


On one of those perfectly sunny grandma-babysitting days, we set off to play in a nearby park. Kids were the merry-go-round(旋转木马) and the swings. But what my four-year-old grandson was the tennis court(球场).

Two kids were riding their bikes in and out of the lines on the newly finished . Their parents sat on a bench just inside the gated entrance. The kids laughed as they one another.

A sign was clearly posted on the entrance—No Allowed.

Just beginning his reading lesson, my grandson knew the word “No”. He asked me what came next. I told him that the asked people not to ride bikes on the tennis court. He was just four years old, he could clearly see two kids riding their bikes where they shouldn’t be .

We watched for a little while and then he reached up to the gate. I thought that he wanted to watch the kids more clearly. , he walked straight over to the couple and asked if they________ what the sign said. Oh, what a four-year-old!

The man gave me an unfriendly look and then said that it didn’t matter.

I led my grandson away from the tennis court and told him that sometimes people don’t like ________ rules.

By now, those kids are probably in middle school. What they ________ on that tennis court could be impacting(影响) their lives today. I wonder whether those parents will ________ if their kids think that some rules don’t matter. ________ speed limits when they drive, or cheating on a test? Sometimes it’s the ________ things that matter the most.

1.A.enjoying B.choosing C.drawing D.passing

2.A.surprised B.moved C.attracted D.worried

3.A.road B.stage C.playground D.court

4.A.helped B.faced C.greeted D.raced

5.A.Tourists B.Photos C.Children D.Bicycles

6.A.never B.already C.seldom D.sometimes

7.A.games B.lessons C.words D.toys

8.A.family B.sign C.manager D.notice

9.A.but B.because C.since D.so

10.A.repaired B.offered C.refused D.allowed

11.A.close B.touch C.open D.paint

12.A.Once B.Instead C.Again D.Besides

13.A.knew B.heard C.minded D.doubted

14.A.simple B.proud C.brave D.busy

15.A.coldly B.happily C.softly D.kindly

16.A.making B.changing C.following D.breaking

17.A.lost B.saved C.learned D.found

18.A.care B.smile C.argue D.remember

19.A.Because of B.How about C.Just for D.According to

20.A.free B.hard C.little D.real


Disney’s Family Magic Tour

Magic Kingdom park

Walt Disney World Resort

Valid Park Admission Required


Adult USD $ 39.00


Tuesday October 6,2015 10:00 AM

Put on Your Detective Hat!

Solve confusing mysteries on this high-energy interactive(相互作用的)search----you never know whom you might meet along the way!

Follow your Guide as you make way through Magic Kingdom park, picking up clue after clue while unlocking a splendid and memorable search you won’t soon forget.

Be sure to bring your camera to catch all the memorable surprises as you and your group wind your way through many of the magical lands throughout the park.

Know Before You Go

View important information including experience details, Guest restrictions and cancellation policies.

◆Children and the young at heart will enjoy this imaginative adventure, though it is best suited for Guests 4 to 10 years of age. Guests 16 years of age and under must be accompanied by a paying adult(18 years of age or older).

◆Pleases note that the tour involves a lot of outdoor walking for about 2 hours, so be sure to check the weather forecast and dress properly, including wearing comfortable shoes. Accordingly, the tour may be too difficult for some of our younger Guests.

◆Please check in at the Chamber of Commerce building close to City Hall 15 minutes before your experience. You will lose the entire price of your tour if you no-show or cancel within 2 days of your reservation.

◆Same-day bookings are available on a walk-up basis only.

1.What is encouraged to carry when travelling?

A. A camera. B. A hat.

C. A mirror. D. A ticket.

2.How much should be paid if a ten-year-old boy and his parents experience the park?

A. Nothing. B. 39 dollars.

C. 78 dollars. D. 117 dollars.

3. Why should the guests check the weather forecast and dress properly before the tour?

A. The tour includes about 2-hour outdoor walking.

B. The guests are so young that they can’t walk.3

C. The bad weather can stop the normal tour.

D. The guests dress properly to make the tour happy.

Some people would go through anything just to achieve their dream. Kasia Siwosz is proof. For the final year student on the university women’s tennis team, the road to Berkeley, University of California was met with poor advice and misinformation from her home country and two unsuccessful stops along the way that fell short of expectations.

Born in Poland, Siwosz began playing tennis at seven years old and developed the skills that helped her earn a top-50 ranking among the ITF Junior division (国际网球联会青少年赛).. Siwosz wanted to do more with her life than just play tennis, which led her to seek chances that would also allow her to obtain a top education. While most who grow up in the U.S. are naturally accustomed to the American tradition of collegiate sports, such a custom is not as familiar in a country like Poland. “There’s no collegiate sports in Poland and no culture of sports and academic study there. You can only do one, not both,” Siwosz said.

Her desire to have a quality education led her to America to follow her dream. While Siwosz was talented enough to begin her collegiate tennis career, she could only attend community college because she missed the deadline to apply to four-year schools, mainly due to misinformation provided in her home country of Poland.

When she had earned all her credits and was able to transfer, Siwosz made the decision to attend Baylor in Texas. Her friends from Poland put in a good word for the university, saying that it was a good fit because there were many international players at Baylor. “I thought it would be a good idea, but it really wasn’t what I thought it would be,” Siwosz said. “I wasn’t happy at Baylor. The level of tennis was high, but the academic standards were no match and I just wanted more.”

After one year at Baylor, Siwosz’s luck finally began to change when she made the decision to transfer to Berkeley, which was due in large part to Lee, a former Berkeley student. Lee, who is a keen tennis player himself, met Siwosz four years ago in Texas. “I knew she was unhappy there,” he said. “I saw the opportunity for her to come here.” Siwosz visited Lee in Berkeley. “I ended up loving this place and this school,” Siwosz said. “I came here a lot over the summer, I gave it a shot and I ended up with a Berkeley education and a spot on one of the best college tennis teams in the country.”

1.What does “two unsuccessful stops” (Paragraph 1) refer to?

A. Poland and the U.S.

B. Baylor and Berkeley.

C. The ITF Junior division and the Berkeley tennis team.

D. The community college and Baylor.

2.Why did Siwosz want to leave her homeland for America?

A. Poland had no culture of sports.

B. Berkeley had always been her dream university.

C. She wanted to play tennis and have a good education.

D. She wanted to improve her tennis skills and get a higher ranking.

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. How Siwosz realized her dream.

B. How Siwosz left Poland.

C. How Siwosz became a top tennis player.

D. How Siwosz transferred from Baylor to Berkeley.


A couple of weeks ago, I made a trip to Toronto with my granddaughter who just turned three years old. The two of us were on our way to her parents, and my wife—her who had been gone for over a week. We were all anxious to again and as I pulled out of Mamere and Papere’s driveway in Chelmsford, Hailee and I were both about the trip and couldn’t wait to arrive at our .

When we completed the “SEVEN”-hour trip to Toronto later that day, the reunion was absolutely ________ and I can sincerely say I enjoyed every single minute of that journey.

Hailee is at that “I want to ________ it myself” stage of her life. And if you can just get over the “hurry-up syndrome” we acquire as ________, it is wonderful to witness. Who knew that putting a straw into the ________ in a juice box for the very first time could be such an earth-shattering (惊天动地的) event? Or being ________ enough to actually open the fridge door for the first time? Or putting on your own ________ on the right feet would be so ________ ?

I’ll never forget the look on her face the day she was able to ________ into my truck by herself. She finally ________ on my seat, holding onto the steering wheel (方向盘) and declared ________ , “I did it!” And when she could actually put her own seat belt on—what a(n) ________!

Have you ever watched a three-year-old ________ to sip a McDonald’s milkshake through a straw? It is hard enough for an adult, too. And ________ every time the icy solution (溶液) touched her lips, you could see the ________ in her eyes. I learned that you can’t hurry a child through a milkshake.

1.A. follow B. help C. bless D. visit

2.A. mother B. father C. grandma D. aunt

3.A. get together B. turn up C. pay off D. settle down

4.A. concerned B. excited C. hopeful D. anxious

5.A. destination B. conference C. city D. hometown

6.A. hard B. wonderful C. timely D. surprising

7.A. frequent B. final C. tough D. long

8.A. carry B. prove C. do D. explain

9.A. doctors B. parents C. friends D. adults

10.A. bottle B. ring C. hole D. corner

11.A. clever B. strong C. friendly D. early

12.A. shoes B. socks C. sweater D. trousers

13.A. difficult B. satisfying C. useful D. simple

14.A. hide B. jump C. run D. climb

15.A. sat B. leaned C. stood up D. looked up

16.A. carefully B. bravely C. politely D. proudly

17.A. truck B. moment C. example D. goal

18.A. struggle B. expect C. offer D. hope

19.A. when B. then C. though D. yet

20.A. delight B. anger C. fear D. sadness


With his leg lame(瘸的)and his teeth uneven(参差不齐的), the boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. ________ did he play with his classmates, and when asked to answer questions, he always ________ his head without a word.

One spring, his father brought home some young trees. ________ of his children would plant a young tree and he promised, “Whoever ________his young tree best shall get a favorite gift.” The boy certainly wanted to get his father’s gift. ________ he seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, an idea ________ him: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never ________ it.

Several days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was ________ to find that not only did it not die, but also grew so many fresh ________ . Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his appeared greener. His father kept his ________, bought the little boy one of his favorite ________ and said that from the tree he planted, he would surely become an outstanding botanist(植物学家)when he grew up.

From then on, the little boy slowly became ________ and confident. One night, he suddenly ________ that his biology teacher once said that plants ________ grow at night. Why not go to see his tree?

When he came to the courtyard, he found his father was working near his tree! Instantly he ________ : his father had been secretly ________ his small tree! He returned to his room, with tears ________ in his eyes.

Decades passed. The little boy didn’t become a botanist. ________ , he became the U.S. president. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.

________ is the best nourishment(滋养品)of life. ________ it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well!

1.A. Seldom B. Ever C. Still D. Often

2.A. held B. lowered C. raised D. covered

3.A. Both B. None C. Each D. Every

4.A. likes B. protects C. watches D. grows

5.A. And B. But C. Before D. So

6.A. arranged B. remained C. defeated D. struck

7.A. attended to B. appealed to C. adapted to D. turned to

8.A. disappointed B. frightened C. surprised D. amused

9.A. leaves B. roots C. branches D. seeds

10.A. agreement B. balance C. word D. opinion

11.A. trees B. gifts C. toys D. flowers

12.A. satisfied B. certain C. independent D. optimistic

13.A. remembered B. believed C. repeated D. knew

14.A. voluntarily B. hardly C. recently D. generally

15.A. reminded B. wondered C. understood D. admitted

16.A. cutting B. watering C. decorating D. growing

17.A. falling B. welling C. dropping D. crying

18.A. Instead B. Besides C. Moreover D. Therefore

19.A. Father B. Water C. Disability D. Love

20.A. So long as B. If only C. Even though D. Now that

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