Ways to Keep Your Brain Young
Every brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Mental decline(下降) is common, and it is one of the most worrying consequences of aging.
1. Here are some ways that can help reduce your risk of age-related memory loss.
Get plenty of mental stimulation (激发).
Any mentally stimulating activity should help to build up your brain. 2. Experiment with things that require manual(手工的) skills as well as mental effort, such as drawing, painting and other crafts.
Get some physical exercise.
3. Animals that exercise regularly increase the number of tiny blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to the parts of the brain that is responsible for thought. Exercise also stimulates the brains to become more efficient and adaptive, which means having better performance.
Avoid tobacco and too much alcohol.
Avoid tobacco in all its forms and don’t abuse (滥用) alcohol. 4. And if you use alcohol responsibly, you may actually reduce your risk of dementia(痴呆). At least five studies have linked low amounts of alcohol with a reduced risk of dementia in older adults.
Other ways.
Improve your diet and eat the right food, as good nutrition(营养) can help your mind as well as your body. Stay slim and keep your blood pressure low. 5. Protect your head: moderate or severe head injuries strongly increase the risk of mental decline in old age. Build social networks. Strong social ties have been associated with lower blood pressure and longer life.
A. In fact, mental decline is not unavoidable.
B. Too much drinking is a major risk factor for dementia.
C. Experts are not ready to recommend aspirin(阿司匹林) for dementia.
D. Research shows that exercise may help your mind as well as your muscles.
E. High blood pressure increases the risk of mental decline in old age.
F. Low scores on mental tests don’t necessarily predict a risk of mental decline in old age.
G. Read, take courses, or try “mental gymnastics” such as word puzzles or mental maths problems.