
Scott Langteau has this message for kids: Spend less time playing video games.

    It’s a message that many a mom and dad have tried to impress upon many a youngster (and some not – so - youngsters) who spend perhaps a bit too much time with game controllers in hand.

But the 40-year-old Langteau isn’t a parent. He’s a veteran(老手) of the video game industry — one who played producer on three “Medal of Honor” games and co-founded his own game development company.

Langteau has just published a children’s book called “Sofa Boy,” which tells the story of a kid who spends too much time sitting on the couch with controller clutched in hand and the rather terrible consequences that follow.

It’s a fairy tale plucked straight from Langteau's own experiences as a lad with a fondness for video games and his own bouts with a bit of game addiction. But first, Langteau would like to make one thing clear: “I’m not saying that you shouldn’t play video games. I think video games are great. I think they do great things for kids.” Instead, Langteau says his book is all about a little something called “moderation(克制).”

“It’s about being well rounded,” he says. “Just like with anything else, we all need to make sure that there’s a variety in what we do.”

Video gamers can be rather bad-tempered when it comes to accepting criticism about their favorite entertainment. And understandably so. After all, most people who go around talking about the dangers of playing video games tend to be outsiders— people who don’t play video games and certainly don’t understand that they can be a valuable and healthy form of entertainment. And understandably so. After all, most people who go around talking about the dangers of playing video games tend to be outsiders —people who don’t play video games and certainly don’t understand that they can be a valuable and healthy form of entertainment.

But Langteau and “Sofa Boy” seem to be in a unique position to deliver a message of gaming moderation that the young game masses might actually listen to. After all, this is a man who understands what it means to be a kid with a passion for games. His early experience has taught him a lesson.

1.Scott Langteau published “Sofa Boy” to             

       A.share his great skills on games

       B.warn kids against game addiction

       C.tell about his fairy tale as a kid

       D.deliver a message for games

2.Which of the following is true of the book “Sofa Boy”?

       A.The book tells of the writer’s own story.

       B.The book describes a veteran on games.

       C.The boy in the book wins a medal for games.

       D.The boy in the book is not an addict on games.

3.We can learn from the passages that             .

       A.Langteau advises the young play games within limits

       B.Langteau advises the young not to play games

       C.playing video games ruins the future of kids

       D.playing video games is of no benefit to kids

4.Why are video gamers not accepted by the outsiders?

       A.Because they are bad-tempered.

       B.Because they are dangerous to others.

       C.Because they do nothing but play video games.

       D.Because the value of video games is not understood.

5.By saying “It’s about being well rounded”, Langteau thinks            .

       A.games do great things for kids

       B.gamers are usually fat and round

       C.games should be viewed from all sides

       D.gamers are to blame for their behaviors

6.What topic will be discussed in the following paragraph?

       A.His idea to create “Sofa Boy”.

       B.His great achievement in games as a kid.

       C.His hard times to set up his game company.

       D.His enthusiasm for games when he was a small boy.



Judgment of character can be influenced by something as simple as the temperature of a drink held in our hands, according to a US study published today.

Researchers from Yale University conducted experiments that showed that people perceive(认识)others as more generous and more attentive if they have just been holding a hot cup of coffee, and that the inverse is true for cold drinks.

A second study found that people are more likely to give something to others if they held something warm, and more likely take something for themselves if they held something cold. In the study, published in the current issue of the journal Science, the research team built on earlier studies that show the physical distance between individuals also influences social judgment about others.

The experiment suggests that the warmth of an object or the distance that is felt between people means more than simple metaphors(暗喻).Both instances, researchers said, are literal examples of trust first experienced between mother and child during infancy.

“When we ask whether someone is a warm person or cold person, they both have a temperature of 98.6(Farenheit,37Celsius),” said Yale psychology professor John Bargh, who co-authored the study with Lawrence Williams at the University of Colorado. “These terms indirectly explains the primitive experience of what it means to be warm and cold.”

“Physical temperatures affect not just how humans see each other, but also how humans behave,” said Bargh, “The power of temperature on character assessments has been backed up by recent brain imaging studies.” He added, “Physical warmth can make us see others as warmer people,            cause us to be warmer, more generous and trusting as well.”

The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?(Please answer within 15 words.)


2.List two aspects that affect social judgment about others.( Please answer within 10 words.)


3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words.( Please answer within 6words.)


4.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

   Recent studies in brain imaging had supported temperature’s effect on judgment of character.


5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.


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