
14.You work hard.  You will pass the exam.  (if)If you work hard,you will pass the exam..

分析 考查句型转换,句意:你工作努力.你将会通过考试.

解答 答案:If you work hard,you will pass the exam.给了两个简单句,并且给了连词"if",所以改成if引导的条件状语从句.

点评 句型转换:意思不能改变,只是句子结构,或者是表达方式改变.

5.A.Safety and Security Procedures
   Your safety and the security of your personal property(财产)are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest.We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.
   Lock your vehicle and do not leave money or valuable items inside.We are not responsible for their loss.
   Be good at noticing things around you when sightseeing or traveling.Stay in heavily traveled areas.Don't display large amounts of cash.
   For additional security,use the deadbolt (插锁) provided on your door and make sure the windows are locked.As an additional precautious measure,please secure the secondary locks provided.Do not admit anyone to your room without first making identification.A one-way viewer is provided in your door to assist with identification.If there is any doubt about the person's identity,please contact the Front Desk.
   Do not leave money or valuables in your room or vehicle.We provide free safety boxes for you.We are not responsible for items left in room valued over $200.
   Safeguard your key.Please do not leave it in the door.Do not give your key to others or leave it unattended.Please leave your key at the Front Desk when you check out.
   Please familiarize yourself with the nearest fire exits.Report fire or smoke to the hotel operator.In the unlikely event of a fire,please move quickly and calmly to the nearest safe exit and leave the building.Avoid the use of the elevator.
   Please report any suspicious activity,or safety concerns to management.
21.What should you do when a fire breaks out according to the passage?C
A.Try your best to put out the fire.
B.Report fire to your leader first.
C.Leave the building through the safe exit.
D.Use the electric lift to leave as fast as possible.
22.What should you do with a suspicious-looking stranger who knocks at your door?C
A.Pretend you are not in the room.
B.Send him to the police station.
C.Get in touch with the Front Desk.
D.Let him in to make sure of his identity.
23.Where are you advised to put your valuable things when you go out?D
A.In your cars.
B.In the room.
C.At the Front Desk.
D.In the free safety box.
24.Where might you see these suggestions?B
A.At a gym.B.At a hotel.C.At a shop.D.At a bank.
3.Most people feel lonely sometimes,but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours.(36)C   In fact,it is quite normal.For some people,though,loneliness can last for years.Psychologists are studying this complex phenomenon,and have identified three different types of loneliness.
The first kind of loneliness is temporary.This is the most common type.It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.The second kind,situation-for example,family problem,the death of a loved one,or moving to a new place.(37)G 
The third kind of loneliness is the most severe.Unlike the others,chronic (the opposite of"temporary") usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause.(38)E Unfortunately,many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.
Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a person's social contacts,for example,friends,family members,co-workers,etc.We depend on various people for different reasons.For instance,our families give us emotional support,our parents and teachers give us guidance,and our friends share similar interests and activities.However,psychologists have found that,though lonely people may have many social contacts,they sometimes feel they should have more.(39)B 
Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons.They are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness as heart disease.(40)F

A.It is very difficult to deal with.
B.They question their popularity.
C.This kind of loneliness is not serious.
D.They don't think they are in need of them.
E.People who experience it have problems socializing and becoming close to others.
F.What's more,temporary and situational loneliness can be a sad,and sometimes dangerous condition.
G.Although it can cause physical problems,such as headaches and sleeplessness,it usually does not last for more than a year.

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