
London used to be “foggy”( 有雾的) for the same reason that cities like Beijing or Chongqing are “foggy” today. The “fog” was in fact smog(烟雾), a mixture of smoke and fog.In other words, it was made by air pollution. In London, some of this pollution came from factories, but much of it came from the coal(煤)that people burnt in their houses to keep warm during the winter. By the 1950s, London’s smog problem had become so bad that the government decided to do something to clean the air. A new law was made and nobody could burn coal in any British city. Within a few years, the air became much cleaner. There were no more “pea-soupers”.

Many Chinese cities now face the same sort of problem with air pollution that London faced 40 or 50 years ago. However, this problem is more difficult for Chinese cities to solve. One reason is that more of the pollution comes from the factories, rather than from coal burnt in people’s houses. If these factories were closed, this would harm the economy and lots of people would lose their jobs. Another reason is that changing from coal to cleaner fuel(燃料), like gas, is quite expensive.

However, the air in many Chinese cities is becoming cleaner and cleaner, as the government and people pay more and more attention to cutting down pollution. As a result, there are fewer “pea-soupers” in Beijing than there used to be.

1.What was the main reason for air pollution in London?

A.There was too much smoke in the sky.

B.There were too many factories in the city.

C.People burnt too much coal in the houses.

2.How did the air in London become much cleaner?

A.There was not so much fog in the winter later.

B.A law was made to keep people from burning coal in their houses.

C.Many factories in the city were closed.

3.What does the underlined work “pea-soupers” refer to?

A.Smog. B.Smoke. C.Gas.

4.The problem of air pollution is more difficult for Chinese cities to solve because of _____reasons

A.one B.two C.three

5.Which sentence is Not true?

A.Using coal is much more expensive than using gas.

B.Factories made much more pollution in China.

C.The reasons of air pollution in London and Beijing are different.


As many as 4 out of every 1,000 infants born today have permanent hearing loss. When parents learn that their child has hearing loss, they are faced with many difficult decisions. These decisions can include choosing therapies and schools, as well as finding financial help for hearing aids or cochlear implants (人工耳蜗).

Help Me Hear Foundation is a public charity that gives the gift of hearing to deaf children from families existing on very low incomes around the world. The foundation offers life-changing services for impoverished families, and provides real help for children with hearing impairment who may otherwise be left behind in schools or society due to their lack of hearing.

Help Me Hear Foundation believes that a child’s first years of development are critical. Being able to hear is vital to human, and Help Me Hear Foundation seeks to provide a positive lasting impression on society through its programs. Help Me Hear Foundation has many goals, including relieving the burden on communities with hearing-impaired infants and children, and strengthening the social structure of families and neighborhoods.

Recipients of Help Me Hear Foundation’s benefits receive state-of-the-art hearing devices that otherwise would cost thousands of dollars per child over the course of their lifetime. The Foundation raises money through donations for hearing aids and cochlear implants, which saves recipients and their families on average over $50,000 on related expenses.

The Foundation tries to be a transparent charity, and wants to be a catalyst for allowing deaf and hearing-impaired children to develop in a typical fashion alongside their peers.

Needy families can obtain information on specific services, and find out about deafness education by visiting the Help Me Hear Foundation’s website. The website offers helpful information on how hearing aids work, and how hearing aids ease many of the learning and language challenges that hearing-impaired children deal with on a daily basis.

1.Help Me Hear Foundation was probably set up to _____.

A. build schools for deaf children

B. research deaf children’s behavior

C. protect deaf children from being ignored

D. offer real help to poor deaf children

2.We learn from the text that _____.

A. the local government is in charge of the foundation

B. the work of the foundation depends on donations

C. even blind children can turn to the foundation

D. poor deaf African children cannot get help from the foundation

3.Visit the foundation’s website, and you will learn about _____.

A. the function of hearing aids

B. the specific services the foundation needs

C. the challenges that children face every day

D. the prices of a variety of hearing aids

4.For whom is the text most probably written?

A. Poor parents who have deaf children.

B. Doctors who want to improve skills.

C. Students who cannot see the blackboard clearly.

D. Teachers who have deaf children in their class.

5. The author writes the text mainly to _____.

A. tell how to avoid permanent hearing loss

B. explain how hard a life deaf children live

C. introduce Help Me Hear Foundation

D. advise people to give money to Help Me Hear Foundation

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