
New train route opens from China to Germany
A container(集装箱) train left Beijing on Wednesday on its way to Hamburg, Germany. The new service was welcomed as real progress made in international rail cooperation.
The train will travel about 9,800 kilometers through six countries, including China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany. The trip has gained support from those in customs declaration and clearance.
Zhang Mingli, chairman of China Conainer Transportation Co., said, “This can be seen as a breakthrough in our cooperation. Today , railway officials from six countries are here to witness this event. This is very important to the development of the Asia-Europe Continental Bridge. This means of transportation has great potential for the countries involved.”
Cargo on board includes electronic products, textiles and shoes. The trip to Hamburg, Germany will take 18 days. The same trip would take at least 40 days by container ship.
Tomasl Palaszewski, vice president of Polish Natiional Railway, said, “There is big potential for container transportation to Europe.  The ceremony today shows that it will bring big benefits to all of us. So we hope that it will not only be a pilot train, but a permanent connection between China and Europe.”
Railway officials from the six countries will discuss detailed measures to advance container transportation.
Experts expect that the new land route will take a big slice of the pie of Chinese­-EU trade. But improvements in Chinese railway networks will still matter. China has plans to invest huge amounts of money to build up 18 railway container terminals in the coming five years.
63. The purpose of this passage is to _______.
A. tell us about a new train route from China to Germany
B. promote the relationships between China and Europe
C. introduce a newly-developed container train
D. improve Chinese railway conditions
64.The new train route from China to Germany will______.
A. be opened in the coming five years          B. strengthen the Chinese-EU trade
C. make it convenient for us to visit Germany    D. take the place of container ships
65.From this passage, we know that_____.
A. it was China alone that built the new train route
B. not all of the countries along the new train route will support the event
C. one of the problems in railway cooperation between countries is customs declaration and clearance
D. the train mainly carries grains from China to Europe
66.The underlined word “pilot” most probably means ______.
A. guide       B. beginning      C. cooperative   D. cargo
67. From this passage, we can safely conclude that ______
A. there will be more and more railway cooperation between China and Europe
B. more and more Chinese will have better chances to visit Europe
C. Europeans enjoy Chinese electronic products
D. China-EU trade will depend on this newly-developed cargo train




Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
The Wuhan to Guangzhou MU(动车组) Train route will start to operate on the 26th of this month. The train is the fastest in the world. All the construction and preparations for the route's operation are in the final stages. Our reporter Li Dong has the details.
In a trial operation, the speed of the MU Train reached 394 kilometers per hour, the highest in the world. Though the speed during normal operation may be at 350 kilometers per hour, but this newly built high speed railway may still reduce the travel time of Wuhan to Guangzhou from more than 10 to 3 hours.
The total length of Wuhan—Guangzhou high speed railway is more than 1068 kilometers. The railway connects Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong. The total investment is more than 116 billion yuan.
Protection facilities like bars and surveillance cameras are installed along the whole railway. Zhang Shuguang, director of transport bureau of the Ministry of Railway says the safety system of the train and the route is also state of the art.
"The break distance of the train is 5 kilometers. But the MU Train can respond to any emergency situations within 32 kilometers. It's very safe."
The shortened travel distance is good news for many people. However some passengers also hope the service can be upgraded.
"The dinning and entertainment service can be better. I hope I can watch TV on the train."
"The weariness during travel can be eased if I can use internet on the train. I can feel more comfortable."
Jing Libin is the MU Train driver of the Wuhan—Guangzhou high speed railway. As a MU Train engineer who witnessed China's high speed railway development. Jing Libin says: It's a way faster!
"The development of China's railway is so fast. In the beginning of the year, the speed is only 160 kilometers per hour. Soon, the speed reached 250 kilometers. And now, it's 350 kilometers! As a driver, I am very impressed."
China plans to increase the railway operation length from the current 80 thousand kilometers to 110 thousand kilometers, which includes 18 thousand kilometers of high speed passenger railways by 2012.
Within 3 years, China plans to build an "8 Hour, High Speed Transportation Circle", which means, passengers may reach nearly all the provincial capital cities in China in about 8 hours by high speed railway. With the development of the railway, China’s economy will also continue her highest development. In the near future, China will be really powerful in the world.
56. What is the best title of the passage?
A. Fastest Train in the World
C. High Speed Railway Construction
B. Trial Operation of the MU Train
D. Newly Typed Train in the World.
57. Surveillance cameras are used for________.
A. art   B. speed   C. safety    D. research
58. How much time would be needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou if the train travelled at its top speed?
A. a little more than three hours           C. more than four hours
B. less than three hours                  D. less than seven hours
59. What can we learn from the passage?
A. There will be no problems on the new train.
B. Passengers are completely satisfied with the new train.
C. Jing Libin is very proud of the development of China’s railway.
D. China has 110 thousand kilometers ofthe railway operation length now.
60. What can we infer according to the author?
A. Nobody expected China would have such a fast train.
B. China will build more high speed railways.
C. The service of the train is hard to be improved.
D. China’s economy would slow down if her transport couldn’t be improved.

The first bullet "train designed and manufactured in China with a speed of 300 kilometers per hour roiled off the production line on Saturday morning. The train was the latest model in the country' s China Railway High-speed (CRH) Series. This marks that China has joined a leading world club after Japan, France and Germany to become the fourth country capable of turning out such high speed trains. Previously, China' s fastest selfdeveloped trains ran at a service speed of up to 250 km per hour.
Those trains, which presented to public on April 18, served the Beijing-Harbin, Beijing-Shanghai and Beijing-Guangzhou routes. The new streamlined train was made of aluminum alloy(铝合金). The train body was the lightest of its kind in the world; Such a design was for the sake of energy economization. The train' s power was 12.7 kilowatts, lower than other high-speed trains, which was normally about 15 kilowatts.
The new train, which features a bar in the dining car and double-faced LCD TV screens in the first-class cars, was equipped with shock absorbers between carriages. As the train is running at a high speed, the shock absorbers are used to reduce shocking force and rocking of the train body. A train with eight carriages could seat about 600 passengers. They were expected to run on the 115-km Beijing-Tianjin route starting from August before the Beijing Olympic Games. It would reduce the journey time from the current 80 minutes to around 30 minutes.
77. From the 1st paragraph we learn that_______.
A. The latest model of CRH Series ran at a service speed of up to 250 km per hour
B. China became the fourth country in the world able to produce bullet trains
C. The first self-developed bullet train roiled off the production line at a speed of 300 km per hour
D. China has joined a leading world club consisting of Japan ; France and Germany
78. The new bullet train_______.
A. has been put into use in China                    B. has double-faced LCD TV sets in first carriage
C. is slower than high-speed trains                  D. is made of the lightest material in the world
79. "It" in the last paragraph refers to_______.
A. a train with eight carriages                    B. the speed of 115 km per hour
C. the Ministry of Railways                       D. the use of the new train
80. What is mainly talked about in this passage.'?
A. The bullet trains designed and made in China have been put into operation.
B. The bullet trains serve many of the main routes between big cities in China.
C. The new bullet trains are equipped with some advanced facilities.
D. The new bullet trains are expected to run for the Beijing Olympic Games.


Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


The Wuhan to Guangzhou MU(动车组) Train route will start to operate on the 26th of this month. The train is the fastest in the world. All the construction and preparations for the route's operation are in the final stages. Our reporter Li Dong has the details.

In a trial operation, the speed of the MU Train reached 394 kilometers per hour, the highest in the world. Though the speed during normal operation may be at 350 kilometers per hour, but this newly built high speed railway may still reduce the travel time of Wuhan to Guangzhou from more than 10 to 3 hours.

The total length of Wuhan—Guangzhou high speed railway is more than 1068 kilometers. The railway connects Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong. The total investment is more than 116 billion yuan.

Protection facilities like bars and surveillance cameras are installed along the whole railway. Zhang Shuguang, director of transport bureau of the Ministry of Railway says the safety system of the train and the route is also state of the art.

"The break distance of the train is 5 kilometers. But the MU Train can respond to any emergency situations within 32 kilometers. It's very safe."

The shortened travel distance is good news for many people. However some passengers also hope the service can be upgraded.

"The dinning and entertainment service can be better. I hope I can watch TV on the train."

"The weariness during travel can be eased if I can use internet on the train. I can feel more comfortable."

Jing Libin is the MU Train driver of the Wuhan—Guangzhou high speed railway. As a MU Train engineer who witnessed China's high speed railway development. Jing Libin says: It's a way faster!

"The development of China's railway is so fast. In the beginning of the year, the speed is only 160 kilometers per hour. Soon, the speed reached 250 kilometers. And now, it's 350 kilometers! As a driver, I am very impressed."

China plans to increase the railway operation length from the current 80 thousand kilometers to 110 thousand kilometers, which includes 18 thousand kilometers of high speed passenger railways by 2012.

Within 3 years, China plans to build an "8 Hour, High Speed Transportation Circle", which means, passengers may reach nearly all the provincial capital cities in China in about 8 hours by high speed railway. With the development of the railway, China’s economy will also continue her highest development. In the near future, China will be really powerful in the world.

56. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Fastest Train in the World

C. High Speed Railway Construction

B. Trial Operation of the MU Train

D. Newly Typed Train in the World.

57. Surveillance cameras are used for________.

A. art   B. speed   C. safety    D. research

58. How much time would be needed from Wuhan to Guangzhou if the train travelled at its top speed?

A. a little more than three hours           C. more than four hours

B. less than three hours                  D. less than seven hours

59. What can we learn from the passage?

A. There will be no problems on the new train.

B. Passengers are completely satisfied with the new train.

C. Jing Libin is very proud of the development of China’s railway.

D. China has 110 thousand kilometers ofthe railway operation length now.

60. What can we infer according to the author?

A. Nobody expected China would have such a fast train.

B. China will build more high speed railways.

C. The service of the train is hard to be improved.

D. China’s economy would slow down if her transport couldn’t be improved.



           New train route opens from China to Germany

   A container(集装箱) train left Beijing on Wednesday on its way to Hamburg, Germany. The new service was welcomed as real progress made in international rail cooperation.

  The train will travel about 9,800 kilometers through six countries, including China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland and Germany. The trip has gained support from those in customs declaration and clearance.

  Zhang Mingli, chairman of China Conainer Transportation Co., said, “This can be seen as a breakthrough in our cooperation. Today , railway officials from six countries are here to witness this event. This is very important to the development of the Asia-Europe Continental Bridge. This means of transportation has great potential for the countries involved.”

  Cargo on board includes electronic products, textiles and shoes. The trip to Hamburg, Germany will take 18 days. The same trip would take at least 40 days by container ship.

  Tomasl Palaszewski, vice president of Polish Natiional Railway, said, “There is big potential for container transportation to Europe.  The ceremony today shows that it will bring big benefits to all of us. So we hope that it will not only be a pilot train, but a permanent connection between China and Europe.”

  Railway officials from the six countries will discuss detailed measures to advance container transportation.

  Experts expect that the new land route will take a big slice of the pie of Chinese­-EU trade. But improvements in Chinese railway networks will still matter. China has plans to invest huge amounts of money to build up 18 railway container terminals in the coming five years.

 63. The purpose of this passage is to _______.

A. tell us about a new train route from China to Germany

B. promote the relationships between China and Europe

C. introduce a newly-developed container train

D. improve Chinese railway conditions

64.The new train route from China to Germany will______.

A. be opened in the coming five years          B. strengthen the Chinese-EU trade

C. make it convenient for us to visit Germany    D. take the place of container ships

65.From this passage, we know that_____.

A. it was China alone that built the new train route

B. not all of the countries along the new train route will support the event

C. one of the problems in railway cooperation between countries is customs declaration and clearance

D. the train mainly carries grains from China to Europe

66.The underlined word “pilot” most probably means ______.

A. guide       B. beginning      C. cooperative   D. cargo

67. From this passage, we can safely conclude that ______

A. there will be more and more railway cooperation between China and Europe

B. more and more Chinese will have better chances to visit Europe

C. Europeans enjoy Chinese electronic products

D. China-EU trade will depend on this newly-developed cargo train


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