the Thames and so on.
But how did the bus become unique to London culture?Horse-drawn buses enjoy a history of more than 180 years.They(66)have been used(use) in London since 1829.By the early 20th century,motor-buses were driving around London.Bus companies used different colors at the time.One of the(67)biggest(big) companies chose red because the bright colour made(68)iteasy for the citizens to pick out the bus.In 1933,when London transport was grouped into a single company,they chose the most(69)widely(wide)used color at the time-red.
And so the color red stayed in London.But it was in the mid-1950s(70)thatthe red double-floor was born.Its name is the Routemaster.Built between 1954 and 1968,they still look traditional.Like they have been frozen in time.

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