
4.After three hour's discussion,the meeting finally        without any agreement on the issue.(  )
A.broke outB.broke downC.broke awayD.broke through

分析 经过三个小时的讨论,会议最终以失败结束了,就这一问题没有达成任何协议.

解答 答案B.
break out"(战争、疾病、火灾、水灾等不愉快事件)突然发生,爆发";break down"失败,崩溃,瓦解";break away"摆脱,脱离";break through"突破".根据下文的语境"without any agreement on the issue就这一问题没有达成任何协议"和句子所表达的意思可知答案选B.

点评 本题考查动词短语的辨析.英语中有的词组没有捷径,只有平时加强记忆,要注意区别,记忆的时候不能忽视,这是常见的命题方式.平时要加强记忆,做题时,别忘了要结合上下文句意判断.


Rosie Dutton, a teacher from Relax Kids in Tamworth, UK, used two apples to show her students the often unseen but harmful effects of school bullying(校园欺凌). She posted the lesson on Facebook, where it's been shared more than 160,000 times.

Rosie Dutton explained that during one of her classes she presented the children with two red apples. What the kids didn’t know was that before the lesson, she had repeatedly dropped one of the apples on the floor. And yet, on the outside at least, both apples looked perfect.

“I picked up the apple I’d dropped on the floor and started to tell the children how I disliked this apple,” Dutton wrote. “I told them that because I didn't like it, I didn't want them to like it either, so they should call it names too.”Some of the children looked at her as if she were “crazy”, but the students passed the apple around the circle, calling it names.

Continuing the exercise, the teacher then passed the second apple around the circle. This apple, however, was showered with words like: “Your skin is beautiful,” and “ what a beautiful colour you have.”

Dutton then showed the students both apples once again, stressing that “there was no change, and both apples still looked the same.”

Finally, Dutton cut both apples open. The apple that the class treated kindly looked fresh inside. But the other apple—the one they’d treated poorly —was bruised(瘀伤的) beneath its skin.

“I think there was a light bulb moment for the children immediately,” Dutton said. “When people are bullied, especially children, they feel horrible inside and sometimes don’t show or tell others how they are feeling. If we hadn’t have cut that apple open, we would never have known how much pain we had caused it.”

Dutton explained how important it is to teach children to stand up for one another, and to stop any form of bullying.

“Let’s create a generation of kind caring children,” the teacher wrote. “The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.”

1.What had the teacher done to the first apple before the lesson?

A. She had introduced it to the kids.

B. She had coloured it brightly.

C. She had made it look perfect.

D. She had damaged it purposely.

2.What does the underlined part “calling it names” (Para. 3) mean?

A. Shouting at it. B. Making fun of it.

C. Cheering for it. D. Saying rude things.

3.What did the teacher tell the kids to do with the second apple?

A. Drop it. B. Praise it.

C. Ignore it. D. Respect it.

4.What’s the purpose of the teacher’s using two apples in class?

A. To draw the kids’ attention.

B. To explain her personal preferences.

C. To help the kids understand the results of bullying.

D. To make a comparison between them.

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