








4 月 29 日



Dear schoolmates,

I'm a student of Senior Three in a high school ._____________________________




Students Union

Spril 29th



My grandfather went to high school in the 1920s. While in school, he became in the drama program, acting in various productions.He in touch with his drama teacher.

My father went to high school in the 1960s.Like his before him, he acted in high school. He, too, stayed in touch with his drama teacher for the rest of the teacher's I graduated in 1997. When Hoover, my drama teacher, was in Alaska, I didn't want her to feel like she was ending her life , so I sent her many packages, including Drama Club yearbook photos from each year she there in order that she could see the students whose lives she forever

Her nickname for our group of Drama Club was "the Throwaway Kids". , no? She described us as that we were nonconformists (不墨守成规者) that other teachers didn't know what to do with.She simply us for who we are, and that was exactly what we needed.

We have all become members of society: reporters, lawyers, and singers, soldiers, doctors and, you guessed it, teachers. Every member of my family is a teacher. This year the 73rd year we have taught in Alaska altogether.

me, teaching the course is only one important part of the job. As I returned to my classroom just before the final bell on the last day of school in May, I thought how the most emotional part of the experience will not be seeing the recent return to say "hello" at Christmas. That was how the of keeping in touch with our teachers our whole life long began in my family. Honestly, learning a lifetime.

1.A.famous B.active C.anxious D.attractive

2.A.lost B.provided C.kept D.shared

3.A.teacher B.classmate C.mother D.father

4.A.life B.job C.space D.season

5.A.dying B.singing C.acting D.playing

6.A.Poor B.angry C.anxious D.alone

7.A.taught B.constructed C.ordered D.noticed

8.A.protected B.developed C.scolded D.affected

9.A.Interesting B.Exciting C.Shocking D.Encouraging

10.A.because B.if C.But D.although

11.A.purely B.exactly C.obviously D.basically

12.A.entertained B.accepted C.disliked D.demanded

13.A.consuming B.contributing C.confirming D.connecting

14.A.fills B.marks C.covers D.deals

15.A.After B.With C.To D.By

16.A.natural B.simple C.entire D.casual

17.A.fel1 B.rang C.broke D.rolled

18.A.classmates B.soldiers C.adults D.graduates

19.A.tradition B.culture C.custom D.behavior

20.A.wastes B.puts C.takes D.Pulls

Doctors have a new weapon in the battle against obesity (过度肥胖) — a talking plate that tells people not to eat too quickly. The Mandometer monitors the amount of food leaving the plate, and tells users, “Please eat more slowly.”

The £1,500 Swedish device is to be used in a National Health Service plan to help hundreds of obese families lose weight. It comes in two parts — a scale placed under the plate and a small computer screen showing a graphic(图表) of the food gradually disappearing as the user eats. A red line on the screen shows the user’s eating speed, while a blue line shows a healthy rate. If the user eats too fast, the red line angles away from the blue one, warning him or her to ease off. If the lines deviate (偏离) too much, the computer voice comes on, and the screen flashes the message “Are you feeling full yet?” to remind users to think about whether they have had enough.

Britain has an increasingly serious obesity problem, with one in four adults and one in seven children classed as obese. After a recent trial using the device, experts believe teaching obese people to eat more slowly will help them know when they are full. Around 600 families with at least one obese parent and child (aged five or older) were targeted in the project by Bristol University, along with GPs and nurses.

Professor Julian Hamilton-Shield, who is leading the plan, says obese children and adolescents using the Mandometer ate from 12 to 15 percent less per meal at the end of the 12-month trial. Six months after they stopped using the device they still ate less, and continued to lose weight. “It will be a powerful tool to help families retrain their eating habits,” he says.

1.What does the red line on the screen show?

A. A healthy rate of eating. B. Too much food is left.

C. The user’s eating speed. D. The user is full.

2.What can we infer from the text?

A. The device can help obese people form good eating habits.

B. Every family will have such a device soon.

C. This device is the best way to lose weight.

D. People will no longer worry about obesity.

3.The underlined phrase ease off is closest in meaning to ______.

A. to become less tense B. to eat more slowly

C. to remove gently and slowly D. to stop

4.Which of the following is TRUE, according to the text?

A. 25% of children are obese in Britain.

B. One in seven adults is obese in Britain.

C. Children using the Mandometer ate less after the trial.

D. Six months after the trial, obese people are still eating a lot.

Ever since Canadian psychiatrist Michael R. Phillips, who works in China, released his report saying China’s suicide rate from 1995 to 1999 reached 0.023 percent, the country has been ranked among those with the highest suicide rates in the world. But Jing Jun, a professor of sociology in Tsinghua University, challenges that view and presents the true picture through his nationwide research.

Jing and his students took one year to set up the first national database on suicide rate to grasp the overall trend of suicides in China. They collected data from the Health Statistics Annuals of the World Health Organization (sample size 10 million), and the country’s Health Statistics Annuals (which cover 100 million people). The database covers 23 years, from 1987 to 2009. Jing calculates the suicide rate in China based on these data. Though the suicide rate was comparatively high in the early years, his study shows it has dropped in recent years, as opposed to the ascending trend in the rest of the world.

According to Jing’s calculation, China’s suicide rate had dropped to about 0.01 percent in 2004. In 2009, the figure dropped further to 0.007 percent, which is rather low compared with the global rate of 0.016 percent. Even if the “missing” suicides were added, China’s suicide rate in 2009 would still be below 0.008 percent.

Jing has found that one of the main reasons why the suicide rate has dropped was the steady and big decline in the number of suicides committed by rural women. In the early years, researchers generally agreed that the suicide rate among Chinese women was higher than among men, which is pretty rare in the rest the world. But the suicide rate among Chinese women, especially in rural areas, has declined remarkably in recent years. In fact, it is almost equal to that of Chinese men.

As a sociologist, Jing regards suicide as a social issue, and believes improvement of social policies will reduce the suicide rate even further. More people’s lives can be saved if the authorities adjust to social environment for the better, he concludes.

1.From Jing’s search, we can see ________.

A. China has been ranked among those with the highest suicide rates in the world

B. in the rest of the world suicide rate has been rising quickly in the last few years

C. different from Michael R. Philip’s idea, the trend of suicides in China is declining

D. the suicide rate among Chinese women is lower than that of men

2.The data in Para. 2 is mainly to prove that ________.

A. the result from Jing’s research is believable

B. Jing’s research is more complicated than Michael R. Phillip’s

C. Jing has made great efforts to make the research

D. China’s suicide rate was comparatively low all the time

3.Why has the suicide rate in China dropped steadily according to Jing Jun?

A. Because the life level of Chinese people has improved a lot.

B. Because China’s government has adopted measures to reduce the suicide rate.

C. Because the number of Chinese women who commit suicide has declined.

D. Because the world environment affects the suicide rate in China.

4.In Jing’s opinion, what should be done to reduce the suicide?

A. Pay more attention to rural women.

B. Continue to improve social environment.

C. Set up more mental health centers.

D. Make policies to prevent suicides.

5.We can infer that the text is _______.

A. a news report

B. a research report

C. a description of suicides

D. an introduction to a professor



Public Speaking Training

Get a coach:

Whatever the presentation, public speaking is tough 1. .Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.

2. :

Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well 3. .You already do lots of things well, so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn’t do.

Turn your back on too many rules:

If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's going to give you lots of dos and don'ts, walk away! Your brain is so full of what you're going to be talking about.So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse 4. .Your audience can be your friends.

You are a special person not a clone:

Most importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits.You aren't like anybody else. 5. , not try to turn you into someone you're not.

A.Check the rules about dos and don'ts

B.So, get help

C.Focus on positives.

D.As far as we're concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking

E.Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren't doing well

F.Your training course should help you bring out your personality.

G.You should think highly of the Public Speaking Training.

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