
1.One of the greatest stories of rags to riches success is that of Andrew Carnegie,who started life in Poverty but became the richest man in the world.
Carnegie was born in Scotland in 1837,the son of a weaver.In 1848,the.family moved to the United States and at 13Carnegie began work in a cotton mill,earning $1.5per week.About three years later,he found a better job as a telegraph messenger boy.At work,his superiors were impressed by his abilities and willingness to work hard.In 1853,he gained an office job at the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.This was his first big break.He continued to impress and rose rapidly through the company,gaining more and more responsibility.At the same time,Carnegie loved reading very much and made use of every opportunity to visit the library.He rend widely on all subjects,particularly literature.
Carnegie now began to save a little money and,with the help of his employer,began to make some successful investments(投资).He invested in the iron industry and eventually set up in business himself,owning several iron and steel plants.This was where he made his fortune.By the 1890s,the Carnegie Steel Company was the biggest and most successful business in the world.
Carnegie had always believed that the pursuit(追求)of wealth was never an end in itself.In his view,successful,wealthy people should give away their wealth for the benefit of everyone in society.True to his word,in 1901,at the age of 66,he retired from business and devoted the rest of his life to charity work.
Carnegie's lack of formal education and his poor family background clearly didn't influence his success.His rapid rise from poverty to wealth was due to his willingness to work hard,his intelligence and good business sense,and his talent for making things happen.He died in 1919at the age of 83.

24.What can be learnt from the text?A
A.Carnegie was highly thought of by his employers.
B.Carnegie made his investments independently.
C.Carnegie believed that money was everything.
D.Carnegie could have been more successful if he had been formally educated.
25.What does"gaining more and more responsibility"in the second paragraph most probably mean?B
A.Becoming more and more intelligent.
B.Being put to higher positions.
C.Having a better sense of confidence.
D.Reading more and more books.
26.How did Carnegie finally make a big fortune?C
A.His employer helped him.
B.He was much paid when working.
C.He set up his own business.
D.He saved money year by year.
27.Which of the followings will be the suitable title for the text?C
A.Andrew Carnegie:A Wealthy Man
B.Steel & Iron:The Most Profitable Business
C.From Rags to Riches:The Story of Andrew Carnegie
D.Intelligence and Good Business Sense:Two Factors in Becoming Rich.

分析 这是一篇传记类文章,主要讲述了卡耐基从贫穷,通过自己的努力成为一个成功人士的故事.

解答 24.A  细节理解题,根据:"his superiors were impressed by his abilities and willingness to work hard."可知卡耐基被他的雇主高度评价,故A正确;根据"Carnegie now began to save a little money and,with the help of his employer,began to make some successful investments(投资)"可知:卡耐基是在雇主的帮助下投资成功,故B错;根据:"In his view,successful,wealthy people should give away their wealth for the benefit of everyone in society."可见卡耐基认为钱不是全部,富有成功的人应该为社会做贡献,故C错误;D选项无中生有,没有依据,故错误,故选A.
25.B 细节理解题:"He continued to impress and rose rapidly through the company,gaining more and more responsibility."句意:他继续给公司留下深刻印象并迅速成长,获得越来越多的责任,由此可见:卡耐基应该是被放到更高的位置.故选B.
26.C  细节理解题,根据"He invested in the iron industry and eventually set up in business himself,owning several iron and steel plants.This was where he made his fortune."句意:他投资了钢铁行业,最终自己建立了自己的企业,拥有数家钢铁和钢铁工厂.这就是他发财的地方,故选C.
27.C 主旨大意题,综合全文主要讲述了卡耐基从贫穷一步一步努力取得成功的故事,所以C选项:From Rags to Riches:The Story of Andrew Carnegie,从贫穷到富有,安德鲁卡耐基的故事,这个标题比较合适,故选C.

点评 题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

Arriving in New York
There are three airports in New York.When you arrive at one of them,you can take a bus or a taxi to any place in New York.
Eating out
There are many kinds of food in New York.And you shouldn't eat at McDonald's every day.There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown,for example.
There are lots of good hotels in New York.The best is the Plaza on the 5th Avenue(大街),but you don't have to spend a lot in the city,there are lots of smaller hotels.The YMCA near the Central Park is great for young people.
Public Transport(交通)
In New York,there's a good bus and subway(地铁)service.If you are planning to use the subway a lot,you should buy a subway ticket for the journey because it's cheaper.But you don't have to use the public transport,there are lots of places you can go to on foot,such as the Empire State Building,the 5th Avenue and the Central Park.The New Taxis are a part of the city experience,so you should take at least one taxi during your visit!
Places to see
Finally,there are a lot of places to see in New York-the Times Square,the Statue of Liberty,and so on.And you shouldn't go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.
Shopping in New York is fun.There are big shops on the 5th Avenue.They are seven days a week.But be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax(税)on everything you buy in New York.
21.How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage?B
22.How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of 5 in NewYork?C
A.﹩5    B.﹩5.04    C.﹩5.4    D.﹩9
23.According to the passage,what must you do in New York?B
A.Do shopping
B.Climb the Statue of Liberty
C.Eat Australian and Chinese food
D.Stay at the best hotel-the Plaza.
6.Going to college is a new experience full of excitement of the unknown.Socialization is a big thing for college students and it is common to feel a little uncomfortable going into a situation where everyone is a stranger.You may probably miss your friends from high school.(36)ACollege is a great opportunity to make new lifelong friends.The question is:how?
Get to know your roommate.
You may find you have lots of things in common with your roommate,but even if you are completely different from each other,with a little effort and understanding the two of you may become best friends.
(37)CIf you leave your door open,this shows that you welcome visitors.As a result people will naturally stop in and say hello.Closed doors are not likely to bring many visitors and those who stay locked up in their rooms may give others the impression of being cold.Other students will be less likely to stop in and build a new friendship.
Join clubs or organizations.
Getting involved in organized societies is a great way to meet new people.(38)DBy staying active in college groups such as clubs and organizations you can meet lots of people with whom you share common interests.
Talk to classmates.
(39)GStarting conversations in class is a great opportunity to meet people who are interested in the same kind of studies as you are.Short friendly discussions can build lifelong friendships.
Try out for a sport.
If you're athletc,trying out for a sport will do for you the same thing that joining a club will do.(40)F

A.Trying actively to find new friends can help ease the feelings of being lonely.
B.Close the door to keep away from theft.
C.Hang a welcome sign on your dorm room.
D.It also helps you get more familiar with the campus.
E.Your roommate is the first person you will have close contact with.
F.You will instantly meet a large group of people who share your interests in sports.
G.Get to know your classmates as you'll be spending several months with them.
10.Tips for Staying SharpIt's not abnormal to feel out of it from time to time or perhaps you're feeling a bit sluggish(迟钝的)when it comes to remembering things.If you're worried about your forgetfulness,try out these five tips to stay sharp.
(36)AYou've probably heard the term"you are what you eat."If you decide to eat sugary foods that are heavy with fats then expect to feel lazy and have no energy.But if you decide to eat fruits,vegetables and make other healthy eating decisions you'11 find that you're full of energy.
Never stop learning
Challenge yourself constantly-whether it is puzzles,reading,cooking or other tasks that will keep your mind working.If your mind is always learning new things and active,you'11 realize that it's much easier for you to learn new things and to function.(37)G    
Stay fit
Being in good health and staying in shape is a big part of staying sharp.(38)C If you choose to be lazy then your body is not going to give you the energy that requires remembering things and completing tasks.However,if you put forth the effort into being healthy then your body will expel(释放)the energy you need to achieve your goals.
Ensure enough sleep
Be sure to get the necessary amount of sleep that your body needs to function on a daily basis.(39)FIt also helps your body build up an energy reserve so you can improve your ability to focus and avoid distractions.
Socialize more
(40)E Social interaction will help you develop multitasking,problem solving and other skills that are necessary in life to keep your mind sharp.

A.Feed your brain.
B.Avoid eating too much.
C.Your body will only give you what you put into it.
D.Lack of sleep contributes to tiredness and slow reaction.
E.Conversations require individuals to stay aware and active.
F.According to studies,sleep helps strengthen and recover your memories.
G.Remember your brain is a muscle and if you want to get the most out of it,you must use it.

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