

Before reading, answer me, what do you do for a living? Are you a teacher? Editor or lawyer? That would be too normal compared to the jobs here. 1.__________Let’s take a look.


Is begging a job? You may wonder. According to a recent survey, the average monthly “salary” of each of the 59 detained beggars in Dubai is about $73,000.

Pet food tester

Have you ever tasted the food your beloved pet lives on? If you can’t wash it down with anything, a pet food tester can help to check the pet food’s quality and taste. 3.__________

Chick(小鸡) gender examiner

4.___________This is a demanding job in Britain, with a salary of $58,000 per year.

Professional hugger

Do you need a hug but don’t have someone to provide one? A professional hugger provides hugs, or bear hugs (if you want) in New York for $60 per hour.

Mistress fighter

These fighters do not really fight against mistresses who break up couples. 5._________ Some fighters can earn $15,000 a month.

A. Beggars in Dubai

B. Professional Beggars

C. A person who does this job is estimated to earn $90-180 a day.

D. They persuade them to leave and save broken marriages.

E. Here are some unusual jobs that sound both funny and unexpected.

F. Believe it or not, these fluffy little creatures need examiners to check if they are males or females.

G. Do you need a gender examiner to provide a healthy chick?



1. When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs and pleasure beats dance into view. The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels. 2. .

The first and most basic level of wants involves food. Once this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears: clothing and some sort of shelter. By the end of World War II these wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans. 3. It included such items as automobiles and new houses.

By 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared: the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction-the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation of the human body-this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical care, and entertainment. 4.

On this level, a greater percentage of consumer spending goes to services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?

A fifth level probably would involve wants that can be achieved best by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime and prejudice. 5. In this way, we can enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.

A. Then a third level appeared.

B. Different people have different wants on each level.

C. There are several levels of wants in one’s life.

D. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants, another level appears

E. At this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure.

F. Also included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.

G. Human wants seem endless.

SAN FRANCISCO—A phone app(应用程序)in San Francisco gives information about open parking spots.City officials in San Francisco introduced the app to try to reduce traffic jams in the city, but some say it raises safety concerns.

In this city, drivers searching for parking spots lead to 30 percent of all downtown jams, city officials think.Now San Francisco has found a solution — a phone app for spot-seekers that shows information about areas with available spaces.The system, introduced last month, relies on wireless sensors(感应器)fixed in streets and city garages that can tell within seconds if a spot has opened up.

But the system could come with serious consequences.Some people say that drivers searching for parking could end up focusing on their phones, not the road.“It could be really distracting(使分心的),” said Daniel Simons, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois.

City officials admitted the hidden problem.They are urging drivers to pull over before they use the city’s iPhone app, or to do so before they leave home. Nathaniel Ford, executive director of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, said safety could actually improve if drivers quickly found a spot instead of circling and getting frustrated.

San Francisco has put sensors into 7,000 parking spots and 12,250 spots in city garages.If spaces in an area open up, the sensors communicate wirelessly with computers that in turn make the information available to app users within a minute, said Mr. Ford, of the transportation agency.On the app, a map shows which blocks have lots of places(blue)and which are full(red).

More than 12,000 people have downloaded San Francisco’s app, which is available now only for the iPhone.

1.What is the phone app mentioned in the text mainly aimed at?

A. Benefiting iPhone users.

B. Preventing traffic accidents.

C. Making the traffic flow smoothly.

D.Making full use of the parking spots.

2.According to the text, San Francisco city officials ________.

A. don’t consider the app distracting.

B. are aware of the app’s disadvantages.

C. advise drivers to park cars slowly.

D. believe more parking spots are needed.

3.The phone app mentioned in the text ________.

A. is a bit slow in reacting

B. hasn’t been put into service

C. was introduced several years ago

D. can’t be downloaded to all phones

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. A phone app has been introduced to relieve the pressure on traffic in the city.

B. Safety concerns are voiced about a phone app aimed at helping drivers find parking spots.

C. Looking for parking spots contributes greatly to downtown traffic jams.

D. Drivers’ attention is distracted in one way or another when they are driving.


Tina Rees, 50

English teacher (Canadian)

I wanted to be a doctor and help people. I was always playing doctor with dolls, wrapping their arms and legs in tissues! My mom was a nurse, and my two sisters are now nurses, but I went into finance. The educational requirements to be a doctor are too much for me now, but I feel I'm helping people and contributing to society as a teacher.

John Podeszwa, 45

English school owner (American)

I've always loved animals, and as a little boy I first wanted to be a frog, then a chimp. When told I had to be something human, I chose zookeeper. I worked at a zoo in high school, but I wouldn't want to do that job now, although I am fulfilling my dream of helping rescued animals, since I own a honey bear, an albino snake (患白化病的蛇), a dog and some cats!

Miwa Gilligan, 48

Part?time worker (Japanese)

As a little girl I wanted to be many things, and when my grandmother suggested that as an actress I could play various roles, that stuck with me. The Takarazuka Revue (宝冢歌剧团) was popular during my childhood, so that also inspired me. Of course I would still like to become an actress.

Hiromitsu Tokunaga, 55

Sewage worker (Japanese)

My dream job both as a child and now is to be an astronaut. I grew up during the “Space Race” era and remember well the first moon landing, the famous sci?fi movie 2001, and all the rest. I still have a strong dream of going into space, and in my lifetime hope to see regular affordable space tours for people like me!

1.We know from the text that ________.

A.Tina Rees is satisfied with her present job

B.Tina Rees once received medical education

C.Tina's two sisters don’t do the same job as their mother does

D.their mother's preference to Tina's sisters disappointed Tina

2.Who would still like to do their childhood dream jobs if they could?

A.Miwa Gilligan and Tina Rees.

B.Tina Rees and John Podeszwa.

C.John Podeszwa and Hiromitsu Tokunaga.

D.Hiromitsu Tokunaga and Miwa Gilligan.

3.What can we infer from the text?

A.People like Hiromitsu Tokunaga can go on regular affordable space tours.

B.In John Podeszwa's school, students are encouraged to help rescued animals.

C.At least two of the people were influenced by others in their dream job choice.

D.The requirements didn't stop Tina Rees from realizing her doctor dream.

4.Which would be the best title for the text?

A.Children from Different Countries Share Dreams

B.What Was Your Dream Job as a Child?

C.How Was Your Dream Realized?

D.Children Have Different Dream Jobs


Complete the following sentence:“You go to the library to check out ...?” The obvious answer is “books”.But a harder question might be, “What do we mean by ‘books’?” Nowadays, electronic books, or “e?books”, have become more and more popular in American society.

The biggest online bookseller Amazon, for example, recently announced that less than four years after introducing them to its catalog, it is now selling more electronic versions of its book titles than printed ones.

Last week, Pew Internet Project released a survey about the use of e?books by library customers.It found that 12% of Americans aged 16 and older who read e?books say they had borrowed at least one from a library within the past year.But the survey found that the broader public, including 58% of those who have library cards and 53% of people who own electronic book readers, are not aware that they can find and check out e?books from public libraries, even though three quarters of the libraries offer that service.

Pew Internet Project director Lee Rainie noted that e?book borrowing is becoming more popular at the same time that publishers, who are selling plenty of e?books and fewer hard?copy editions, are worried that free e?book check?outs at the library will hurt sales.In February, for example, the big publisher Penguin Books stopped supplying new e?books and audio books to libraries.Penguin just reached an agreement to resume supplying one big library system in New York City but not until six months after new titles are released.That way, those who want the latest books will have to buy them.

So things are a little murky (阴暗的) in the library world when it comes to electronic books.More and more customers want them, but publishers are giving the libraries a hard time about offering them.Demand is not the problem.Supply may soon be.

1.What is the function of the two questions in the first paragraph?

A. To introduce the topic of the passage.

B. To stress the popularity of e?books.

C. To show what the author cares about.

D. To remind us of the change at the library.

2.According to Paragraph 2, what can we know about Amazon?

A. It has sold e?books for five years.

B. Its e?books are cheaper than printed books.

C. It has the best e?books among all libraries.

D. Its e?books sell better than printed books.

3.We know from the survey done by Pew Internet Project that ________.

A. few library customers know how to read e?books

B. the promotional effort at e?book readers is not big enough

C. library customers should be reminded about the e?book service

D. more library cards should be offered to readers free of charge

4.Why did Penguin Books NOT supply new e?books to libraries?

A. Because they are not allowed to offer e?books.

B. Because they wanted to increase the sales of printed books.

C. Because they didn't want their e?books to be copied.

D. Because their products were not welcomed there.

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